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Let Your Life Be Joyful Quotes & Sayings

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Top Let Your Life Be Joyful Quotes

Let Your Life Be Joyful Quotes By Christiane Northrup

We are not proponents of long life. We are proponents of joyful life, and when you find yourself in joy, the longevity usually follows. We do not count the success of a life by its length; we count it by its joy. - ABRAHAM — Christiane Northrup

Let Your Life Be Joyful Quotes By Robin Sacredfire

Most people think that making a living from books is fun or joyful, but there's much more to it than what the eyes can see, and I wish I had more time for more profitable and also joyful activities. — Robin Sacredfire

Let Your Life Be Joyful Quotes By Kilroy J. Oldster

All things want to float as light as air through the world witnessing all that is. I am a mote of dust floating freely in the firmament, a person who merely is, and I feel full of joy for all worldly treasures, the immaculate gift of life. — Kilroy J. Oldster

Let Your Life Be Joyful Quotes By Marie Cornelio

The beautiful fragrance of joy is breathtaking. — Marie Cornelio

Let Your Life Be Joyful Quotes By Lailah Gifty Akita

Contentment is indispensable joy. — Lailah Gifty Akita

Let Your Life Be Joyful Quotes By Viggo Mortensen

Adult characters are all the things they've encountered over time. But kids haven't accumulated all the life experience, all the regrets. They tend to be more in the moment, more willing to play, to be joyful. — Viggo Mortensen

Let Your Life Be Joyful Quotes By Lailah Gifty Akita

My soul sings joyful praise to the Holy one. — Lailah Gifty Akita

Let Your Life Be Joyful Quotes By Natalie Portman

If we can find ways to love life and be joyful without being wasteful or destructive
that's what's important. — Natalie Portman

Let Your Life Be Joyful Quotes By Lailah Gifty Akita

Happiness is a joyful gratitude. — Lailah Gifty Akita

Let Your Life Be Joyful Quotes By Louise Hay

Loving myself and thinking joyful, happy thoughts is the quickest way to create a wonderful life. — Louise Hay

Let Your Life Be Joyful Quotes By Ray Bradbury

I've never worked a day in my life. The joy of writing has propelled me from day to day and year to year. I want you to envy me, my joy. Get out of here tonight and say: 'Am I being joyful?' And if you've got a writer's block, you can cure it this evening by stopping whatever you're writing and doing something else. You picked the wrong subject. — Ray Bradbury

Let Your Life Be Joyful Quotes By Kristen Heitzmann

The thing is done; it can't be undone. How can one go back and change a moment passed? Even a moment that should never have come. I fear with the deed I have lost not only my virtue but my life as well. For of all life's betrayers, the heart is the worst. It flutters with joyful anticipation, leading down paths better untrod. Now that I know my heart, I must never follow it again. — Kristen Heitzmann

Let Your Life Be Joyful Quotes By Debasish Mridha

Let your life be joyful, mystical, everlasting blossoms of poetic ecstasy. — Debasish Mridha

Let Your Life Be Joyful Quotes By F Scott Fitzgerald

His youth seemed never so vanished as now in the contrast between the utter loneliness of this visit and that riotous, joyful party of four years before. Things that had been the merest commonplaces of his life then, deep sleep, the sense of beauty around him, all desire, had flown away and the gaps they left were filled only with the great listlessness of his disillusion. — F Scott Fitzgerald

Let Your Life Be Joyful Quotes By T.F. Hodge

Truth's nakedness is not concerned with whom it strikes - painfully, or with pleasure; responding appropriately to its ingenuous temperament, however, rewards perceptions of unbiased transparency. — T.F. Hodge

Let Your Life Be Joyful Quotes By Debasish Mridha

Peace is in selfless caring
Peace is in true understanding
Peace is in undeserved kindness
Peace is in joyful forgiveness
Peace is in innocent trust
Peace is in becoming just
Peace is in a dancing butterfly
Peace is in a clear starry sky
Peace is a child's loving kiss
Peace is a life's pure bliss — Debasish Mridha

Let Your Life Be Joyful Quotes By Lailah Gifty Akita

May you have a joyful and grateful spirit. — Lailah Gifty Akita

Let Your Life Be Joyful Quotes By Debasish Mridha

Burning passion, definite purpose and joyful persistence are the defining force for true success. — Debasish Mridha

Let Your Life Be Joyful Quotes By Sharon Gannon

Jivamukti Yoga is a path to enlightenment through compassion for all beings. Jivamukti is a Sanskrit word that means to live liberated in joyful, musical harmony with the Earth. The Earth does not belong to us - we belong to the Earth. Let us celebrate our connection to life by not enslaving animals and exploiting the Earth, and attain freedom and happiness for ourselves in the process. For surely, the best way to uplift our own lives is to do all we can to uplift the lives of others. Go vegan! — Sharon Gannon

Let Your Life Be Joyful Quotes By Matshona Dhliwayo

The Blessing #1:

May your eyes be profitable,
may your ears be dutiful,
may your tongue be insightful,
may your hands be successful.

May your mind be fruitful,
may your heart be blissful,
may your soul be joyful,
may your life be peaceful. — Matshona Dhliwayo

Let Your Life Be Joyful Quotes By Max Lucado

Reasons for Joy Happy are the people whose God is the LORD. Psalm 144:15 "How's life?" someone asks. And we who've been resurrected from the dead say, "Well, things could be better." Or "Couldn't get a parking place." Or "My parents won't let me move to Hawaii." Or "People won't leave me alone so I can finish my sermon on selfishness." ... Are you so focused on what you don't have that you are blind to what you do? You have a ticket to heaven no thief can take, an eternal home no divorce can break. Every sin of your life has been cast to the sea. Every mistake you've made is nailed to the tree. You're blood-bought and heaven-made. A child of God - forever saved. So be grateful, joyful - for isn't it true? What you don't have is much less than what you do. — Max Lucado

Let Your Life Be Joyful Quotes By Jennie Allen

We love because he first loved us (1 John 4:19). When we don't love or feel joy or peace or passion, it's because we do not know his love or his joy or peace or passion. He is a person, not a magic pill you take when your life or your soul is broken. He is a person. He is a person you talk to and listen to and love and respect. He's someone you decide to spend time with and dream with, whom you follow and learn from and hurt with, and to whom you ask things - someone you choose over anybody else, over anything else. He is a person - the person who defines my life, sweeps in and changes me. When I let him in. We all want to be free, joyful, and peaceful, but we get reluctant to hand God everything. But that is part of the path to the things he promises us. — Jennie Allen

Let Your Life Be Joyful Quotes By Emil Cioran

How easy it is to recommend joy to those who cannot be joyful! How can one haunted by madness be joyful? Do all those who are so eager to promote joy realize what it means to feel and fear madness closing in, to live all your life with the tormenting presentiment of madness, to which is added the even more persistent and certain consciousness of death? Joy may very well be a state of bliss, but it can only be reached naturally. [ ... ] Since we cannot be joyful, there only remains the road of agony, of mad exaltation. Let us live the agony fully; let us live our inner tragedy absolutely and frenetically to the very end! All we have left is paroxysm, and when it subsides, there will be just one wisp of smoke ... our inner fire will ravish all. — Emil Cioran

Let Your Life Be Joyful Quotes By Debasish Mridha

Always try to live in a wonderful world where the sun is always shining, flowers are always blooming, birds are always singing, and you are always busy with a joyful life. — Debasish Mridha

Let Your Life Be Joyful Quotes By Kimberly Elise

I live a very joyful life, with a lot of laughter and good times. — Kimberly Elise

Let Your Life Be Joyful Quotes By Pema Chodron

Just pausing for two to three breaths is a perfect way to stay present. This is a good use of our life. Indeed, it is an excellent, joyful use of our life. Instead of getting better and better at avoiding, we can learn to accept the present moment as if we had invited it, and work with it instead of against it, making it our ally rather than our enemy. — Pema Chodron

Let Your Life Be Joyful Quotes By Debasish Mridha

To see the beauties, mysteries and magics of your existence look at it with intense love, child's wonder and joyful heart. — Debasish Mridha

Let Your Life Be Joyful Quotes By Jack Kornfield

The aim of spiritual life is to awaken a joyful freedom, a benevolent and compassionate heart in spite of everything. — Jack Kornfield

Let Your Life Be Joyful Quotes By Brene Brown

I was healthier, more joyful, and more grateful than I had ever felt. I felt calmer and grounded, and significantly less anxious. I had rekindled my creative life, reconnected with my family and friends in a new way, and most important, felt truly comfortable in my own skin for the first time in my life. — Brene Brown

Let Your Life Be Joyful Quotes By Debasish Mridha

A heart full of love and a joyful smiling face is the best makeup for life. — Debasish Mridha

Let Your Life Be Joyful Quotes By Lailah Gifty Akita

May we celebrate the sacredness of Christmas with joy, faith and hope. — Lailah Gifty Akita

Let Your Life Be Joyful Quotes By Knut Hamsun

God help me, how Tolstoy sweats over drying up people's sources of life, of wild and joyful life, drying them up and making the world fat with the love of God and everyman ... But the man is old, after all, his fountains of life run dry, without a trace remaining of human affections ... Only someone who has become slow and watertight with old age, satiated and hardened with pleasure, will go to youth and say, Renounce! ... And yet the youth renounces nothing, but sins royally for forty years. Such is the course of nature! — Knut Hamsun

Let Your Life Be Joyful Quotes By Debasish Mridha

The world is a dangerous place, but there is no better world. Remember, every one of us is responsible to make it a joyful place. — Debasish Mridha

Let Your Life Be Joyful Quotes By Lailah Gifty Akita

A grateful heart is good medicine. — Lailah Gifty Akita

Let Your Life Be Joyful Quotes By Sue Fitzmaurice

The real you is not sad, angry, depressed, ashamed, hurt, bitter or lost. These things are not real. They feel real but they're not. As spiritual beings living a brief human existence, this is not who we are. We are beautiful, radiant, joyful and loving. — Sue Fitzmaurice

Let Your Life Be Joyful Quotes By Martin Luther

The heavenly blessing is to be delivered from the law, sin and death; to be justified and quickened to life: to have peace with God; to have a faithful heart, a joyful conscience, a spiritual consolation; to have the knowledge of Jesus Christ; to have the gift of prophecy, and the revelation of the Scriptures; to have the gift of the Holy Ghost, and to rejoice in God. — Martin Luther

Let Your Life Be Joyful Quotes By John Piper

Don't waste your life on experiments. There are proven paths. They are marked out in the Word of God. They are understandable. They are precious. They are hard. And they are joyful. Search the Scriptures for these paths. When you find them, step on them with humble faith and courage. Set your face like flint toward the cross and the empty tomb
your cross and your empty tomb. Then, for the joy set before you, may a lifetime of sacrifices in the paths of love seem to you as a light and momentary affliction. — John Piper

Let Your Life Be Joyful Quotes By Lailah Gifty Akita

Be joyful. Be graceful. — Lailah Gifty Akita