Famous Quotes & Sayings

Latin America Economy Quotes & Sayings

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Top Latin America Economy Quotes

Latin America Economy Quotes By William Hague

The total economy of Latin America is bigger than China. — William Hague

Latin America Economy Quotes By Juan Manuel Santos

Europe would be well advised to pay more attention to Latin America. The emerging economies are the engines of the global economy. Colombia has done too little to improve its reputation in Europe. — Juan Manuel Santos

Latin America Economy Quotes By Yanis Varoufakis

This strategy, which was then used as the template for the rest of the European periphery, turning the majority of European states into what I jokingly refer to as Bailoutistan, was always going to backfire on the European economy. Tim Geithner and Jack Lew, his successor in the US Treasury Department, understood this well. They shared the concern that what started in Greece in 2010, with the combination of an absurd bailout and a hideous level of austerity, has put Europe into a position that undermines America's recovery and threatens the prospects of China, Latin America, even India and Africa. — Yanis Varoufakis

Latin America Economy Quotes By Morrissey

I don't mind if you forget me.
Having learned my lesson,
I never left an impression on anyone. — Morrissey

Latin America Economy Quotes By Oscar Arias

We may believe in the state's responsibility to alleviate the crushing poverty that afflicts 40 percent of Latin America's population, but most of us also affirm that there is no better cure for that poverty than a stronger, more globally integrated economy. — Oscar Arias

Latin America Economy Quotes By Jackie Kay

I think I'll get a nut roast. Maybe a nut roast is too lesbian? — Jackie Kay

Latin America Economy Quotes By Bobby Jones

It is nothing new or original to say that golf is played one stroke at a time. But it took me many years to realize it. — Bobby Jones

Latin America Economy Quotes By Hugo Chavez

In the United States, the government is bailing out banks, intervening in the economy, yet in Latin America, the Right continues to talk about 'free markets.' It's totally outdated; they don't have arguments; they don't have any sense. — Hugo Chavez

Latin America Economy Quotes By Enrique Pena Nieto

Free trade, far from protectionism, is the path that we should take to make Latin America a thriving actor in the global economy. — Enrique Pena Nieto

Latin America Economy Quotes By Ted Hughes

The jaws' hooked clamp and fangs Not to be changed at this date; A life subdued to its instrument. — Ted Hughes

Latin America Economy Quotes By Ace Hood

In order to perfect your craft, you've gotta go hard, you've gotta go overtime. — Ace Hood