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Justina Quotes & Sayings

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Top Justina Quotes

Justina Quotes By Justina Chen

What?" I lowered my cup hastily, wondering if maybe there was a stray hair, or worse, a newly boiled bug inside my cup.
You got to smell it first. It's the proper way to cup coffee."
Cup coffee?"
Taste it."
What? Are you the coffee police or something? — Justina Chen

Justina Quotes By Justina Robson

Max smiled, the smile of comfort, the one you give to someone who's made a big mistake and is suffering the consequences, the one that doesn't help but shows you understand. — Justina Robson

Justina Quotes By Justina Chen

Like world describers before me, those mapmakers in the seventeenth centure, I had laid down my first faintly drawn border. With that one tentative mark, my world expanded by a few freeing degrees. — Justina Chen

Justina Quotes By Justina Chen Headley

There is a time to study a map passionately, obsessively. To see where you've gone, where others have gone before you. To commit to memory every obstacle, every danger. Shakespeare had a term for this obsession: mappery. — Justina Chen Headley

Justina Quotes By Justina Chen

I just told Max flatly, "I had laser surgery last week to lighten my birthmark," as if it was no big deal.
Oh yeah?" he said. Unexpectedly, Max swiveled around, yanked his pants down.
The last thing I thought I had wanted to see tonight was Merc walking out the door. I was wrong. It was this stranger's rear end. "Please don't tell me this is one of those stripping telegrams? — Justina Chen

Justina Quotes By Justina Chen

No experience is wasted. — Justina Chen

Justina Quotes By Jeaniene Frost

If anyone's under a spell, Justina, it's me. Your daughter put one on me five years ago, and I haven't broken free of it yet. Oh, and you'll be delighted to know, we've decided to resume our relationship. Don't bother with congratulations - trust me, your expression is congratulations enough. — Jeaniene Frost

Justina Quotes By Justina Chen

Silence, too, can be torture. — Justina Chen

Justina Quotes By Justina Chen

Adventure in life is good; consistency in coffee even better. — Justina Chen

Justina Quotes By Justina Chen

You know, sometimes the most direct route isn't the right one. - Jacob — Justina Chen

Justina Quotes By Justina R. Page

Triumph doesn't have a universl measure! — Justina R. Page

Justina Quotes By Justina Chen

I took her hand in mine, not the way I used to hold hers as a child, but with our fingers woven together. And we strode through the archway of emperors and into the open
hand in hand, my mother and I. — Justina Chen

Justina Quotes By Justina Chen

Flawed, we're truly interesting, truly memorable, and yes, truly beautiful. — Justina Chen

Justina Quotes By Justina Chen

Isn't it funny that what the Japanese authors consider their first page is our happily-ever-after last one? When you think about it, it's not a bad way to approach life. What appears to be an ending--heartbreaking wounds that you can and cannot see--may just be a beginning, a start of a brand-new adventure. — Justina Chen

Justina Quotes By Justina Chen

But the truly brilliant geocachers?"
"Yeah?" he says. "What about us?"
"They know it by its real name. Terra Firma."
"Terra Firma," he repeats. At last, he slips his backpack off his shoulder. I know what he's looking for.
I take a breath. "You don't need your GPS for this cache."
His eyes don't move off mine; he's watching me so carefully. "You don't, huh?"
"Nope," I say.
Some things are meant to be kept - what you learn from experiences good or bad, smiles from an orphaned girl, a boy who is your compass pointing to your True North. So I look at Jacob full in the face with nothing obscuring him. Or me. And then I step closer to him. And closer. And closer yet.
"Here I am," I tell him. "Here I am. — Justina Chen

Justina Quotes By Justina Chen

Jacob: "Let her stare."
Terra: "What?"
Jacob: "Yeah most of the starers are just curious. Smile back. That's what I used to do. — Justina Chen

Justina Quotes By Justina Machado

I don't eat Puerto Rican food in L.A. because it's just too much, too addicting, but I know how to cook, so I can easily make it. I just choose not to because you never stop! I think my favorite would be pollo guisado con arroz blanco y habichuelas. I love tostones, I love maduros! I can eat rice and beans all day long! — Justina Machado

Justina Quotes By Justina Chen

That even within its ugliness, there lay a surprising beauty, breathtaking because it was so unexpected. — Justina Chen

Justina Quotes By Justina Chen

That's when it struck me: how gorgeous we all were, even with cellulite (saw a lot of that) and stretch marks, scars and tattoos. Let me just say this, not single body was perfect, not even the fittest of women there. — Justina Chen

Justina Quotes By Justina Chen

There is real comfort in being quiet. — Justina Chen

Justina Quotes By Justina Chen

The look he gave me ... My stomach quivered in that exact same way when I watched Before Sunset, yearning for a guy to know me so deeply and truly, we were only really complete when we were together. That I could talk, go on wild tangents, make obtuse references, and he would divine my meaning before I knew what I was trying to say myself. Erik had fallen asleep next to me on the couch, complaining later that the movie was "just people talking." He had no idea that this movie could have been a love letter written for me. — Justina Chen

Justina Quotes By Justina Chen

My confidence was of the hothouse variety, carefully cultivated under highly regulated conditions. One wrong look, one mean comment, and my facade would wither. — Justina Chen

Justina Quotes By Justina Chen

You can see beauty in everything, except for yourself. — Justina Chen

Justina Quotes By Justina Chen

He knew me in all the ways that truly mattered: the shape of my fears, the contours of my dreams. — Justina Chen

Justina Quotes By Justina Chen

To dream is to starve doubt, feed hope. — Justina Chen

Justina Quotes By Justina Machado

When I was in my 20s, I used to go crazy. I used to work out two or three hours a day, like cycling; I was never anorexic, just picky. When I was in my 30s, I'd go back and forth, now that I'm 41, I'm like, 'Whatever, man!' For the most part, I just do a regular workout. — Justina Machado

Justina Quotes By Justina Chen

You raze the old to raise the new. — Justina Chen

Justina Quotes By Justina Chen

Even geniuses can be A class assholes. — Justina Chen

Justina Quotes By Justina Chen

If there was one thing I refused to be, it was an insignificant footnote in some boy's history. — Justina Chen

Justina Quotes By Jeaniene Frost

You don't have body parts there do you?" my mother interrupted. "I don't want to open the fridge and find a head on the shelf" Rodney laughed. "No Justina, it doesn't look like Jeffrey Dahmer's hideaway. — Jeaniene Frost

Justina Quotes By Justina Chen

And then there was Jacob, who stepped closer to me and then waited, letting me decide whether I would take the next step. Balanced there in indecision, it was as if the Twisted Sisters were before me, shaking their pom-poms, asking: But what is fair about staying with a guy who is ashamed to be seen with you? What was so miraculous about a relationship that was based more on my gratitude than mutual respect. — Justina Chen

Justina Quotes By Jeaniene Frost

That's right, Justina!' he said more than
once. 'We're going to knock those demons out and slay them with the power of Jesus. Hallelujah, can I get an amen? — Jeaniene Frost

Justina Quotes By Justina Chen

That's exactly why nature always trumps gardens. Gardens are just reality pruned of chaos. What doesn't work you rip out. — Justina Chen

Justina Quotes By Justina Machado

I'm not one of those actors that knows everything about politics. — Justina Machado

Justina Quotes By Justina Chen

What was so miraculous about a relationship that was based more on my gratitude than on mutual self respect? — Justina Chen

Justina Quotes By Justina Robson

Because there's nothing you can do about other people's reactions. You be yourself and let them be themselves and if you don't get what you want then tough and if you do then good for you and that's it. Everything else is manipulation and I spit on it.
-Zal — Justina Robson

Justina Quotes By Justina Chen

The pressure of his touch through my jacket and my sweater was more assurance than any promise ever made to me. It was a touch that said, I have your back and I am here for you. If a girl wasn't careful, she could fall in love with a touch like that. — Justina Chen

Justina Quotes By Justina Chen

From her dubious tone alone, I could see how Karin had no idea how terrifying words spoken quietly could be. How words chosen precisely to wreak maximum damage ticked like a bomb in your head, but exploded in your heart hours later, leaving you scarred and changed. — Justina Chen

Justina Quotes By Justina Chen

I understood now: how nothing looked more beautiful than that scar of his, that borderline that separated what Jacob could have been had he stayed in that orphanage from who he is. — Justina Chen

Justina Quotes By Justina Chen

I didn't know that the world could be so mind-blowingly beautiful. — Justina Chen

Justina Quotes By Justina Chen

Jolie laide = "pretty ugly"
Draws you to it ... bored into heart and mind. — Justina Chen

Justina Quotes By Justina Chen

By the time I slip back to my room, it's almost six. Jasmine is in bed, awake and waiting for me ... "Where were you?"
Where was I? Chased by a fat guard, hit by a laugh attack and nearly thrown out of Stanford University Math Camp, never to see the light of the campus ever again, and certainly not as a future student. — Justina Chen

Justina Quotes By Justina Chen

A pathfinder's job is hard enough - blazing trails where there are none, guided by nothing but hearsay and gut. While you're hacking your way through bracken, worrying about lurking beasts, all you can do is hope you had chosen the right direction. — Justina Chen

Justina Quotes By Justina Chen

If art made you think, then this was Art. Staring at the ball, made of layers and layers of cloth, I wondered about the glass marble at its heart. What if you wanted to reach that marble? Make sure it was still whole?
You'd have to remove the layers. You'd have to risk breaking the ball for a chance at freeing it. Fear, knowledge, certainty - you'd have to be willing to let them all go. — Justina Chen

Justina Quotes By Justina Chen

How many times had I begged Mom to divorce him already? — Justina Chen

Justina Quotes By Justina Robson

No duelling. No summoning of imps or other manifestations of elements potentially damaging to the records, including but not limited to: elementals, imps, sprites, ifrits, goblins, vile maidens, elohim, and major, minor and inferior spawn. No praying. No cursing, except by staff. The library is closed on public holidays. Donations welcome."
-Demonia Library — Justina Robson

Justina Quotes By Justina Chen

These two people who had everything money could buy but the one thing that could be given freely: love. — Justina Chen

Justina Quotes By Justina Machado

I'm a wise Latina woman. Whatever, man. Thank God I'm not in politics, because the fact that you have to explain everything - I'd kill myself. I can't take all those little things they dissect. I'm like, 'Oh my God, get a life.' I don't have time for this. — Justina Machado

Justina Quotes By Justina Chen

When the creative impulse sweeps over you, grab it. You grab it and honor it and use it, because momentum is a rare gift. — Justina Chen

Justina Quotes By Jeaniene Frost

Rodney set a plate in front of me and one in front of my mother. I almost fainted when she began to eat instead of hurling it at him. Had one of the vampires gotten tired of her bitching and bitten her into a better mood?
She caught my flabbergasted look. "I watched what he put in it" she said defensively.
Rodney, instead of being insulted, just laughed. "You're welcome, Justina. — Jeaniene Frost

Justina Quotes By Justina Chen

Safe, I decided, didn't leave much room for fun. — Justina Chen

Justina Quotes By Justina Chen Headley

Getting lost is just another way of saying 'going exploring. — Justina Chen Headley

Justina Quotes By Justina Chen

When you think about it, life is a risk. Every day is a risk. Getting in a car is a risk. Loving is a risk. But, darling, losing it all means that you have a chance to rebuild, better than before. — Justina Chen

Justina Quotes By Jeaniene Frost

Actually, Justina, I didn't just ring you to chat about what an undead murderer I was ... right, degenerate whore as well. Did I ever tell you my mum was one? No? Oh, blimey, I come from a long line of whores, in fact I called to give you the good news. I asked you daughter to marry me. Now, do you want me to call you Mum straightaway, or wait until after the wedding? — Jeaniene Frost

Justina Quotes By Justina Chen

Without looking at Jacob, I said slowly, 'Well, it seeps into you. It doesn't make you forget yourself, but totally the opposite.' I chance a glance at him. He was watching me intently. No glaze in his eyes. So I continued more bravely: 'It connect you with everything and fills you with awe that you share the same space with something that glorious. Like a sunrise on a clear blue day of the most extraordinary piece of glass. And then suddenly'
my hands escaped their tight grip in my lap, and now my fingers splayed wide like fireworks in the air
'you have this epiphany that there's more to the world than just you and what you want or even who you are. — Justina Chen

Justina Quotes By Justina Chen

Physical beauty wasn't the same as True Beauty, any more than pretty ugly meant truly ugly or Magnetic North meant True North. — Justina Chen

Justina Quotes By Justina Chen

Maybe that was the problem," Jacob said softly. "Don't we all need to feel needed? That we'd be missed if we were gone? — Justina Chen

Justina Quotes By Justina Chen

I wondered about her chicken-and-egg relationship with Dad. Which came first? Her helplessness or his controlling? — Justina Chen

Justina Quotes By Justina Chen Headley

I'm making art.
Terra — Justina Chen Headley

Justina Quotes By Justina Chen

Ever the collector of treasure maps that promised the world but led nowhere. — Justina Chen

Justina Quotes By Justina Chen

You know, there are easier ways to meet a guy than to run him over. — Justina Chen

Justina Quotes By Justina Chen

I preferred my brand of beauty where Norah was more beautiful than any bimbette, and Mom was beautiful whether sized extra-small or extra-large. Where Peony could look at herself in the mirror and murmur, wow, look at me. Just look at me. — Justina Chen

Justina Quotes By Justina Ireland

Why are all pretty boys insane? — Justina Ireland

Justina Quotes By Justina Chen

Progress is hard on history. — Justina Chen

Justina Quotes By Justina Chen

Hao Kan," I said gently, quietly, firmly as if it was a pact between the two of us.
She blinked. I wasn't sure if she understood. Or if she believed she was beautiful. So I pointed at her and then to me. And I repeated with utter conviction, "Hao Kan."
Those words, my pronouncement, won me the girl's slow nod. I nodded back. And when she smiled, wide and open, I tell you, there was nothing more beautiful that that. — Justina Chen

Justina Quotes By Justina Chen

Come on, don't you ever stop and smell the coffee? — Justina Chen

Justina Quotes By Justina Chen

Mom was crying while she cooked, salting domesticity with anguish, the recipe of her life. — Justina Chen

Justina Quotes By Justina Chen

You know there are better ways to meet a guy then running him over. — Justina Chen

Justina Quotes By Justina Chen

North-ish." A pause, and then: "Is that Terra for I'm lost-ish? — Justina Chen

Justina Quotes By Jeaniene Frost

There were place cards at the head table, which was one long, rectangular thing that would have everyone facing the reception room. I sat at the one marked Chritine Russell. Randy say to my left, with Denise to his right. To my right read Chris Pin. Who ... ?
"You've got to be kidding me," I said aloud. Why didn't I just shoot myself and get it over with?
"Justina, we meet again." Bones appeared and took his seat next to me as I vaulted out of my chair. "Wouldn't want to be rude, but I believe your table is over there. — Jeaniene Frost

Justina Quotes By Justina Chen

What swells inside me is a love so boundless, I am the sunrise and sunset. I am Liberty Bell in the Cascades. I am Beihai Lake. I am every beautiful, truly beautiful, thing I've ever seen, captured in my personal Geographia, the atlas of myself. — Justina Chen

Justina Quotes By Jeaniene Frost

Tammy looked at the knife again. "I don't know ... " Bones let out an exasperated noise. "Justina, come here and show her how it's done." My mother looked more surprised than Tammy had when the whole conversation began. I was taken aback, too. "You want me to stab you?" my mother asked in disbelief. Bones gave her an impish grin. "Come on, Mum. How many times have you dreamed about that? — Jeaniene Frost

Justina Quotes By Justina Chen

We can choice to cower at the river's edge, watching as life sails past us, always the bystander, never the participant. We can shade our eyes and fret about all the untold dangers below the surface. We can play and replay all the warnings we've ever heard.
Or we can equip ourselves with what we need to survive — Justina Chen

Justina Quotes By Justina Chen

Teachers wondered why I didn't speak up more in class. Why would I when I knew how precarious words could be, how betraying they were, how vulnerable they made you? — Justina Chen

Justina Quotes By Justina Chen

You don't need a geochache for this one."
"You don't, huh?"
"Nope.. here I am. Here I am. — Justina Chen

Justina Quotes By Justina Chen

Its as if God cruised through one of those Chinese fast-food buffets and bought Abe the full meal dealso he can pass for Mama's beloved son. When it came to my turn, all that was left was one of those soggy egg rollsthat doesn't qualify as real Chinese food. — Justina Chen

Justina Quotes By Jeaniene Frost

I thought you'd gotten over your whoring when you left him, Catherine, but it seems you only postponed it."
Bones' face turned to stone, and he answered her even before I could snap out an indignant response.
"Don't you ever speak to her that way again." There was pure warning in the whip of his words. "You can call me any name you like and more, but I will not stand by while you slander her out of your own ignorance. — Jeaniene Frost

Justina Quotes By Justina Chen

You would be surprised what two hours of daily exercise and five hundred stomach crunches can do for you. — Justina Chen

Justina Quotes By Justina Chen

Call yourself a tea drinker all you want, but I know your sneaking in a cup of Kona.... — Justina Chen

Justina Quotes By Justina Chen

No power was total, no power permanent, no power absolute. — Justina Chen

Justina Quotes By Justina Ireland

The darkness agrees with me. It asks me to release it, as loud as a roar and as quiet as a whisper. I remember what my sister said long ago: You must control the darkness. You can't ever give in to it. But the shadows want to make me happy, and I deserve a little happiness — Justina Ireland

Justina Quotes By Justina Chen

Maybe getting around in life was nothing but map-reading. A skill that required practice. A key to unlock where you wanted to go. A legend to show where you were. — Justina Chen

Justina Quotes By Justina Chen Headley

Inertia is so easy - don't fix what's not broken. Leave well enough alone. So we end up accepting what is broken, mistaking complaining for action, procrastinating for deliberation. — Justina Chen Headley

Justina Quotes By Justina Chen

What would it be like to look in the mirror and actually accept what you see? Not loathe the reflection, or despise it, or be resigned to it? But to like it? — Justina Chen

Justina Quotes By Justina Chen

There must be a few times in life when you stand at a precipice of a decision. When you know there will forever be a Before and an After ... I knew there would be no turning back if I designated this moment as my own Prime Meridian from which everything else would be measured. — Justina Chen

Justina Quotes By Justina Chen

If Jacob was right and clothes were costumes and makeup a mask, then our attitudes and habits must be our shields. — Justina Chen

Justina Quotes By Justina Chen Headley

All maps lie. Even the best maps distort the truth. Entire wars have been won and lost because of maps, these keepers of secrets. — Justina Chen Headley

Justina Quotes By Justina Chen

So, really," continued Jacob as if this were perfectly normal to expound on art in these circumstances, "when you think about it, the artists who make people stop and think, who push the form, who make you uncomfortable, who are laughable, well, they're the ones who get remembered." Idly, Jacob dug a hole in the snow with his shovel and then another one next to it. "So why wouldn't you want to join the ranks of the ridiculed? — Justina Chen

Justina Quotes By Justina Chen

Maybe we don't have the same definition of about what's beautiful. So define it. Define true beauty. — Justina Chen

Justina Quotes By Justina Chen

Forgiving others is easier when I remember that I'm human and stupid, too. — Justina Chen

Justina Quotes By Justina Chen

This is beautiful," I said, ignoring the shop window to trace the gleaming stone walls fronting another boutique.
"You know what's funny?" Jacob asked. He didn't wait for my answer. "You can see beauty in everything, except for yourself."
I swallowed hard. Erik thought my body was beautiful, Karin that it was enviable. At random times, people had noted that my hands were beautiful, or my hair. The Twisted Sisters had called my art beautiful. Mom had the best intentions and always told me before and after my laser surgeries that I would be beautiful. But no one had ever said that I was beautiful, all my parts taken together, not just the bits and pieces. — Justina Chen

Justina Quotes By John Cheever

Justina's life had been exemplary, but by ending it she seemed to have disgraced us all. — John Cheever

Justina Quotes By Lindsey Davis

It struck me there might be a reason why Helena Justina whipped along at such a cracking pace: she did not want to be stuck in the wilderness with my corpse. I thanked Jove for her ruthless good sense. I did not want my corpse to be stuck with her in any case. — Lindsey Davis

Justina Quotes By Justina Machado

I have actually been very blessed in my career. — Justina Machado

Justina Quotes By Justina Chen

Hey, if it's a good philosophy, it works. Death is imminent. Live every day like it's your last. — Justina Chen

Justina Quotes By Justina Chen

Beauty - real everlasting beauty - lives not on our faces, but in our attitude and our actions. It lives in what we do for ourselves and for others. — Justina Chen

Justina Quotes By Justina Chen

But even quashed rebellions leave us different. Because freedom may be a forbidden fruit in tyrannies, but once tasted, it is unforgettable. — Justina Chen

Justina Quotes By Sarah Bower

Agatha surveys the garden, its rows of crinkled spring cabbages and beanstalks entwining bowers of hawthorn and hazel. The rosemary is dotted with pale blue stars of blossom and chives nod heads of tousled purple. New sage leaves sprout silver green among the brittle, frost-browned remains of last year's growth. Lily of the valley, she thinks, that will be out in the cloister garden at Saint Justina's by now. — Sarah Bower

Justina Quotes By Jeaniene Frost

You know what your problem is, Justina? You're in desperate need of a good shag. "Not that I'm offering you one myself, mind. My days as a whore ended back in the seventeen hundreds."
The gin was abruptly sucked back into my lungs as I gasped. He did not just tell my mother about his former profession; sweet Jesus, let me have heard incorrectly!
I hadn't, and Bones went right on. " ... But I have a friend who owes me a favor and he could be persuaded to ... Kitten, are you all right?"
I'd stopped breathing as soon as he casually admitted to his prior occupation. Add that to the liquid stuck in my lungs, and no, I wasn't all right. — Jeaniene Frost