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It Saddens Me Quotes & Sayings

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Top It Saddens Me Quotes

It Saddens Me Quotes By Ian Anderson

I am not afraid to appear in Israel, although when I come to a place like Israel, I know it's not a picnic by the Thames. I am aware of the tension and it saddens me. — Ian Anderson

It Saddens Me Quotes By Lynn C. Tolson

It saddens me beyond my tears that love is lost within the fears. — Lynn C. Tolson

It Saddens Me Quotes By F.E. Higgins

How it saddens me to see how quickly men turn against each other. — F.E. Higgins

It Saddens Me Quotes By Jim Donovan

It saddens me when I see older people using canes and walkers, especially since I know, in many cases, it could have been prevented. With the exception of accidents and injuries, the crippling effects of aging we see are the result of poor health choices, a sedentary lifestyle, lack of exercise and most of all, the acceptance that this is a "normal" part of the aging process. It is not. This will become quite clear as you read in Chapter 8 what the various health authorities have to say. — Jim Donovan

It Saddens Me Quotes By Marilynne Robinson

It saddens me that Christians need to be reminded that awe is owed also to those who disagree with them, who believe otherwise than they do. — Marilynne Robinson

It Saddens Me Quotes By Tim McGraw

It saddens me to think that there are children in America who are hungry every day of their lives. No one can live - and grow - withoiut such a fundamental necessity as food. If we Americans reach out to our own communities, we could end this crisis. — Tim McGraw

It Saddens Me Quotes By Michael K. Powell

It saddens me when public officials and bureaucrats are criticized for ulterior motives, none of which I have ever found in a government bureaucrat, or when someone personalizes disagreements. — Michael K. Powell

It Saddens Me Quotes By Constantine P. Cavafy

Days to come stand in front of us
like a row of lighted candles
golden, warm, and vivid candles.
Days gone by fall behind us,
a gloomy line of snuffed-out candles;
the nearest are smoking still,
cold, melted, and bent.
I don't want to look at them: their shape saddens me,
and it saddens me to remember their original light.
I look ahead at my lighted candles.
I don't want to turn for fear of seeing, terrified,
how quickly that dark line gets longer,
how quickly the snuffed-out candles proliferate. — Constantine P. Cavafy

It Saddens Me Quotes By Joseph Prince

It saddens me that in many churches today, you hardly hear the name of Jesus being mentioned. Instead, you hear psychology being taught. You hear motivational teachings. You hear 'doing, doing, doing', 'vision, vision, vision' or 'calling, calling, calling'. You hear very little of Jesus Christ and His finished work being taught. Is this what Christianity is about? Your doing, your calling and your vision? — Joseph Prince

It Saddens Me Quotes By Paul Halmos

It saddens me that educated people don't even know that my subject exists. — Paul Halmos

It Saddens Me Quotes By Elizabeth Taylor

I was born with scoliosis. I have a double curvature of the spine, and it's forced me to use a wheelchair because the disease has really taken hold. It really saddens me that I can't ride. — Elizabeth Taylor

It Saddens Me Quotes By Julian Cope

I signed contracts I didn't think were a good idea but people around me said it was the way forward. It saddens me that I'll never own my first album ever, which sucks. — Julian Cope

It Saddens Me Quotes By Prabal Gurung

It saddens me to see the reality-television shows that are getting so much fanfare that are a celebration of stupidity and the degradation of women. And those women are consistently wearing too short, too tight dresses. I hope the trend of aging gracefully returns. — Prabal Gurung

It Saddens Me Quotes By Masta Killa

War's extremely serious and it saddens me. — Masta Killa

It Saddens Me Quotes By James Dashner

It saddens me how little you grasp," the woman responded. "Truly. — James Dashner

It Saddens Me Quotes By Yvon Chouinard

There is a beginning and end to all life - and to all human endeavors. Species evolve and die off. Empires rise, then break apart. Businesses grow, then fold. There are no exceptions. I'm OK with all that. Yet it pains me to bear witness to the sixth great extinction, where we humans are directly responsible for the extirpation of so many wonderful creatures and invaluable indigenous cultures. It saddens me to observe the plight of our own species; we appear to be incapable of solving our problems. — Yvon Chouinard

It Saddens Me Quotes By Celine Kiernan

(on teaching writing)
So many writers come to class with one question dominant in their mind, 'How do I make a living from this?' It's a fair enough question and one I always try to answer well - but it saddens me that it so often overshadows the more relevant questions of 'why am I writing' and 'what am I saying' and 'how do I keep it honest. — Celine Kiernan

It Saddens Me Quotes By Michael Puttonen

A city finds its life through the humans who inhabit it. When they go, what is truly left? Just silent stones, witnesses to the history but mute in its telling, remaining thus while slowly turning to rubble. It saddens me that life's moments are thus lost, that one cannot experience the past in the same rich vibrancy as the present. You live the moments and then relegate them to memory, now just two-dimensional shadows, pictures without depth, stripped of their purest emotion, their tactile connections no longer accessible. You try to recall, but can bring back only a fraction of the event lived. The rest is gone, never to be as full and complete as it was in that one place at that one time. That was what I thought as I studied these stone remains; that all the tangible things experienced here abide somewhere in time, but can never again be wholly re-animated, now just ghosts imbedded in the crumbling walls and in the fading memories of those who once lived here. — Michael Puttonen

It Saddens Me Quotes By Christopher Morley

only as idiocy! I hope that you will write to tell me along what curves your mind is moving. For my own part I feel that we are on the verge of amazing things. Long ago I fell back on books as the only permanent consolers. They are the one stainless and unimpeachable achievement of the human race. It saddens me to think that I shall have to die with thousands of books unread that would have given me noble and unblemished happiness. I will tell you a secret. I have never read King Lear, and have purposely refrained from doing so. If I were ever very ill I would only need to say to myself "You can't die yet, you haven't read Lear." That would bring me round, I know it would. You — Christopher Morley

It Saddens Me Quotes By Christopher Pike

Most people would probably call me a ghost. I am, after all, dead. But I don't think of myself that way. It wasn't so long ago that I was alive, you see. I was only eighteen. I had my whole life in front of me. Now I suppose you could say I have all of eternity before me. I'm not sure exactly what that means yet. I'm told everything's going to be fine. But I have to wonder what I would have done with my life, who I might have been. That's what saddens me most about dying--that I'll never know. — Christopher Pike

It Saddens Me Quotes By Hillary Clinton

It saddens me that a historic event like this is being misconstrued by a small but vocal group of critics trying to spread the notion that the UN gathering is really the work of radicals and atheists bent on destroying our families. — Hillary Clinton

It Saddens Me Quotes By Zach Braff

Most people just aren't grateful for the lives they have, and it really saddens me. For instance, I said 'hello' to a man the other day, and he didn't even recognize me. It just really saddens me. — Zach Braff

It Saddens Me Quotes By Fernando Botero

I often think about death and it saddens me to leave this world and not be able to paint more. I love it so much, — Fernando Botero

It Saddens Me Quotes By Sue Monk Kidd

How can you ask us to go back to our parlors?" I said, rising to my feet. "To turn our backs on ourselves and on our own sex? We don't wish the movement to split, of course we don't - it saddens me to think of it - but we can do little for the slave as long as we're under the feet of men. Do what you have to do, censure us, withdraw your support, we'll press on anyway. Now, sirs, kindly take your feet off our necks. — Sue Monk Kidd

It Saddens Me Quotes By Demi Lovato

When I look back, it saddens me to think that I was so hard on myself - when I was younger, I thought I had to look like everyone else, but I learned that beauty comes from how you feel about yourself. Once I started taking care of my mind, body, and soul, I realized that I didn't need to conform to what's "normal" and started to love myself. — Demi Lovato

It Saddens Me Quotes By Rick Perry

When it comes to conservative social issues, it saddens me when sometimes my fellow Republicans duck and cover in the face of pressure from the left. Our loudest opponents on the left are never going to like us so let's quit trying to curry favor with them. — Rick Perry

It Saddens Me Quotes By Catherine Austen

It saddens me that she has to grow up and make friends with humans. I hear the future coming for her. Stomp, stomp, stomp. — Catherine Austen

It Saddens Me Quotes By Daniel Dae Kim

It saddens me to know that I jeopardized the welfare of the kind people of Hawaii, a community that I love and call my home. — Daniel Dae Kim

It Saddens Me Quotes By Travis Tritt

I liked experimenting with a lot of different styles. So, it always saddens me when I see young people, or even older people for that matter, who are limited to one specific type of music. They don't really allow themselves to experience so many types of music out there that are so wonderful to listen to. And there's good parts and bad parts, I guess, to all of them. — Travis Tritt

It Saddens Me Quotes By Nelson Mandela

During the years I lived here, the people of Alexandra ignored tribal and ethnic distinctions. Instead of being Xhosas, or Sothos, or Zulus, or Shangaans, we were Alexandrans. We were one people, and we undermined the distinctions that the apartheid government tried so hard to impose. It saddens and angers me to see the rising hatred of foreigners. — Nelson Mandela