Famous Quotes & Sayings

Quotes & Sayings About Iphones

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Top Iphones Quotes

Iphones Quotes By Tony Abbott

All of the people who are using their BlackBerries or their iPhones, Facebook, all of the people who are sitting in cafes and hotels rooms doing their work, they're all using wireless technology, and we shouldn't assume that the only way of the future is high speed cable. — Tony Abbott

Iphones Quotes By Ian Bogost

Today, all our wives and husbands have Blackberries or iPhones or Android devices or whatever-the progeny of those original 950 and 957 models that put data in our pockets. Now we all check their email (or Twitter, or Facebook, or Instagram, or) compulsively at the dinner table, or the traffic light. Now we all stow our devices on the nightstand before bed, and check them first thing in the morning. We all do. It's not abnormal, and it's not just for business. It's just what people do. Like smoking in 1965, it's just life. — Ian Bogost

Iphones Quotes By Clay Shirky

The other is Shenzhen, the southern city most known for electronics manufacturing - it is the location of the largest Foxconn factory, where iPhones and iPads, among other devices, are assembled. — Clay Shirky

Iphones Quotes By Rachel Nichols

I love to personalize things. I love to make things my own. I like to name everything - from cars to iPhones to the socks I just lost. — Rachel Nichols

Iphones Quotes By Martin Rees

There's now, for the first time, a huge gulf between the artefacts of our everyday life and what even a single expert, let alone the average child, can comprehend. The gadgets that now pervade young people's lives, iPhones and suchlike, are baffling 'black boxes' - pure magic to most people. — Martin Rees

Iphones Quotes By Cary Fukunaga

I don't really see a huge divide between filmmaking and television. In the end, a lot of people are going to be watching this stuff on their laptops and their iPhones anyway. So, it doesn't really matter where it comes from, as long as the stories get told. — Cary Fukunaga

Iphones Quotes By Megan Fox

Real crime-beat investigative journalism does seem to be really dwindling, especially in this age with everything being centered around iPhones. Everyone's a journalist today, essentially. Every pedestrian on the street has the potential of capturing a big story on their mobile device and then selling it and making a lot of money. — Megan Fox

Iphones Quotes By David Letterman

Apparently, there's something hinky about the new iPhones. They're not hooked up right. There's a problem with the antenna. They don't like to be held - like my ex-wife. — David Letterman

Iphones Quotes By Noelle Scaggs

Before I began seeing a therapist, I lost a few iPhones due to chucking them across a room. — Noelle Scaggs

Iphones Quotes By Amy Poehler

I cannot stress enough that the answer to life's questions is often in people's faces. Try putting your iPhones down once in a while, and look in people's faces. People's faces will tell you amazing things. Like if they are angry, or nauseous or asleep. — Amy Poehler

Iphones Quotes By Robert Glasper

Once I started getting mainstream people to my shows, I realized we were taking too many solos, and they were too long. I started gauging when people were going on their iPhones. — Robert Glasper

Iphones Quotes By Joshua Foer

How much are we willing to lose from our already short lives by losing ourselves in our Blackberries, our iPhones, by not paying attention to the human being across from us who is talking with us, by being so lazy that we're not willing to process deeply? — Joshua Foer

Iphones Quotes By Rand Paul

Let's overwhelm the Castro regime with iPhones, iPads, American cars and American ingenuity. — Rand Paul

Iphones Quotes By Anastasia Griffith

Nothing we do is ever going unnoticed. It's on CCTV cameras, it's on iphones, it's everywhere. — Anastasia Griffith

Iphones Quotes By Shane Kuhn

They're more interested in their fucking iPhones than doing their jobs. I can see the glow of their phone screens on their faces as they check e-mail, update their Facebook slaveware, dream of living, breathing, and fucking through the anonymity of text and memes. — Shane Kuhn

Iphones Quotes By Marcus Brigstocke

To the people who've got iPhones: you just bought one, you didn't invent it! — Marcus Brigstocke

Iphones Quotes By Blake Crouch

The people I bring out of suspension to populate my town won't have Facebook or iPhones, iPads, Twitter, next-day delivery. They'll interact like our species used to. Face-to-face. And — Blake Crouch

Iphones Quotes By Lindsey Vonn

I love the cowbell. I think it's awesome. My family got the cowbell app on their iPhones. It's a classic part of ski racing. — Lindsey Vonn

Iphones Quotes By Brandon Stanton

In an age of iPhones and Playstations, it's great to see that somebody's still rocking the bus-on-a-string. — Brandon Stanton

Iphones Quotes By Glenn Beck

Thanks is part to our education system, we tend to think that we're smarter than the stupid guys in funny wigs who came before us. But that's because we are mistaking technology, progress, and access to information for intelligence. We think that because we know how to use iPhones (but not build them), browse the Internet (but not understand how it works), and use Google (but not really know anything), our educational system is working just great. By the same token, we think that those dumb aristocrats who used horses to get around and didn't have electricity were neanderthals. — Glenn Beck

Iphones Quotes By Jeremy Glass

We can't jump off bridges anymore because our iPhones will get ruined. We can't take skinny dips in the ocean because there's no service on the beach and adventures aren't real unless they're on Instagram. Technology has doomed the spontaneity of adventure and we're helping destroy it every time we Google, check-in, and hashtag. — Jeremy Glass

Iphones Quotes By Kevin Sampsell

I have a very positive outlook on things. It's hard to predict how actual books are going to do but I'm not freaked out about ebooks taking over. I think there are probably more active readers now because of computers and iPhones. — Kevin Sampsell

Iphones Quotes By Dave DeBronkart

Think about the possibility: why is it that iPhones and iPads advance far faster than the health tools that are available to you to help take care of your family? — Dave DeBronkart

Iphones Quotes By Thomas Friedman

Something really big happened in the world's wiring in the last decade, but it was obscured by the financial crisis and post-9/11. We went from a connected world to a hyperconnected world. I'm always struck that Facebook , Twitter, 4G, iPhones, iPads, ubiquitous wireless and Web-enabled cellphones, the cloud, Big Data, cellphone apps and Skype did not exist or were in their infancy a decade ago. — Thomas Friedman

Iphones Quotes By Douglas Rushkoff

Files on iTunes - and thus iPods - are incompatible with everything else. Applications on iPhones may only be sold and uploaded through the iPhone store - giving Apple control over everything people put on to the devices they thought they owned. — Douglas Rushkoff

Iphones Quotes By Warren Ellis

We hold up iPhones and, if we're relatively conscious of history, we point out that this is an amazing device that contains a live map of the world and the biggest libraries imaginable and that it's an absolute paradigm shift in personal communication and empowerment. And then some knob says that it looks like something from Star Trek: The Next Generation, and then someone else says that it doesn't even look as cool as Captain Kirk's communicator in the original and then someone else says no but you can buy a case for it to make it look like one and you're off to the manufactured normalcy races, where nobody wins because everyone goes to fucking sleep. — Warren Ellis

Iphones Quotes By Tristan Perich

Especially with iPhones, iPads and apps, there's just so much detachment that you're just flicking your fingers on a smooth surface to get the weather or whatever. — Tristan Perich

Iphones Quotes By Mike Barnicle

We have more tools at hand, literally, to make life easier and more productive than ever. We have Google, Wikipedia, iPads, iPhones, iTunes, YouTube, Netflix, and 600 cable channels. We can shop, pay bills, order food, and get nearly everything delivered, all of it with the touch of a finger on a device in the palm of our hand. — Mike Barnicle

Iphones Quotes By Diane Paulus

We're a depraved civilization. All this technology, all the computer games and the iPhones ... nobody will sit for art anymore. What a dismaying state of humanity. — Diane Paulus

Iphones Quotes By Melinda Gates

But iPods and iPhones are two things we don't get for our kids. — Melinda Gates

Iphones Quotes By Rand Paul

Inherent to socialism is the absence of choice. If I want to choose my own pretzels or books or iphones, they prevent me - they fine me, or imprison me. And those systems, not infrequently have historically, have developed into systems where there are pogroms. — Rand Paul

Iphones Quotes By Nicole Richie

People who type with their iPhones on loud are barbarians and probably killers. — Nicole Richie

Iphones Quotes By Matthew Rhys

I would absolutely love to go back to the simplicity of the '80s, where there wasn't texting, social media, iPhones, or smartphones. I love the fact that you would go home and check your messages. I'm not well suited to the world of modern technology. — Matthew Rhys

Iphones Quotes By Mark Batterson

We all want to spend eternity with God. We just don't want to spend time with Him. We stand and stare from a distance, satisfied with superficiality. We Facebook more than we seek His face. We text more than we study The Text. And our eyes aren't fixed on Jesus. They're fixed on our iPhones and iPads - emphasis on "i." Then we wonder why God feels so distant. It's because we're hugging the rim. We wonder why we're bored with our faith. It's because we're holding out.

We want joy without sacrifice.

We want character without suffering.

We want success without failure.

We want gain without pain.

We want a testimony without the test.

We want it all without going all out for it. — Mark Batterson

Iphones Quotes By Shawn Achor

What was going on here was that like so many people in contemporary society, along the way to gaining their superb educations, and their shiny opportunities, they had absorbed the wrong lessons. They had mastered formulas in calculus and chemistry. They had read great books and learned world history and become fluent in foreign languages. But they had had never formally been taught how to maximize their brains' potential or how to find meaning and happiness. Armed with iPhones and personal digital assistants, they had multitasked their way through a storm of resume-building experiences, often at the expense of actual ones. In their pursuit of high achievement, they had isolated themselves from their peers and loved ones and thus compromised the very support systems they so ardently needed. Repeatedly, I noticed these patterns in my own students, who often broke down under the tyranny of expectations we place on ourselves and those around us. — Shawn Achor

Iphones Quotes By Steve Wozniak

Rockets are bad technology. iPhones are good technology — Steve Wozniak

Iphones Quotes By Justin Sane

The reality is that a consumer culture which chucks out its iPhones for a new version every nine months is completely unsustainable, because Earth has already reached the tipping point. 'The General Strike' attempts to personalize these issues and encourage listeners to look for a new model. — Justin Sane

Iphones Quotes By Tim Allen

I've gotten so far past the Android and iPhones that I'm back to a flip-phone. It's funny, you can buy antique flip-phones online. A lot of us collect them. Clearly, they're considered antiques. — Tim Allen

Iphones Quotes By David Hockney

I can see that cinema seems to be finished. Everybody has a bigger screen at home. I'm assuming eventually you won't need a screen at all - these iPhones will just project. — David Hockney

Iphones Quotes By Henry Mintzberg

So technologies, whether it is a telephone or an iPhone, computers in general or automobiles, television even, all individualize us. We all sit in front of our iPhones and communicating but are we really communicating? — Henry Mintzberg

Iphones Quotes By Charlie Brooker


Iphones Quotes By Uri Geller

Either the phone is so seriously thin and flimsy that it is bendable with mere physical force, which I cannot believe given the extensive tests Apple would have done. Or
and this is far more plausible
somehow the energy and excitement of the 10 million people who purchased iPhones has awakened their mind powers and caused the phones to bend. — Uri Geller

Iphones Quotes By Aaron Levie

All of a sudden, if you think about the entire ecosystem of connected devices that can pull down information, access content and allow me to share and work and communicate, the vast majority now are not Windows computers. They are iPhones. They are iPads. They are Android devices. — Aaron Levie

Iphones Quotes By David Letterman

A new survey indicates that Obama supporters love iPhones. So if you have an iPhone, chances are you are going to be supporting President Obama. In a related story, if you support Governor Chris Christie from New Jersey, chances are you love IHOP. — David Letterman

Iphones Quotes By Drew Barrymore

When I was 19, I picked up an old, tiny, automatic Yashica camera and I just started shooting. We didn't have iPhones back then, we didn't even have cell phones. I loved having a camera in my hand. — Drew Barrymore

Iphones Quotes By Wayne Gladstone

There has not been a piece of technology designed to save labor that has not increased labor. Word processors allow you to do what your secretary used to do for you. The Internet, BlackBerries, iPhones, yes they keep you tethered, but that's not the main problem. It's that along with increasing personal productivity, they increase the expectation of productivity. It no longer becomes a bonus to do the work of one and a half men, but the norm. And then when everyone's working at one hundred and fifty percent capacity, they can fire a third of the workforce and still maintain output. — Wayne Gladstone

Iphones Quotes By Dave Morin

I have two iPhones: one for day and one for the night. When the day phone runs out, the night phone takes over. I never have to worry. — Dave Morin

Iphones Quotes By Eric Kripke

Beyond all our Blackberries and iPhones, we're dangerously separated from our food and water supplies. — Eric Kripke

Iphones Quotes By Tim Cook

While our team managed the manufacturing ramp better than ever before, we could have sold many more iPhones with greater supply and we are working hard to fill orders as quickly as possible. — Tim Cook

Iphones Quotes By Amy Adams

I was one of seven, and we took a lot of road trips - long road trips. And this was before iPhones and iPads and DVD players in cars. I remember how novel it was when I got my own Walkman so I could listen to music. — Amy Adams

Iphones Quotes By Leo Howard

My mom gets these new iPhones and stuff and she's like "Leo, can you figure it out?" because she had no idea. So yeah, I'm pretty good with gadgets. — Leo Howard

Iphones Quotes By Billy Bush

100 million iphones don't lie. What an amazing man. He is the apple of all of our i's. We have an i everything and its all so amazing. — Billy Bush

Iphones Quotes By Amy Poehler

Try putting your iPhones down every once in a while and look at people's faces. — Amy Poehler

Iphones Quotes By Mark Frauenfelder

I like hanging around people who knit. They are usually in a good mood. People who are staring into their iPhones *and* demanding your attention at the same time are not as much fun to be around. — Mark Frauenfelder

Iphones Quotes By Charles Bukowski

Now it's computers and more computers
and soon everybody will have one,
3-year-olds will have computers
and everybody will know everything
about everybody else
long before they meet them.
nobody will want to meet anybody
else ever again
and everybody will be
a recluse
like I am now. — Charles Bukowski

Iphones Quotes By Taylor Swift

But I say to Apple with all due respect, we don't ask you for free iPhones. Please don't ask us to provide you with our music for no compensation. — Taylor Swift

Iphones Quotes By John Sandford

Lucas lifted his head to look around and saw that dozens of people were dead or wounded; and that cops were flowing in from everywhere, that fifteen civilians were filming the chaos with their iPhones, that two TV crews were already working it, and that people everywhere were screaming in pain . . . He and Bowden knelt next to Jubek and Jubek's eyes were open and he said, "Hurt," and Lucas could hear more clearly now and said, "Hang on," and Jubek almost laughed and said, "I'm trying, dumbshit. Get me something . . . — John Sandford

Iphones Quotes By Richard Watson

Devices like iPhones and BlackBerries invite (demand!) constant use. They are like packets of cigarettes that ask us never to leave them alone or bottles of pills that seek to change our minds and punish us when we try to withdraw from them. We think cellphones are connecting us, but they are turning us into a society of rude, impatient, narrow-minded, stressed-out, aggressive, and isolated individuals. They invite reaction rather than reflection. — Richard Watson

Iphones Quotes By D. A. Pennebaker

I heard the new film, 'Tangerine,' was filmed entirely on iPhones. No cameras were involved! — D. A. Pennebaker

Iphones Quotes By Trevor Paglen

Our pictures are fleeting and elusive. In the far future, bits of hard drives may be fossilized in limestone, and discarded iPhones may find themselves encased in amber, hardened like nail polish, but the bits of humanity that these exquisitely crafted machines hold will be lost to time. — Trevor Paglen

Iphones Quotes By Ryan Tedder

With iPhones, nobody has an excuse for writer's block. If you're at Whole Foods getting your green tea extract and you have a melody, you just drop it into your voice memo and save it for later. — Ryan Tedder

Iphones Quotes By Robin Sloan

Is this a book club? How do they join? Do they ever pay? These are the things I ask myself when I sit here alone, after Tyndall or Lapin or Fedorov has left. Tyndall is probably the weirdest, but they're all pretty weird: all graying, single-minded, seemingly imported from some other time or place. There are no iPhones. There's no mention of current events or pop culture or anything, really, other than the books. I definitely think of them as a club, though I have no evidence that they know one another. Each comes in alone and never says a word about anything other than the object of his or her current, frantic fascination. — Robin Sloan

Iphones Quotes By James Cameron

I don't feel that I'm making movies for iPhones. If someone wants to watch movie on an iPhone, I'm not going to stop them, especially if they're paying for it, but I don't recommend it. I think it's dumb, when you have characters that are so small in the frame that they're not visible. I'm trying to make an epic. — James Cameron