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Intelligence Is Attractive Quotes & Sayings

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Top Intelligence Is Attractive Quotes

Intelligence Is Attractive Quotes By Drishti Bablani

Intelligence is Attractive,
Kindness is Heart Melting,
But a combination of the two
is Irresistible. — Drishti Bablani

Intelligence Is Attractive Quotes By Gwendolyn Brooks

My Poem is life, and not finished.
It shall never be finished.
My Poem is life, and can grow. — Gwendolyn Brooks

Intelligence Is Attractive Quotes By Eduardo Galeano

The Latin American cause is about all a social cause: the rebirth of Latin America must start with the overthrow of its masters, country by country. We are entering times of rebellion and change. There are those who believe that destiny rests on the knees of the gods; but the truth is that it confronts the conscience of man with a burning challenge. — Eduardo Galeano

Intelligence Is Attractive Quotes By Paul Eldridge

Many a necklace becomes a noose. — Paul Eldridge

Intelligence Is Attractive Quotes By John George Nicolay

Lincoln's stature and strength, his intelligence and ambition - in short, all the elements which gave him popularity among men in New Salem, rendered him equally attractive to the fair sex of that village. — John George Nicolay

Intelligence Is Attractive Quotes By Raheel Farooq

Idiots are of two kinds: those who try to be smart and those who think they are smart. — Raheel Farooq

Intelligence Is Attractive Quotes By Richelle Mead

The ghost of a smile flickered across his lips. 'You're always the voice of reason. Just try listening to yourself once in a while. — Richelle Mead

Intelligence Is Attractive Quotes By Vladimir Putin

The state security bodies should not be seen as an institution that works against society and the state; one needs to understand what makes them work against their own people. — Vladimir Putin

Intelligence Is Attractive Quotes By Josh Dun

'Twenty One Pilots' is a play by Arthur Miller, who also wrote 'All My Sons.' It's about a guy who's creating and developing parts for airplanes in war time, when it comes to his attention that some of these parts were faulty. — Josh Dun

Intelligence Is Attractive Quotes By John T. Cacioppo

There are extremes within any population, but on average, at least among young adults, those who feel lonely actually spend no more time alone than do those who feel more connected. They are no more or less physically attractive than average, and they do not differ, on average, from the non-lonely in terms of height, weight, age, education, or intelligence. Most important, when we look at the broad continuum (rather than just the extremes) of people who feel lonely, we find that they have the capacity to be just as socially adept as anyone else. Feeling lonely does not mean that we have deficient social skills. — John T. Cacioppo

Intelligence Is Attractive Quotes By Arthur Nersesian

I had grazed along the surface of her actions and made deep judgments. Rejecting someone because you couldn't understand their love, that was a new one. The more I thought about it the longer the shadow of doubt stretched over all my conclusions. More often than not, things were as they seemed. But as I stared at her, she wasn't as bad looking as I had once thought. I realized how all this time I had seen her the wrong way, and how one's character affects one's appearance. Although she wasn't my type she was attractive. As I thought about her - the vulnerable intelligence, the violent honesty, and the fact that in the entire city she was the only one who took me in and fed me - she became more and more irresistible. Baited by an obscure beauty, trapped by an intense sorrow - all prior definitions had been overruled: this was love. — Arthur Nersesian

Intelligence Is Attractive Quotes By John Ringo

That's the way to get the chicks for free. And getting the chicks for free is the only true pursuit for a grown-up male. Before puberty, of course, it's avoiding them like the plague. — John Ringo

Intelligence Is Attractive Quotes By Janet Hobhouse

...there was almost no opinion, however nonsensical, that wasn't tolerated, at least for long enough for it to be delivered. But it wasn't just that, nor his charm nor eccentricity, his sometimes slovenly, sometimes stunning intelligence, that made him so attractive as a tutor; it was the utterly unfamiliar sensation one got, as a student, of his respect for, or at least well-performed interest in, what one thought. — Janet Hobhouse

Intelligence Is Attractive Quotes By Charles F. Haanel

The Universal mind is not only intelligence, but it is substance, and this substance is the attractive force which brings electrons together by the law of attraction so they form atoms; the atoms in turn are brought together by the same law and form molecules; molecules take objective forms and so we find that the law is the creative force behind every manifestation, not only of atoms, but of worlds, of the universe, of everything of which the imagination can form any conception. — Charles F. Haanel

Intelligence Is Attractive Quotes By Christopher Hitchens

The death toll is not nearly high enough ... too many [jihadists] have escaped. — Christopher Hitchens

Intelligence Is Attractive Quotes By Nicole Lapin

Intelligence is attractive, but so is life experience. You can't amass it just by reading a ton of books. But you can live a lot of life in a short time. Travel. Talk to everyone. Collect adventures, and use them to understand the world. That's how you learn to treat people well. And that's sexy. — Nicole Lapin

Intelligence Is Attractive Quotes By Kristen Stewart

I'm not the type of person that just needs to feel concrete and like nothing's going to change. I revel in the change. — Kristen Stewart

Intelligence Is Attractive Quotes By J.R. Ward

Funny, he wasn't handsome, not in a Mr. Perfect kind of way, at least. The guy had a nose that had clearly been busted once or three times, and his hazel eyes were too shrewd and too exhausted to be classified as attractive. But he was like a cocked gun: He has a steely intelligence and a dangerous power about him that you respected. Because the combination was a flat-out killer, literally — J.R. Ward

Intelligence Is Attractive Quotes By Julia McNair Wright

I don't lose an hour in the morning and expect to make it up in the evening; night is the wrong end of the day to borrow from ... — Julia McNair Wright

Intelligence Is Attractive Quotes By Deb Caletti

I used to think that finding the right one was about the man having a list of certain qualities. If he has them, we'd be compatible and happy. Sort of a checkmark system that was a complete failure. But I found out that a healthy relationship isn't so much about sense of humor or intelligence or attractive. It's about avoiding partners with harmful traits and personality types. And then it's about being with a good person. A good person on his own, and a good person with you. Where the space between you feels uncomplicated and happy. A good relationship is where things just work. They work because, whatever the list of qualities, whatever the reason, you happen to be really, really good together. — Deb Caletti

Intelligence Is Attractive Quotes By Nicholas Sparks

I write the things that I find most attractive in women. I like intelligence, I like passion - give me a little fire, be strong, don't be wishy-washy, do the right thing. — Nicholas Sparks

Intelligence Is Attractive Quotes By Jane Hirshfield

There are openings in our lives
of which we know nothing. — Jane Hirshfield

Intelligence Is Attractive Quotes By Gregor Collins

The better looking you are the harder your life, under one condition: You're of above average intelligence. It's those unintelligent attractive people who have it best. — Gregor Collins

Intelligence Is Attractive Quotes By Robert Galbraith

Experience had taught Strike that there was a certain type of woman to whom he was unusually attractive. Their common characteristics were intelligence and the flickering intensity of badly wired lamps. — Robert Galbraith

Intelligence Is Attractive Quotes By Roshan Sharma

Improve your being, and the understanding of life will come to you; and then with the understanding, do, be or achieve whatever you want out of your life. — Roshan Sharma

Intelligence Is Attractive Quotes By Nathan Adrian

I like spontaneity and intelligence in a girl. Nothing is more attractive to me than someone who has a good sense of who she is and can hold her own in a conversation. — Nathan Adrian

Intelligence Is Attractive Quotes By Aidan Chambers

Karl was no glamour boy. But even during this first meeting I discovered he had something better. The kind of intelligence that's more attractive than physical beauty. — Aidan Chambers

Intelligence Is Attractive Quotes By Mark Caine

There are those who travel and those who are going somewhere. They are different and yet they are the same. The success has this over his rivals: He knows where he is going. — Mark Caine

Intelligence Is Attractive Quotes By Sandra Brown

For each book, there's a back story of where the idea came from. Sometimes it's derived from a current event or topic of discussion. Often it begins with a character. And often, I have NO idea what sparked the idea. It's just there. — Sandra Brown

Intelligence Is Attractive Quotes By Max Barry

In the sciences, looking good was usually a negative. It implied you wasted time on outdoor activities instead of building something useful. Even using hair product or makeup implied misguided priorities. Like you thought how things looked mattered, instead of how they worked. We liked to look at attractive people. We expected it of our movie stars and TV characters. But we did not respect it. We knew physical attractiveness was inversely correlated with intelligence, because look at us. — Max Barry

Intelligence Is Attractive Quotes By William Golding

This toy of voting was almost as pleasing as the conch. Jack started to protest but the clamor changed from the general wish for a chief to an election by acclaim of Ralph himself. None of the boys could have found good reason for this; what intelligence had been shown was traceable to Piggy while the most obvious leader was Jack. But there was a stillness about Ralph as he sat that marked him out: there was his size, and attractive appearance; and most obscurely, yet most powerfully, there was the conch. The being that had blown that, had sat waiting for them on the platform with the delicate thing balanced on his knees, was set apart. — William Golding

Intelligence Is Attractive Quotes By Yvonne Pierre

You can't expect to reap a harvest that you're not willing to plant. — Yvonne Pierre

Intelligence Is Attractive Quotes By Lorna Sage

Like all the girls back then I knew that being too clever was much worse than being too tall. Being five foot three, tongue-tied and blonde I mostly passed muster, except that I was so unskilled in small talk that I sometimes blurted big words (hypocrisy, or pretentiousness), which jumped out of my mouth like the toads of the fairy tale before I knew it. In any case, you could cultivate the wrong sort of silence - the sort that implied brooding self-absorption rather than attentiveness. — Lorna Sage