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Inspirational Gay Quotes & Sayings

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Top Inspirational Gay Quotes

Inspirational Gay Quotes By John Corey Whaley

Jealous of the crazy gay kid. That doesn't sound right."
"Hey, Sol," she said, her tone getting serious for a second.
"Those are two things about you out of a million. Don't box yourself in. — John Corey Whaley

Inspirational Gay Quotes By Otessa Marie Ghadar

It is immensely gratifying to hear from fans from around the world where being a gay or lesbian teen, having feelings for someone of your own gender is simply not acceptable. We noticed that our show fills a huge void for large audiences in many different countries. That's why our choice of format for the show, the web series, is such a fortunate one as it allows viewers in those countries to feel acknowledged. While the series is not exclusively dealing with gay and lesbian issues, the fact that we don't sanitize it gives us truly global appeal, especially with the gay and lesbian community. In fact, demand is such that we are subtitling the show in French and perhaps other languages to even better reach those audiences. — Otessa Marie Ghadar

Inspirational Gay Quotes By K.A. Mitchell

You get up every morning then life happens to you. You just have to have the right stuff to get through it. — K.A. Mitchell

Inspirational Gay Quotes By Alex Sanchez

The pressures on gay teens can be overwhelming
to keep secrets, tell lies, deny who you are, and try to be who you're not. Remember: you are special and worth being cared about, loved, and accepted just as you are. Never, ever let anyone convince you otherwise. — Alex Sanchez

Inspirational Gay Quotes By Unknown Author 204

That's fucking gay. Everything is gay. — Unknown Author 204

Inspirational Gay Quotes By C. JoyBell C.

I cannot hate gay men, I cannot hate homosexuality. At the lowest points in my life, when all else abandoned me, my gay men friends were my sisters, aunts, mothers who lifted me up on their shoulders and reminded me that there is light at the end of the tunnel. If I were to hate gay men, or to condemn them just because they're gay, I would be a hypocrite. I simply cannot turn my back on arms that held me in my darkest hours. — C. JoyBell C.

Inspirational Gay Quotes By C.K. Kelly Martin

I wanted to tell his dad that Nathan was fine the way he was and that he was the one that needed to change. It made me glad to have my parents. If I told my dad I was gay, he'd probably just look scared and hand over more safe sex money. -Nick Severson — C.K. Kelly Martin

Inspirational Gay Quotes By Zach Wahls

Courage is knowing that you're beaten and forging ahead anyway. — Zach Wahls

Inspirational Gay Quotes By Demetri Martin

A dreamcatcher works, if your dream is to be gay. — Demetri Martin

Inspirational Gay Quotes By Lady Gaga

I very much want to inject gay culture into the mainstream. It's not an underground tool for me. It's my whole life. — Lady Gaga

Inspirational Gay Quotes By C. JoyBell C.

I think that the trademark of the Devil in this world, is the awful rift between women. Women backbiting other women, women envying other women and so on and so forth. And then there is the telltale sign of God in this world, which is the intoxicating potion of joy that is concocted when a woman reaches out to another woman, when women will take an extra step, go an extra mile, or just go out of their way an inch for their fellow woman, regardless of the varying degrees of things we hold important such as beauty, intelligence, status and so on and so forth. Beautiful acts of God are seen in the kindness of women towards other women. And when I say this, I am also thinking about gay men in the same light. — C. JoyBell C.

Inspirational Gay Quotes By Gay Barfield

We Person-Centred Approach people are as human as anyone else after all, and, as does everyone, must daily face the difference between our aspirations and stated values, and our actual choices and behaviours, and the resulting outcomes. However, we keep giving ourselves a chance to change, again and again, thus more closely approximating our hopes for how we can be together — Gay Barfield

Inspirational Gay Quotes By Chaz Bono

I've been embraced by a new community. That's what happens when you're finally honest about who you are; you find others like you. — Chaz Bono

Inspirational Gay Quotes By Barack Obama

It doesn't matter who you are or where you come from or what you look like or where you love. It doesn't matter whether you're black or white or Hispanic or Asian or Native American or young or old or rich or poor, able, disabled, gay or straight! — Barack Obama

Inspirational Gay Quotes By Frances Hodgson Burnett

If nature has made you for a giver, your hands are born open, and so is your heart; and though there may be times when your hands are empty, your heart is always full, and you can give things out of that
warm things, kind things, sweet things
help and comfort and laughter
and sometimes gay, kind laughter is the best help of all. — Frances Hodgson Burnett

Inspirational Gay Quotes By Sharad Vivek Sagar

Let's be grateful to all those who came in before us. Grateful to all those men and women, young and old alike, who paved the path forward for us, brick by brick. To those men and women who marched across the bridge in Selma on that great day, those men and women who rallied behind the Gandhis and the Mandelas every single time they were needed, to those men and women who stood up for voting rights and civil rights and gay rights and equality and justice and a free world, those men and women who invented the future by inventing things that fundamentally changed the world from the electricity to vaccinations, from airplanes to birth control pills, from the printing press to the internet. — Sharad Vivek Sagar

Inspirational Gay Quotes By Erin Passons

America- often called the land of milk and honey- tends to be sweeter, more generous to those who don't rock the boat.

Sarah Mullen — Erin Passons

Inspirational Gay Quotes By Hillary Jordan

If God is the Creator, if God englobes every single thing in the universe, then God is everything, and everything is God. God is the earth and the sky, and the tree planted in the earth under the sky, and the bird in the tree, and the worm in the beak of the bird, and the dirt in the stomach of the worm. God is He and She, straight and gay, black and white and red - yes even that ... and green and blue and all the rest. And so, to despise me for loving women or you for being a Red who made love with a woman, would be to despise not only His own creations but also to hate Himself. My God is not so stupid as that. — Hillary Jordan

Inspirational Gay Quotes By Batuhan Ibal

Swag is not something you wear, it is something you are born with. — Batuhan Ibal

Inspirational Gay Quotes By Gay Hendricks

Our species in general had grown accustomed to pain and adversity through millennia of struggle ... we were only recently evolving the ability to let ourselves feel good and have things go well for any significant period of time. — Gay Hendricks

Inspirational Gay Quotes By Harvey Milk

I know that you cannot live on hope alone, but without it, life is not worth living. And you ... And you ... And you ... Gotta give em hope. — Harvey Milk

Inspirational Gay Quotes By Vera Brittain

Perhaps ...
To R.A.L.
Perhaps some day the sun will shine again,
And I shall see that still the skies are blue,
And feel one more I do not live in vain,
Although bereft of you.
Perhaps the golden meadows at my feet,
Will make the sunny hours of spring seem gay,
And I shall find the white May-blossoms sweet,
Though You have passed away.
Perhaps the summer woods will shimmer bright,
And crimson roses once again be fair,
And autumn harvest fields a rich delight,
Although You are not there.
But though kind Time may many joys renew,
There is one greatest joy I shall not know
Again, because my heart for loss of You
Was broken, long ago. — Vera Brittain

Inspirational Gay Quotes By C. JoyBell C.

Wanna know the fastest way to unhappiness? Spend your time judging other people's reasons for happiness! That way, you'll quickly lose your own! The next time you look back at yourself (when you've taken a break from judging others) you'll think "Oh! Where did MY happiness go?" because you were too busy thinking that gay people shouldn't be happy ... or, you know, something like that. — C. JoyBell C.

Inspirational Gay Quotes By Simone De Beauvoir

These women are, quite simply, alive; they know that the source of true values is not in external things but in human hearts. This gives its charm to the world they live in: they banish ennui by the simple fact of their presence, with their dreams, their desires, their pleasures, their emotions, their ingenuities. The sanseverina, that 'active soul' dreads ennui more than death. To stagnate in ennui 'is to keep from dying, she said, not to live'; she is ' always impassioned over something, always in action and gay too '. Thoughtless, childish or profound, gay or grave, daring or secretive, they all reject the heavy sleep in which humanity is mired. And these women who have been able to maintain their liberty- empty as it has been- will rise through passion to heroism once they find an objective worthy of them; their spiritual power, their energy, suggest the fierce purity of total dedication — Simone De Beauvoir

Inspirational Gay Quotes By Joey W. Hill

I thought ... it was easy when I thought it was something to do with the flesh. But what I'm seeing is more than that. It's love, and love isn't a sin. So how can God be so cruel as to give that feeling to two men or two women if it's a sin? I've always believed God to be compassionate. Loving. — Joey W. Hill

Inspirational Gay Quotes By Truman Capote

Fitzgerald has charm. It's a silly word, but it's an exact word for me. I like 'The Great Gatsby' and it's sad, gay nostalgia. — Truman Capote

Inspirational Gay Quotes By Debasish Mridha

Black and white come together.
Brown and blue come to gather.
Boys and girls come with love.
Straight and gay come as a dove.
Jewish and Muslim, open your mind.
Christian and Hindu, be very kind.
Sikh and Buddist come with the sun.
All children, let's have some fun.
We are your children; we are the future.
Let us love and trust each other.
Let not the gun, let not the shored,
But let peace and love win this world. — Debasish Mridha

Inspirational Gay Quotes By Nicolas G. Janovsky

Spending time looking for what is missing in your life is futile; if you fail to look within yourself. When we challenge everything we believe we are, we reveal that which we never knew about our own selves. — Nicolas G. Janovsky

Inspirational Gay Quotes By C. JoyBell C.

I read things that male relationship experts write about women and I read things that female relationship experts write about men, then I feel a true sadness in my heart. Why can't there be a simple, pure, direct openness? Why can't there be a simple, real, open trust? The truth is that male or female, gay or straight - we are all people - we have all been broken and put back together in so many different ways ... it's really just about learning how to recognize the sound of the other one's cracks. And that's what it's really about, just that. — C. JoyBell C.

Inspirational Gay Quotes By Harvey Milk

If a bullet should enter my brain, let that bullet destroy every closet door. — Harvey Milk

Inspirational Gay Quotes By David Gerrold

Something went klunk. Like a nickel dropping in a soda machine. One of those small insights that explains everything. This was puberty for these boys. Adolescence. The first date, the first kiss, the first chance to hold hands with someone special. Delayed, postponed, a decade's worth of longing
while everybody around you celebrates life, you pretend, suppress, inhibit, deprive yourself of you own joy
but finally ultimately, eventually, you find a place where you can have a taste of everything denied. — David Gerrold

Inspirational Gay Quotes By Gay Talese

The real problem is what to do with problem solvers after the problem is solved. — Gay Talese

Inspirational Gay Quotes By Damian Maher

When one is different, the answers have to come from within. — Damian Maher

Inspirational Gay Quotes By D.H. Lawrence

If it be not true to me, What care I how true it be.. Though it be not true to thee, It's gay and gospel truth to me.. — D.H. Lawrence

Inspirational Gay Quotes By Sharad Vivek Sagar

The times today are too dangerous for the young and the smart to be not bothered. Know the truth. Remember, "We can deny the truth. But, we can't avoid it." We have been there; we have all been there. Ask a female friend who is fighting for a better pay scale, ask the father of an immigrant who is nervous about the future of his daughter, ask a gay friend who is fighting for the right to marry, ask an African-American friend who wants her younger brother to be unafraid and proud, ask a homeless worker in Bangladesh whose house just got swept by rising sea levels, ask a young child in Beijing who breathes an air polluted by fossil fuels, ask a child labor in India who works ten hours and twelve hours to get two square meals a day. And, when you ask, you will know. You will know why we need to take it personally. — Sharad Vivek Sagar

Inspirational Gay Quotes By Katie Heaney

Sex is not a wizard, whatever magical-seeming properties it might possess in its better forms. If your friend says to you, "You're being mean, you need to get laid," your problem is not sex. Your problems are that you might be acting like an asshole, and your friends are definitely idiots. — Katie Heaney

Inspirational Gay Quotes By Chelsea Handler

Without ruining the ending, the gist is that he's a gay reindeer who can't afford a nose job, but he becomes a superstar in the end. It's all very inspirational. It turns out that, just like Rudolph, what I initially considered to be such a negative is, in fact, the very thing that has made me stand out. Not to sound preachy, but accepting my voice has given me the confidence I've needed to pursue my dreams. And just like Seal rocks his facial scars, Cindy Crawford works her mole, and Barbra Streisand wins every race by a nose, I hope you're inspired to make the most of your possibly less-than-perfect trademark, too. — Chelsea Handler

Inspirational Gay Quotes By Mary Griffith

If no one had ever challenged religious authority, there'd be no democracy, no public schools, women's rights, improvements to science and medicine, evolution of slavery and no laws against child abuse or spousal abuse. I was afraid to challenge my religious beliefs because that was the basis of creation - mine anyway. I was afraid to question the Bible or anything in it, and when I did, that's when I became involved with PFLAG and realized that my son was a perfectly normal human being and there was nothing for God to heal because Bobby was perfect just the way he was. — Mary Griffith

Inspirational Gay Quotes By Andrew Lloyd Webber

Sometimes it's very difficult to keep momentum when it's you that you are following. - Andrew Lloyd Webber — Andrew Lloyd Webber

Inspirational Gay Quotes By Dustin Lance Black

If Harvey had not been taken from us 30 years ago, I think he would want me to say to all the gay and lesbian kids out there tonight who have been told they are less than by the churches, by the government, by their families, that you are beautiful, wonderful creatures of value, and that no matter what anyone tells you, God does love you and that very soon, I promise you, you will have equal rights, federally, across this great nation of ours. — Dustin Lance Black

Inspirational Gay Quotes By Ella Wheeler Wilcox

How happy they are, in all seeming, How gay, or how smilingly proud, How brightly their faces are beaming, These people who make up the crowd! — Ella Wheeler Wilcox

Inspirational Gay Quotes By Madison Parker

There's nothing you could do to make me any more or less gay, Dad. It's who I am."
"It's not who you are. It's part of who you are, but it's not who you are. You're so much more than just that, and I'm proud of you. All of you." ~ Lucas' Father — Madison Parker

Inspirational Gay Quotes By Andrew Grey

Geoff told me once that part of being gay is the journey to accept who you are. It's often not an easy journey, but once you make it, you're stronger and happier because of it. — Andrew Grey

Inspirational Gay Quotes By Stephen Harper

Gay and Lesbian Canadians are entitled to equal treatment under law and are part of Canada's diversity. — Stephen Harper

Inspirational Gay Quotes By Ford Madox Ford

From time to time we shall get up and go to the door and look out at the great moon and say: 'Why, it is nearly as bright as in Provence!' And then we shall come back to the fireside, with just the touch of a sigh because we are not in that Provence where even the saddest stories are gay. — Ford Madox Ford

Inspirational Gay Quotes By Faith Hunter

People of all faiths are responsible to help the weak, the downtrodden, the sick, and the helpless, especially children. And of all the religions in the world, Christians are the only ones that are commanded not to judge, yet we do every day
gay people, ethnicities different from our own, people in mixed relationships, people with gifts they were born with, power they were born with, genetic mutations they were born with, illnesses of the brain and body. I've got a little girl's mother to save, and, yes, she's a witch. Are you gonna make it possible for me to save her? — Faith Hunter

Inspirational Gay Quotes By Audrey Hepburn

It's sad if people think that's (homemaking) a dull existance, [but] you can't just buy an apartment and furnish it and walk away. It's the flowers you choose, the music you play, the smile you have waiting. I want it to be gay and cheerful, a haven in this troubled world. I don't want my husband and children to come home and find a rattled woman. Our era is already rattled enough, isn't it? — Audrey Hepburn