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I Got Sidetracked Quotes & Sayings

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Top I Got Sidetracked Quotes

I Got Sidetracked Quotes By Sandra Bernhard

I've always loved being at the eye of the storm creatively with people that I find exciting and glamorous. So sometimes I got sidetracked in my career and maybe I would have done more TV or film. — Sandra Bernhard

I Got Sidetracked Quotes By Starhawk

The God is wild, but his is the wildness of connection, not of domination and violence. Wildness is not the same as violence. Gentleness and tenderness do no translate into wimpiness. When men -- or women, for that matter -- begin to unleash what is untamed in us, we need to remember that the first images and impulses we encounter will often be the stereotyped paths of power we have learned in a culture of domination. To become truly wild, we must not be sidetracked by the dramas of power-over, the seduction of addictions, or the thrill of control. We must go deeper. — Starhawk

I Got Sidetracked Quotes By Ray Wylie Hubbard

I started out as a folk singer, and kinda got sidetracked playin' honky tonks and such, but I was always a working musician. I didn't want to be Townes Van Zandt or Guy Clark, but I wanted to play in front of their audiences, you know what I mean? — Ray Wylie Hubbard

I Got Sidetracked Quotes By Bill Crawford

The journey of life is both too short and too precious to be sidetracked by guilt trips. — Bill Crawford

I Got Sidetracked Quotes By Bruce Eric Kaplan

I was trying to be a writer, and I was kind of getting sidetracked, so I started doing cartoons as a form of expression. — Bruce Eric Kaplan

I Got Sidetracked Quotes By Dave Cullen

Eric penned nearly a dozen new journal entries in the next two months.
"I have a goal to destroy as much as possible," he wrote, "so I must not be sidetracked by my feelings of sympathy, mercy, or any of that."
It was a mark of Eric's ruthlessness that he comprehended the pain and consciously fought the urge to spare it. "I will force myself to believe that everyone is just another monster from Doom," [the computer game he played day and night] he wrote. "I have to turn off my feelings. — Dave Cullen

I Got Sidetracked Quotes By Auliq Ice

It's easy to get sidetracked with thoughts that involve much money and precious things, but before you launch into that mode, reason well. — Auliq Ice

I Got Sidetracked Quotes By Taika Waititi

I never wanted to be a filmmaker. I still, sometimes, think I got sidetracked by this, like this is a tangent. My main thing was painting; I was just going to do that. — Taika Waititi

I Got Sidetracked Quotes By David Sedaris

Hugh's old drawing teacher used to have one, and though it had been ten years since he'd taken the woman's class, I could suddenly recall him talking about it. "If I had a skeleton like Minerva's ... ," he used to say. I don't remember the rest of the sentence, as I'd always been sidetracked by the teacher's name, Minerva. Sounds like a witch. — David Sedaris

I Got Sidetracked Quotes By Leslie Easterbrook

When I first started acting, I started in opera and had a great desire to play grand, tragic characters. I got sidetracked in musical theater and ended up doing a lot of comedy. — Leslie Easterbrook

I Got Sidetracked Quotes By Jason Reeves

Even before I started writing songs, that was one of my goals to be a writer, and I still have that goal. I've just gotten sidetracked. — Jason Reeves

I Got Sidetracked Quotes By Miriam Toews

Where are they going to get a camera? I asked. I don't know, said Noehmi. They'll probably get sidetracked along the way. Or they'll come back with paint instead, or beer, or some new idea for a circus or something. They're social anarchists. — Miriam Toews

I Got Sidetracked Quotes By Brian Tracy

If you have a clear goal and a plan to achieve it, your focus is fixed on a set course of action. Instead of becoming sidetracked by distractions and diversions, your time is focused on a straight line from start to finish. — Brian Tracy

I Got Sidetracked Quotes By Stuart Gibbs

This morning's lecture was on how to avoid ninjas, which might have been interesting if step one hadn't been "Stay out of Japan." Furthermore, Crandall had quickly become sidetracked, — Stuart Gibbs

I Got Sidetracked Quotes By Ivan Illich

The hope has vanished that the problem of justly distributing goods can be sidetracked by creating an abundance of them. The cost of the minimum packages capable of satisfying modern tastes has skyrocketed, and what makes tastes modern is their obsolescense prior even to satisfaction. — Ivan Illich

I Got Sidetracked Quotes By Gary Gygax

Do not be sidetracked. A good referee will have many ways to distract an expedition, many things to draw attention, but ignore them if at all possible. — Gary Gygax

I Got Sidetracked Quotes By Suzanne Somers

I was actually going to be a chef before I got sidetracked. I used to make deserts for restaurants as a young teenage mother to make money. — Suzanne Somers

I Got Sidetracked Quotes By Anna Gavalda

How could you let yourself be sidetracked while I was waiting for your breath on my back? — Anna Gavalda

I Got Sidetracked Quotes By Donald J. Trump

Don't get sidetracked. If you do get sidetracked, get back on track as soon as possible. Ultimately sidetracking kills you. — Donald J. Trump

I Got Sidetracked Quotes By Robert Holden

Work out what is truly important to you. Research shows people with consistently high happiness scores prioritise their life according to the things they value. They've worked out what is most important to them and don't allow themselves to get sidetracked. — Robert Holden

I Got Sidetracked Quotes By Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

Governments have tried to stop crime through punishment throughout the ages, but crime continued in the past punishment remains. Crime can only be stopped through a preventive approach in the schools. You teach the students Transcendental Meditation, and right away they'll begin using their full brain physiology sensible and they will not get sidetracked into wrong things. — Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

I Got Sidetracked Quotes By Amy Smart

The best gift we can have is living in the present moment and really enjoying it for what it is; and, not being in our heads and getting sidetracked. — Amy Smart

I Got Sidetracked Quotes By Dirk Benedict

To me, all writing is like music. And especially dialogue. I studied music in college; that is what I wanted to be, a composer. Acting got me sidetracked. — Dirk Benedict

I Got Sidetracked Quotes By Sunday Adelaja

Your main target should be to find and develop your own unique individuality and not let your focus be sidetracked and drift to external things — Sunday Adelaja

I Got Sidetracked Quotes By Cliff Burton

When I started, I decided to devote my life to it and not get sidetracked by all the other bullshit life has to offer — Cliff Burton

I Got Sidetracked Quotes By Charlaine Harris

I was momentarily sidetracked by the vision of Eric herding a cow into a trailer and driving it to the shoulder of the the interstate and shooing it into the trees. — Charlaine Harris

I Got Sidetracked Quotes By Elle Kennedy

Should I say it again?" He looked confused for a beat, but then it turned to wariness. "I've never said that to anyone before. Am I supposed to give a longer speech or something?" A laugh flew out. Oh God. This man was priceless. Sofia finally found her voice. "You love me?" "Yeah, I do. I probably should have led with that, but the state of your fucking house really pisses me off and I got sidetracked. — Elle Kennedy

I Got Sidetracked Quotes By Rachel Kushner

I usually get up between 7 A.M. and 8 A.M., have coffee, and go right to work. It's really important not to get sidetracked in the morning so I'm still in that dreamy state for my writing. — Rachel Kushner

I Got Sidetracked Quotes By Oswald J. Smith

Our work is to preach the gospel and we must not be sidetracked. — Oswald J. Smith

I Got Sidetracked Quotes By Jackie Earle Haley

I've got a lot of wonderfully talented, creative directors I've worked with in Texas, but the market we're in, they kind of have to write to that. I think we've done some cool, simple spots. I was very comfortable in Texas, and getting ready to push out into national stuff, try to get to that national-type creative, and then I got sidetracked with this stuff. — Jackie Earle Haley

I Got Sidetracked Quotes By James De La Vega

I encourage everyone to become their dream. Most young people get sidetracked and never end up doing what they really set out to do. — James De La Vega

I Got Sidetracked Quotes By Stephanie Brown

Recovery is a resumption of the work that was not completed when the woman was a girl. It is a coming into her own. It is an opportunity to resume the normal process of development that was sidetracked, perhaps first by constrained roles, perhaps by trauma, and then multiplied many times by hiding in the addiction. Her development was sidetracked by not accepting her needs as legitimate and not finding healthy ways to meet them, by not even knowing her needs. And so this is what recovery is: a developmental process of finding and building a new self. Recovery is a process of radical growth and change. When you are in recovery, you give birth to a new self. [...] Many women initially think that recovery means a move from bad to good. They think that being addicted is evidence of shameful neediness, of deep and lasting failures. Recovery is not a move from bad to good, but from false to real. [...] It is reality, being real, that now guides her rather than her efforts to be good or bad. — Stephanie Brown

I Got Sidetracked Quotes By Joe Piscopo

I worked in Trenton, and then I got sidetracked into comedy and then onto 'SNL.' And then into being a live performer - what I do now; virtually that's what I am: I'm a live entertainer. — Joe Piscopo

I Got Sidetracked Quotes By Jim Butcher

My stomach rumbled. Like certain other portions of my anatomy, it had a tendency to become easily sidetracked, and to hell with little details like survival. — Jim Butcher

I Got Sidetracked Quotes By Jim Cymbala

If you are paralyzed by your past, if Satan is destroying your gifts and your calling by his incessant replaying of old tapes, you're actually being hit by a double whammy. The original damage in the past is one thing - but now you're letting yourself be hurt and sidetracked again by the memory of what happened ... We should not be ignorant of Satan's devices, and these ugly memories are one of the main weapons in his arsenal. — Jim Cymbala

I Got Sidetracked Quotes By Herbie Hancock

It's easy to get sidetracked with technology, and that is the danger, but ultimately you have to see what works with the music and what doesn't. In a lot of cases, less is more. In most cases, less is more. — Herbie Hancock

I Got Sidetracked Quotes By Martin Luther King Jr.

The major problem of life is learning how to handle the costly interruptions. The door that slams shut, the plan that got sidetracked, the marriage that failed. Or that lovely poem that didn't get written because someone knocked on the door. — Martin Luther King Jr.

I Got Sidetracked Quotes By Brent Adkins

What I am proposing here is an experiment in practical Spinozism. Try it for yourself and see if it works. No matter what happens, say to yourself, "This could not be otherwise," and see what happens to your mood. See if you are less or more affected by causes opposed to your nature. See if your thoughts become more your own or are continually sidetracked by external thoughts that intrude on you. In short, see if this makes you more or less free. — Brent Adkins

I Got Sidetracked Quotes By Laozi

If I have even just a little sense, I will walk on the main road and my only fear will be of straying from it. Keeping to the main road is easy, But people love to be sidetracked. — Laozi

I Got Sidetracked Quotes By Charles R. Swindoll

If I ever wrote a book on preaching, it would contain three words: Preach the Word. Get rid of all the other stuff that gets you sidetracked; preach the Word. — Charles R. Swindoll

I Got Sidetracked Quotes By Mike Krzyzewski

As a leader you can get sidetracked but you have to complete your mission — Mike Krzyzewski

I Got Sidetracked Quotes By James Hilton

Miss Brinklow, however, was not yet to be sidetracked. "What do the lamas do?" she continued.
"They devote themselves, madam, to contemplation and to the pursuit of wisdom."
"But that isn't doing anything."
"Then, madam, they do nothing. — James Hilton

I Got Sidetracked Quotes By John Geiger

You have everything you need within you to become the best possible version of yourself. Believe that you CAN. Believe that you're capable of pushing harder and farther than you have before. Believe that you're young enough, old enough, smart enough and strong enough to achieve your goals. Don't let false beliefs stop you from moving beyond yourself. And certainly don't get sidetracked by other people who are off track. — John Geiger

I Got Sidetracked Quotes By Hunter S. Thompson

I am a confused Musician who got sidetracked into this goddamn Word business for so long that I never got back to music - except maybe when I find myself oddly alone in a quiet room with only a typewriter to strum on and a yen to write a song. Who knows why? Maybe I just feel like singing - so I type.
These quick electric keys are my Instrument, my harp, my RCA glass-tube microphone, and my fine soprano saxophone all at once. That is my music, for good or ill, and on some nights it will make me feel like a god. Veni, Vidi, Vici ... That is when the fun starts ... — Hunter S. Thompson

I Got Sidetracked Quotes By Steve Harvey

My father told me never to take my foot off a ladder to kick at someone who was kicking at me. When I did that, I would no longer be climbing. While they are kicking, my father told me, I should keep stepping. They can kick only one time. If I continued to climb, they would be left behind. In trying to hurt me, to impede my progress, they would get left behind because they allowed themselves to get sidetracked from their agenda. — Steve Harvey

I Got Sidetracked Quotes By Pete Sampras

Throughout my career, my mind rarely wandered, and I was never sidetracked by distractions, no matter what I was going through off the court. — Pete Sampras

I Got Sidetracked Quotes By Summer Altice

If you can remain true to the people who know you the best and not be sidetracked by the flashing lights and glimmering of the cameras, it's like, just being down-to-earth and just kind of staying real. — Summer Altice

I Got Sidetracked Quotes By George Bernard Shaw

[T]he most elaborate code of [law]... would still have left unspecified a hundred ways in which wreckers of Communism could have sidetracked it without ever having to face the essential questions: are you pulling your weight in the social boat? are you giving more trouble than you are worth? have you earned the privilege of living in a civilized community? That is why the Russians were forced to set up an Inquisition or Star Chamber, called at first the Cheka and now the Gay Pay Oo (Ogpu), to go into these questions and "liquidate" persons who could not answer them satisfactorily. — George Bernard Shaw

I Got Sidetracked Quotes By Ken Caminiti

I had a real good thing going for me, and I got sidetracked. It doesn't have to be that way. It doesn't have to be drugs. It doesn't have to be alcohol. That part of my life is over. — Ken Caminiti

I Got Sidetracked Quotes By Fernando Pessoa

Yes, my particular virtue of being very often objective, and thus sidetracked from thinking about myself, suffers lapses of affirmation, as do all virtues and even all vices. — Fernando Pessoa

I Got Sidetracked Quotes By Patti Smith

I revisit my book piles. Trying not to be sidetracked or lured into another dimension. — Patti Smith

I Got Sidetracked Quotes By Richard Meier

The stunted pines elude capture
in a thousand sidetracked increments.
The wind will never understand them.
Like us it is forced to go on. — Richard Meier