Famous Quotes & Sayings

Husbandhood Quotes & Sayings

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Top Husbandhood Quotes

Husbandhood Quotes By Tasha Smith

Now that we have a true leader who stands for family and has a loving relationship with his wife, maybe black men and women will follow their example. We have a lot of faith and trust in President Obama because his integrity thus far has shown us a new level of manhood, fatherhood and husbandhood. — Tasha Smith

Husbandhood Quotes By Chelsea Clinton

I hope that young people will also look to politics as a vehicle to not only have their voices heard, but actually to be the change makers that they want to see. They are disaffected, understandably, but I hope that young people will not only turn out to vote but also run for office. — Chelsea Clinton

Husbandhood Quotes By John Stuart Mill

However unwillingly a person who has a strong opinion may admit the possibility that his opinion may be false, he ought to be moved by the consideration that, however true it may be, if it is not fully, frequently, and fearlessly discussed, it will be held as a dead dogma, not a living truth. — John Stuart Mill

Husbandhood Quotes By Kevin Kelly

Since a relationship involves two members investing in it, its value increases twice as fast as one's investment. — Kevin Kelly

Husbandhood Quotes By Isabella Bird

Americans specially love superlatives. The phrases 'biggest in the world,' 'finest in the world,' are on all lips. Unless President Hayes is a strong man, they will soon come to boast that their government is composed of the 'biggest scoundrels' in the world. — Isabella Bird

Husbandhood Quotes By Jimmy Breslin

Precious was one of a large number of people on the street, many of whom appeared to be women; some, like Precious, actually were. — Jimmy Breslin

Husbandhood Quotes By Homer

He called at once to his companion Patroclus, shouting for him from the ship. Hearing the call in his hut, Patroclus equal of Ares came out; and that was the beginning of his end. — Homer

Husbandhood Quotes By Brian Staveley

People kill to get power, they kill to keep power, and they kill if they think they might lose it, which is pretty much always. Even if you and I both stay out of it, even if we both die, whoever came after us will keep coming. They'll find the next threat, the next worrisome voice, the next person with the wrong name or the wrong skin. Maybe they'll go after the rich for their coin or the peasants for their rice, the Bascans because they're too dark or the Breatans because they're too pale - it doesn't matter. — Brian Staveley

Husbandhood Quotes By Meljean Brook

But there exists not one man who never errs. We would be gods. And gods didn't apologize. Men did. — Meljean Brook

Husbandhood Quotes By John Ray

Love thy neighbor, but pull not down thy hedge. — John Ray

Husbandhood Quotes By Tony Robbins

The only people without problems are those in cemeteries. It is not what happens to us that separates failures from successes. It is how we perceive and what we do about what happens that makes the difference. — Tony Robbins