Famous Quotes & Sayings

Healthy Habit Quotes & Sayings

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Top Healthy Habit Quotes

Healthy Habit Quotes By Joshua Wolf Shenk

When a depressed person does get out of bed, it's usually not with a sudden insight that life is rich and valuable, but out of some creeping sense of duty or instinct for survival. If collapsing is sometimes vital, so is the brute force of will. To William James we owe the insight that, in the absence of real health, we sometimes must act as if we are healthy. Buoyed by such discipline and habit, we might achieve actual well-being. — Joshua Wolf Shenk

Healthy Habit Quotes By Farnoosh Brock

Weight Loss Versus Health Gain:
"Forget the idea of 'losing' anything. Let that happen organically. Instead, focus only on adding the healthy habit of juicing into your system. Think only about the healthy changes you are integrating into your body and not so much about taking anything away. Now, this is more empowering position in which you put yourself. You are in charge of the adding, but you have no control of the subtracting. Let the weight loss be a natural result of the changes that you make and think in terms of adding health into your system instead. Juicing is one such addition. — Farnoosh Brock

Healthy Habit Quotes By Henepola Gunaratana

[M]orality is not a ritualistic obedience to a code of behavior imposed by an external authority. It is rather a healthy habit pattern that you have consciously and voluntarily chosen to impose upon yourself because you recognize its superiority to your present behavior. — Henepola Gunaratana

Healthy Habit Quotes By Criss Jami

I think that there are excellent and poor thinking habits just as there are healthy and unhealthy eating habits; and when a man really knows how to think, you cannot necessarily assert that he thinks too much in a strictly negative connotation. Perhaps this is in a sense food for thought, whereas the other is fool for thought. — Criss Jami

Healthy Habit Quotes By Thomas M. Campbell II

Don't count calories, don't hate carbs, don't go to the Stone Age. Simply eat real food, healthy food, and find ways to love every bit of food and the health that results. It will become a lifelong habit and you can leave the yo-yoing behind. — Thomas M. Campbell II

Healthy Habit Quotes By Aristotle.

Rising before daylight is also to be commended; it is a healthy habit, and gives more time for the management of the household as well as for liberal studies. — Aristotle.

Healthy Habit Quotes By George Washington

Rise early, that by habit it may become familiar, agreeable, healthy, and profitable. — George Washington

Healthy Habit Quotes By Stephen Colbert

I am no fan of books. And chances are, if you're reading this, you and I share a healthy skepticism about the printed word. Well, I want you to know that this is the first book I've ever written, and I hope it's the first book you've ever read. Don't make a habit of it. — Stephen Colbert

Healthy Habit Quotes By Agatha Christie

Bad habit, lunch. A banana and a water biscuit is all any sane healthy man should need in the middle of the day. — Agatha Christie

Healthy Habit Quotes By Rohit Shetty

Working out is a healthy habit: it helps you stay light and energetic. At least, that is how it works for me, and over the years it has been one of my greatest passions. — Rohit Shetty

Healthy Habit Quotes By Thomas Szasz

Although both home and mental illness are complex, modern ideas, we have fallen into the habit of using phrases such as "housing the homeless" and "treating the mentally ill" as if we knew what counts as housing a homeless person or what it means to treat mental illness. But we do not. We have deceived ourselves that having a home and being mentally healthy are our natural conditions, and that we become homeless or mentally ill as a result of "losing" our homes or our minds. The opposite is the case. We are born without a home and without reason, and have to exert ourselves and are fortunate if we succeed in building a secure home and a sound mind. — Thomas Szasz

Healthy Habit Quotes By Ree Drummond

It was time for me to go that Thursday night. We'd just watched Citizen Kane--a throwback to my Cinema 190 class at USC--and it was late. And though a soft, cozy bed in one of the guest rooms sounded much more appealing than driving all the way home, I'd never really wanted to get into the habit of sleeping over at Marlboro Man's house. It was the Pretend-I'm-a-Proper-Country-Club-Girl in me, mixed with a healthy dose of fear that Marlboro Man's mother or grandmother would drop by early in the morning to bring Marlboro Man some warm muffins or some such thing and see my car parked in the driveway. Or even worse, come inside the house, and then I'd have to wrestle with whether or not to volunteer that "I slept in a guest room! I slept in a guest room!", which only would have made me look more guilty. Who needs that? I'd told myself, and vowed never to put myself in that predicament. — Ree Drummond

Healthy Habit Quotes By Wayne Dyer

Healthy thinking is a habit, just like neurotic thinking is a habit. — Wayne Dyer

Healthy Habit Quotes By Cynthia Nixon

I think my least healthy habit is running around too much. And I think I'm getting better about it as I'm getting older. — Cynthia Nixon

Healthy Habit Quotes By Summer Sanders

My healthiest habit is eating a healthy breakfast every morning. I never miss breakfast. As a busy mom, there will be days when I'm cruisin' along and I'll look at the clock and I haven't eaten lunch. And I'll run downstairs, and I'll start shovelin' stuff down the pie hole, and I'll think, 'That was no lunch at all.' — Summer Sanders

Healthy Habit Quotes By Victoria Osteen

Get in the habit of speaking positive, faith-filled words over your life, because a healthy self-image is one of the greatest assets you can have. It will not only cause you to rise higher, but it will inspire others around you to live at their best. — Victoria Osteen

Healthy Habit Quotes By Charles Duhigg

When most individuals or most companies are talking about trying to create healthy habits, the key is to identify which habit or habits seem most important. — Charles Duhigg

Healthy Habit Quotes By Edmund White

I am, I must confess, suspicious of those who denounce others for having too much sex. At what point does a healthy amount become too much? There are, of course, those who suffer because their desire for sex has become compulsive; in their case the drive (loneliness, guilt) is at fault, not the activity as such. When morality is discussed I invariably discover, halfway into the conversation, that what is meant are not the great ethical questions but the rather dreary business of sexual habit, which to my mind is an aesthetic rather than an ethical issue. — Edmund White

Healthy Habit Quotes By Elle Meyer

Eating healthy can become a habit. Get past the first 30 days and it will be easier. — Elle Meyer

Healthy Habit Quotes By Henry Adams

The habit of doubt; of distrusting his own judgment and of totally rejecting the judgment of the world; the tendency to regard every question as open; the hesitation to act except as a choice of evils; the shirking of responsibility; the love of line, form, quality; the horror of ennui; the passion for companionship and the antipathy to society
all these are well-known qualities of New England character in no way peculiar to individuals but in this instance they seemed to be stimulated by the fever, and Henry Adams could never make up his mind whether, on the whole, the change of character was morbid or healthy, good or bad for his purpose. — Henry Adams