Famous Quotes & Sayings

Grindelwald And Dumbledore Quotes & Sayings

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Top Grindelwald And Dumbledore Quotes

Grindelwald And Dumbledore Quotes By Soren Kierkegaard

Faith begins precisely where thinking leaves off — Soren Kierkegaard

Grindelwald And Dumbledore Quotes By Deana Carter

If heartaches and tears and shadows of doubt are part of the deal
you can count me out
but if your talking about a game I can win
You can count me in — Deana Carter

Grindelwald And Dumbledore Quotes By J.K. Rowling

Listen to this: "Professor Dumbledore is particularly famous for his defeat of the Dark wizard Grindelwald in 1945, for the discovery of the twelve uses of dragon's blood and his work on alchemy with his partner, Nicolas Flamel"! — J.K. Rowling

Grindelwald And Dumbledore Quotes By George Orwell

For long periods the High seem to be securely in power, but sooner or later there always comes a moment when they lose either their belief in themselves or their capacity to govern efficiently, or both. They are then overthrown by the Middle, who enlist the Low on their side by pretending to them that they are fighting for liberty and justice. As soon as they have reached their objective, the Middle thrust the Low back into their old position of servitude, and themselves become the High. — George Orwell

Grindelwald And Dumbledore Quotes By J.K. Rowling

Minerva McGonagall was one of only a handful of people who knew, or suspected, how dreadful a moment it was for Albus Dumbledore when, in 1945, he made the decision to confront and defeat the Dark wizard Gellert Grindelwald. — J.K. Rowling

Grindelwald And Dumbledore Quotes By Ernest Gellner

Ideas, and even the detection of errors, require more than care and caution. — Ernest Gellner

Grindelwald And Dumbledore Quotes By Joseph Henry

The person who thinks there can be any real conflict between science and religion must be either very young in science or very ignorant of religion. — Joseph Henry