Good Dependable Quotes & Sayings
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Top Good Dependable Quotes

There's really a shortage of good freelance writers ... There are a lot of talented people who are very erratic, so either they don't turn it in or they turn it in and it's rotten; it's amazing. Somebody who's even maybe not all that terrific but who is dependable, who will turn in a publishable piece more or less on time, can really do very well. — Gloria Steinem

All the boundaries of the world disappeared after a good snow. Nathan had always noticed that. The seemingly sturdy, dependable dividing lines between his yard and his neighbor's yard, or the sidewalk and the street, simply disappeared. Erased by white.
As if the world were advising him not to put too much faith in such markings. That perhaps these lines had never been entirely real to begin with. — Catherine Ryan Hyde

An ideal Mentor is trustworthy (i.e. capable of keeping things confidential), optimistic, dependable and available, a seasoned leader or contributor within the company, influential, a good listener and has excellent interpersonal skills. — Leslie Gordan

Although there is nothing so bad for conscience as trifling, there is nothing so good for conscience as trifles. Its certain discipline and development are related to the smallest things. Conscience, like gravitation, takes hold of atoms. Nothing is morally indifferent. Conscience must reign in manners as well as morals, in amusements as well as work. He only who is "faithful in that which is least" is dependable in all the world. — Maltbie Davenport Babcock

HONOR. This means that a girl is not satisfied with keeping the letter of the law when she really breaks it in spirit.
LOYAL. This means that she is true to her country, to the city or village where she is a citizen, to her family, her church, her school, and those for whom she may work or who may work for her.
HELPFUL. The simplest way of saying this for the very young Scout is to do a good turn to someone every day: that is, to be a giver and not a taker. This is the spirit that makes the older Scout into a fine, useful, dependable woman. — Juliette Gordon Low

The specific goals we set for ourselves are almost always subsidiary to our long range intentions. A good parent, a good neighbour, a good citizen, is not good because his specific goals are acceptable, but because his successive goals are ordered to a dependable and socially desirable set of values. (1947) — Gordon Allport

It has been the fashion to speak of the conflict between human rights and property rights, and from this it has come to be widely believed that the use of private property is tainted with evil and should not be espoused by rational and civilized men ... the only dependable foundation of personal liberty is the personal economic security of private property. The Good Society. — Walter Lippmann

Of course Trudy is here. God knows she'll do what's right. Good old dependable Trudy. She's never rebelled and never will. She'll be the good child to her dying day. Only reason I'm here is to — Carolyn Brown

Some things were done a certain way and they had been done that same way for ages. Most of the time it was a good thing, a reliable thing, and we grew up being able to count on life being very predictable and very dependable. — Arlene Stafford-Wilson

First, they had good character. They were energetic, honest, and dependable. They were persistent after setbacks and acknowledged their mistakes. — David Brooks

The good news about fresh water is that, even after accounting for the larger volume of water that is unavailable to people from the hydrologic cycle, there is enough on a global scale to support current and anticipated populations on a sustainable basis ... Three essential goals are dependable and safe supplies for people, protection and management of the environmental systems through which water moves, and efficient water use. Meeting these goals will require that fresh water not continue to be treated as a free good or as the principal means for disposing of human and industrial wastes. — Gilbert F. White

It's not your knowledge, skill, status & good look that enable you to do great things. It's your trustworthiness. But, you've to EARN it... — Assegid Habtewold

If a stranger saying we are "dependable" activates the reward system, imagine what praise from a boss, a parent, or even an unaccomplished slightly older graduate student will do. Of course, we all know that praise is a good thing, as long as it isn't too unconditional, but until very recently, we had no idea that praise taps into the same reinforcement system in the brain that enables cheese to help rats learn to solve mazes. And positive social regard is a renewable resource. Rather than having less of something after using it, when we let others know we value them, both parties have more. — Matthew D. Lieberman

The only reason I can imagine that it would be a good idea for government to foster dependency in large groups of citizens is to cultivate a dependable voting bloc that will guarantee continued power as long as the entitlements are provided. The problem of course is that such a government will eventually "run out of other people's money," as Margaret Thatcher once famously said. — Ben Carson

A Return-to-Work Candidate To utilize skills and abilities to meet organizational goals in a loyal, dependable, and professional manner Excellent phone skills Good communication skills Sound judgment, good decision making skills Good character: honest, trustworthy, dependable Assignments completed on time Willingness to go the extra mile Team player High school graduate — Jay A. Block

Where would you be without friends? The people to pick you up when you need lifting? We come from homes far from perfect, so you end up almost parent and sibling to your friends - your own chosen family. There's nothing like a really loyal, dependable, good friend. Nothing. — Jennifer Aniston

Romance is like maintaining a car. If you do a good job of it, you will always have a dependable quiet ride. — T.R. Wallace

The last man, Pfc Layton, was the squad's favorite point man and didn't say much in or out of camp, but he was totally dependable. His only goal in life was to get out of Vietnam alive and get out of the Corps. He was a good point man because he didn't like to take chances. Layton was nineteen years old. — Raymond Hunter Pyle

Good character is that quality which makes one dependable whether being watched or not, which makes one truthful when it is to one's advantage to be a little less than truthful, which makes one courageous when faced with great obstacles and which endows one with the firmness of' wise self-discipline. — Arthur S. Adams

Weaken a bad habit by avoiding everything that occasioned it or stimulated it, without concentrating upon it in your zeal to avoid it. Then divert your mind to some good habit and steadily cultivate it until it becomes a dependable part of you. — Paramahansa Yogananda

Do not be seduced by those big-box come-ons, full of "complete sets" of extraneous cookware. A complete set is whatever you need, and maybe all you need is a wok and a hot place to grill your bacon. In a pinch, I can do it all with my good heavy nonstick frying pan. Besides the obvious braising, browning, and frying, I can make sauces and stir-fries in it, toast cheese sandwiches and slivered almonds, use the underside to pound cutlets, and in a pinch probably swing it to defend my honor. If I could find a man that versatile and dependable, I'd marry him. — Jennifer Crusie

I was trying to think the other day about what you do now in America if you want to be successful. Before, you were dependable and wore a good suit. Looking around, I guess that today you have to do all the same things but not wear a good suit. I guess that's all it is. Think rich. Look poor. — Andy Warhol

I am certain that there are two things in life which are dependable
the delights of the flesh and the delights of literature. I have had the good fortune to bring them together and enjoy them together in full quantity. — Peter Greenaway

[Felix Frankfurter] said courts are not representative bodies. They're not designed to be a good reflex of a democratic society. Their judgment is best informed and, therefore, most dependable within narrow limits. — Sam Brownback