Famous Quotes & Sayings

Quotes & Sayings About God Sees Everything

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Top God Sees Everything Quotes

God Sees Everything Quotes By Zig Ziglar

God sees everything at once and knows what you are called to do. Our part is not to play God, but to trust God - to believe that our single, solitary life can make a difference — Zig Ziglar

God Sees Everything Quotes By Francois Fenelon

Let the water flow beneath the bridge; let men be men, that is to say, weak, vain, inconstant, unjust, false, and presumptuous; let the world be the world still; you cannot prevent it. Let every one follow his own inclination and habits; you cannot recast them, and the best course is, to let them be as they are and bear with them. Do not think it strange when you witness unreasonableness and injustice; rest in peace in the bosom of God; He sees it all more clearly than you do, and yet permits it. Be content to do quietly and gently what it becomes you to do, and let everything else be to you as though it were not. — Francois Fenelon

God Sees Everything Quotes By Suzy Kassem

Man is only a forgetful mortal, but God - He sees, hears and remembers everything. — Suzy Kassem

God Sees Everything Quotes By Annie F. Downs

God is perfect (we are not). He sees the big picture (we do not). He knows everything (we do not). So I choose to believe in this - that I am who I am on purpose, that the One who made me has a purpose and has unconditional love for me and those in my life. — Annie F. Downs

God Sees Everything Quotes By Andrew Murray

[T]he elements of holiness in us are these, each corresponding to some special aspect of God's holiness: deep Restfulness (ch. 3), humble Reverence (ch. 4), entire Surrender (ch. 5), joyful Adoration (ch. 6), simple Obedience (ch. 7). These all prepare for the Divine Indwelling (ch. 8). [ ... ]
It is simply impossible for God to dwell or rule when self is on the throne. [ ... ]
Just when we see that there is nothing in us to admire or rest in, God sees in us everything to admire and to rest in, because there is room for Himself. [ ... ]
Lowliness and holiness. Keep fast hold of the intimate connection. Lowliness is taking the place that becomes me; holiness, giving God the place that becomes Him. If I be nothing before Him, and God be all to me, I am in the sure path of holiness. Lowliness is holiness, because it gives all the glory to God. — Andrew Murray

God Sees Everything Quotes By Philip Reeve

If God could do things like that, the world wouldn't look the way it does. He can't reach down and change things. He can't stop any of us doing what we choose to do.'

"What use is he then?"

Oenone shrugged. 'He sees. He understands. He knows how you're feeling. He knows how Theo felt. He knows how it feels to die. And when we die, we go to him.'

'To the Sunless Country, you mean? Like ghosts?"'

Oenone shook her head patiently. 'Like children. Do you remember what it was like to be a tiny child? When everything was possible and everything was given to you, and you knew that you were safe and loved, and the days went on forever? When we die, it will be like that again. That's how it is for Theo now, in heaven. — Philip Reeve

God Sees Everything Quotes By C. JoyBell C.

When you see and know that your wellspring is an Eternal Source, and not other people around you, or your past experiences, not even your life story, that is when you are able to truly give to others, without running out and without feeling empty. Because I see God in everything that I touch and feel and think and because I believe that He sees me in everything, too, hence I am able to give to others without thinking of myself as limited source. What I have doesn't come from others, it doesn't come from my life story and it doesn't come from a box. What I have comes from a wellspring, an Eternal Source. The good news is that it never runs out, there is plenty for all and for everyone. — C. JoyBell C.

God Sees Everything Quotes By LeBron James

Crazy. Karma is a b****. Gets you every time. Its not good to wish bad on anybody. God sees everything! — LeBron James

God Sees Everything Quotes By Jean-Pierre De Caussade

All created things are living in the Hand of God. The senses see only the action of the creatures; but faith sees in everything the action of God. — Jean-Pierre De Caussade

God Sees Everything Quotes By Jon Morrison

The truth is that none of us is wise enough to know our best future. We do not have the vision to see around every corner. But God does. He is both wise and eternal. This means he knows what is best and sees everything that is coming... If God is who he says he is, then he has control of all the tomorrows and we need not worry about them one more day. — Jon Morrison

God Sees Everything Quotes By A.W. Tozer

The meek man is not a human mouse afflicted with a sense of his own inferiority. Rather he may be in his moral life as bold as a lion and as strong as Samson; but he has stopped being fooled about himself. He has accepted God's estimate of his own life. He knows he is as weak and helpless as God has declared him to be, but paradoxically, he knows at the same time that he is in the sight of God of more importance than angels. In himself, nothing; in God, everything. That is his motto. He knows well that the world will never see him as God sees him and he has stopped caring. He rests perfectly content to allow God to place His own values. — A.W. Tozer

God Sees Everything Quotes By D.H. Lawrence

The modern pantheist not only sees the god in everything, he takes photographs of it. — D.H. Lawrence

God Sees Everything Quotes By Joyce Meyer

God sees and understands what we do not see and understand. He asks us to put aside our natural tendencies to want to figure out what should happen in our lives and when it should happen. He also desires us to stop being frustrated because things do not go according to our plan, and instead to relax, enjoy the ride, and trust He is working everything out according to His timing and the wisdom of His plan. — Joyce Meyer

God Sees Everything Quotes By Thomas Merton

But the man who is not afraid to admit everything that he sees to be wrong with himself, and yet recognizes that he may be the object of God's love precisely because of his shortcomings, can begin to be sincere. His sincerity is based on confidence, not in his own illusions about himself, but in the endless, unfailing mercy of God. — Thomas Merton

God Sees Everything Quotes By F Scott Fitzgerald

Standing behind him, Michaelis saw with a shock that he was looking at the eyes of Doctor T. J. Eckleburg, which had just emerged, pale and enormous, from the dissolving night. "God sees everything," repeated Wilson. — F Scott Fitzgerald

God Sees Everything Quotes By Douglas Wilson

We are like fruitflies, measuring everything in terms of our own lifespan. But since our lifespans are so short, our perspective is entirely wrong.
God, who inhabits eternity, sees things differently. He knows that our lives are just a mist. We should trust Him. It was not that long ago that Jesus came and it will not be that long before He returns. — Douglas Wilson

God Sees Everything Quotes By Jennie Allen

It is the fight for control that has us all tied up, while it's really an illusion anyway. We control because we are afraid of what may happen if we let go. Do we really think we are better captains of our lives than a God who sees everything and deeply loves us? So we pursue our scrapbook dreams, distracted, too busy to see he's already with us and has our steps planned. The days and pictures and people he puts in our scrapbooks are seemingly chaotic but perfectly planned. — Jennie Allen

God Sees Everything Quotes By Jim Butcher

Well, I never been to much school, you understand, but it seems to me that you're assuming something you shouldn't assume ... that God sees the world like you do; one thing at a time, from just one spot. Seems to me that he's supposed to be everywhere, know everything ... Think about that; he knows what you're feeling, how you're hurting. Feels my pain, your pain like it was his own. Hell son, the question isn't how God could care about just one person; question is, how could he not? — Jim Butcher

God Sees Everything Quotes By Bill Johnson

I always found it interesting how the church often has a tendency to try to make everything look better than it really is. No divorces are happening here. No alcoholism, domestic violence, or abortions. Just smiling faces and warm handshakes as you walk in the door. It like we're saying, if we can just create a sterile enough environment, then doggone it, our environment will be clean. But of course, God sees us all for who we really are, and He is privy to all of your angry words, gossiping tongues, and secret stashes. He knows who you really are, yet He loves you anyway. — Bill Johnson

God Sees Everything Quotes By Billy Graham

I firmly believe God continues to answer the prayers of His people even after He has taken them to heaven. Never forget that God isn't bound by time the way we are. We see only the present moment; God sees everything. We see only part of what He is doing; He sees it all. — Billy Graham

God Sees Everything Quotes By Jacob Lusk

I hope that America sees that I'm a fun loving guy and I hope they see the light of God in me, if that makes sense at all. This is a great platform, this is a great blessing that I have, and I I just want them to see something in me that says, 'Everything's going to be okay'. — Jacob Lusk

God Sees Everything Quotes By Witness Lee

Whenever we participate in and enjoy God's provision, we have a vision. We see God and He sees us. Because we are in His provision and have the vision, everything is clear, nothing is opaque, and there is no separation between us and Him. — Witness Lee

God Sees Everything Quotes By Joel Osteen

No matter how many times you get knocked down, keep getting back up. God sees your resolve. He sees your determination. And when you do everything you can do, that's when God will step in and do what you can't do. — Joel Osteen

God Sees Everything Quotes By Fernando Pessoa

If only, I feel now, if only I could be someone able to see all this as if he had no other relation with it than that of seeing it, someone able to observe everything as if he were an adult traveler newly arrived today on the surface of life! If only one had not learned, from birth onwards, to give certain accepted meanings to everything, but instead was able to see the meaning inherent in each thing rather than that imposed on it from without. If only one could know the human reality of the woman selling fish and go beyond just labeling her a fishwife and the known fact that she exists and sells fish. If only one could see the policeman as God sees him. If only one could notice everything for the first time, not apocalyptically, as if they were revelations of the Mystery, but directly as the flowerings of Reality. — Fernando Pessoa

God Sees Everything Quotes By Charles Grandison Finney

A state of mind that sees God in everything is evidence of growth in grace and a thankful heart. — Charles Grandison Finney

God Sees Everything Quotes By Ernest Agyemang Yeboah

Whilst people wholeheartedly talk wrongly about you openly, wholeheartedly talk rightly to God in silence and in faith! He knows everything! He sees everything! He hears everything! And He has the very right answer to everything! — Ernest Agyemang Yeboah

God Sees Everything Quotes By John Piper

So when I say that everything that exists - including evil - is ordained by an infinitely holy and all-wise God to make the glory of Christ shine more brightly, I mean that, one way or the other, God sees to it that all things serve to glorify his Son. Whether he causes or permits, he does so with purpose. For an infinitely wise and all-knowing God, both causing and permitting are purposeful. They are part of the big picture of what God plans to bring to pass. — John Piper

God Sees Everything Quotes By Mahmud Shabistari


Thinking is passing from the false to the true
and seeing the Absolute Whole in the part.
When the idea enters the mind,
it is a reminiscence of a former state,
and passes on to interpretation.

. . . He who sees by illumination
discerns God first in everything.
But he who sees by logic only,
and seeks to prove the necessary,
is bewildered and sometimes travels
backward in a circle, or is imprisoned
in a chain of proofs.
Fool! He seeks the dazzling sun
by the dim light of a candle in the desert. — Mahmud Shabistari

God Sees Everything Quotes By Michael Pocock

The real test of progress is how we love God and our neighbor. Everything else is fluff, and potentially dangerous fluff, at that. It gets in the eyes, so that we no longer see clearly as God sees — Michael Pocock

God Sees Everything Quotes By Harold S. Kushner

Judaism minimizes the distinction between body and soul. ... Judaism rejects that duality. First, it does not see death as liberation from earthly bondage and a graduation to a better world. It sees death as a tragedy. Death puts an end to a person's ability to sanctify the world. The death of a good person diminishes God's presence on earth. Second, Judaism does not see the material world, the world of food and sex and sleep and other bodily needs, as being less worthy than the realm of the spirit. Nothing created by God is vile or useless. Everything can be made holy or made base by the way in which it is used. The Talmud tells of one of the sages seeing workers cleaning and decorating a statue of the emperor and musing, "If that statue, which is an image of a flesh-and-blood king, is worthy of being cared for so carefully, how much more so my body, which is an image of the King of Kinds. — Harold S. Kushner

God Sees Everything Quotes By John Piper

God has the capacity to look at the world through two lenses. When God looks at a painful or wicked event through his narrow lens, he sees the tragedy or the sin for what it is in itself and he is angered and grieved. "I do not delight in the death of anyone, says the Lord God" (Ezek. 18:32). But when God looks at a painful or wicked event through his wide-angle lens, he sees the tragedy or the sin in relation to everything leading up to it and everything flowing out from it. He sees it in all the connections and effects that form a pattern or mosaic stretching into eternity. This mosaic, with all its (good and evil) parts he does delight in (Ps. 115:3). — John Piper

God Sees Everything Quotes By Gunter Grass

We were convinced that she looked on with indifference if she noticed us at all. Today I know that everything watches, that nothing goes unseen, and that even wallpaper has a better memory than ours. It isn't God in His heaven that sees all. A kitchen chair, a coathanger, a half-filled ash tray, or the wooden replica of a woman named Niobe can perfectly well serve as an unforgetting witness to every one of our acts. — Gunter Grass

God Sees Everything Quotes By Robert C. Solomon

Whether one sees the world as God's creation or as a secular mystery that science is on the way to figuring out, there is no denying the beauty and majesty of everything from mountain ranges, deserts, and rain forests to the exquisite details in the design of an ordinary mosquito. — Robert C. Solomon

God Sees Everything Quotes By C. JoyBell C.

I cannot have a man who is afraid of everything, I don't have the time to soothe insecurities and fears, I cannot have a man who is standing on a stone by a creek, watching for the fish to swim by and every time he sees a fish he says "Oh look, this fish scares me, I wonder what this fish means, this fish might mean- this, or this fish might mean- that" for God's sake, they are just fish, and they don't mean anything! Such a sad thing, so many fine, strong men standing on top of little stones, pointing at fish all the time! Such a waste! Such a waste of time! I can only have a man who will leap into the water, not minding the damn fish and whatever other little things that scare him. I need to have someone who is braver than me; if I am a pirate, he has to be the pirate Captain, if I am a pirate Captain he has to be the flying dragon. — C. JoyBell C.

God Sees Everything Quotes By Joel Osteen

God knows your value; He sees your potential. You may not understand everything you are going through right now. But hold your head up high, knowing that God is in control and he has a great plan and purpose for your life. Your dreams may not have turned out exactly as you'd hoped, but the bible says that God's ways are better and higher than our ways, even when everybody else rejects you, remember, God stands before you with His arms open wide. He always accepts you. He always confirms your value. God sees your two good moves! You are His prized possession. No matter what you go through in life, no matter how many disappointments you suffer, your value in God's eyes always remains the same. You will always be the apple of His eye. He will never give up on you, so don't give up on yourself. — Joel Osteen

God Sees Everything Quotes By Joyce Meyer

Just as airplane pilots must maintain contact with air traffic control towers, you and I must stay in touch with God - the one who sees the big picture of our lives and who orchestrates everything that involves us. He — Joyce Meyer

God Sees Everything Quotes By Elie Wiesel

The God of impotence made her eyes flame. Mine too. I thought: I am going to die. Whoever sees God must die. It is written in the Bible. I had never quite understood that: why should God be allied with death? Why should He want to kill a man who succeeded in seeing Him? Now, everything became clear. God was ashamed. God likes to sleep with twelve-year old girls. And He Doesn't want us to know. Whoever sees it or guesses it must die so as not to divulge the secret. Death is only the guard who protects God, the doorkeeper of the immense brothel that we call the universe. I am going to die, I thought. And my fingers, clenched around my throat, kept pressing harder and harder, against my will. — Elie Wiesel

God Sees Everything Quotes By Henry T. Blackaby

God created you for a love relationship with Him. He yearns for you to love Him and respond to His immeasurable love for you. God's nature is perfect, holy, total love. He will never relate to you in any other way although you may not always understand His actions. There will be times when you do not comprehend why He allows certain things to occur, and that is to be expected. He is the infinite God while we are limited human creatures. He sees the eternal ramifications of everything that happens. We don't. — Henry T. Blackaby

God Sees Everything Quotes By Marty Rubin

The mystic sees God in everything; the scientist, atoms; the poet, poetry. — Marty Rubin

God Sees Everything Quotes By Sunday Adelaja

Your work may not be noticed by people, but there is One Who sees everything you are doing — Sunday Adelaja

God Sees Everything Quotes By Pope Francis

In Christmas, God reveals himself not as one who stands above and who dominates the universe, but as He who lowers himself. It means that to be like Him, we do not have to place ourselves above the others, but come down, come down and serve them, become small among the small, and poor among the poor. It's a bad thing when one sees a Christian that does not want to come down, a Christian that uses everything to show off. Not nice, eh? That is not Christian, that is paganism — Pope Francis

God Sees Everything Quotes By Dodie Smith

Of course, he sees creation as discovery. I mean, everything is already created, by the first cause
call it God if you like; everything is already there to be found. — Dodie Smith

God Sees Everything Quotes By John Donne

As he that fears God fears nothing else, so he that sees God sees everything else. — John Donne

God Sees Everything Quotes By Dieter F. Uchtdorf

You are loved. You are dear to your heavenly parents. The infinite and eternal Creator of light and life knows you! He is mindful of you. Yes, God loves you this very day and alwaysHe knows everything about you. He sees you clearly - He knows you as you really are. And He loves you - today and always!He loves you not only for who you are this very day but also for the person of glory and light you have the potential and the desire to become — Dieter F. Uchtdorf

God Sees Everything Quotes By Radhanath Swami

One who loves God sees everything in relation to God. Therefore, their love flows spontaneously toward everyone, at all times, everywhere. They even love those who wish them harm. If you love God, you can't hate anything or anyone. If the love one offers is met with hate, it doesn't die; rather, it manifests in the form. — Radhanath Swami

God Sees Everything Quotes By Pico Iyer

And just as it is common to hear how, when one is in love, anything one sees reminds one of that love - our feelings remake the world in a secular equivalent of the faith that sees the hand of God in everything - so I began to find that when one is thinking on a theme, everything seems to reflect on it. Suddenly, everything I saw or read, in this girlish city of temples, seemed to take me back to the theme of the lady and the monk. — Pico Iyer

God Sees Everything Quotes By A.W. Tozer

Like the eye which sees everything in front of it and never sees itself, faith is occupied with the Object upon which it rests and pays no attention to itself at all. While we are looking at God, we do not see ourselves - blessed riddance. The man who has struggled to purify himself and has had nothing but repeated failures will experience real relief when he stops tinkering with his soul and looks away to the perfect One. — A.W. Tozer

God Sees Everything Quotes By John Klaassen

Paul reminds us that we cannot look at people through "worldly" eyes! The world only sees what is on the outside--the burqa or the head scarf, or the beard and the turban. But the gospel causes us to look at the individuals as God sees them. Lost. In need of a Savior. Worth dying for! When we look at people through Jesus' eyes, it is as if the scales fall off and we see everything new. — John Klaassen

God Sees Everything Quotes By Cindy Busby

On stage you can get away with a lot more in the sense of emotion and truthfulness. But the camera is the eye of God. It sees everything. — Cindy Busby