Famous Quotes & Sayings

Quotes & Sayings About Glass Slippers

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Top Glass Slippers Quotes

Glass Slippers Quotes By Kat Howard

There are stories where you must wear out your iron shoes to right a wrong, where children are baked into pies, where jealousy cuts off hands and cuts out hearts. We forget, because the stories end with those ritual words - happily ever after - all the darkness, all the pain, all the effort that comes before. People say they want a fairy tale life, but what they really want is the part that happens off the page, after the oven has been escaped, after the clock strikes midnight. They want the part that doesn't come with glass slippers still stained with a stepsister's blood, or a lover blinded by an angry mother's thorns. If you live through a fairy tale, you don't make it through unscathed or unchanged. Hands — Kat Howard

Glass Slippers Quotes By Catherynne M Valente

I see you go bare-shod. This is most likely extremely sensible. Shoes are no end of trouble for girls ... How many have danced to death in slippers of silk and glass and fur and wood? Too many to count - the graveyards, they are so full these days. You are very wise to let your soles become grubby with mud, to let them grow their own slippers of moss and clay and calluses. This is far preferable to shoes which may become wicked at any moment. — Catherynne M Valente

Glass Slippers Quotes By Clara Diane Thompson

Losing someone close to you is more haunting than a life of cursed solitude.

~The Moon Master — Clara Diane Thompson

Glass Slippers Quotes By Jodi Picoult

What's beautiful, grey and wears glass slippers? Cinderelephant. Why are elephants wrinkled? They don't fit on the ironing board. How do you get down from an elephant? You don't. You get down from a goose. Why do elephants have trunks? Because they'd look funny with a glove compartments — Jodi Picoult

Glass Slippers Quotes By Clara Diane Thompson

She told herself there had been nothing outside, nothing peering in at her from the darkness.

Nothing at all. — Clara Diane Thompson

Glass Slippers Quotes By Donna Cooner

No glass slippers, just a glass heart shattering into a million slivers of regret. — Donna Cooner

Glass Slippers Quotes By Rachel Heffington

My, my, what is the world coming to that women should have feet? Even large ones — Rachel Heffington

Glass Slippers Quotes By Alicia Rae

I felt like I was Cinderella, and these were my glass slippers. Only mine were cowgirl boots. — Alicia Rae

Glass Slippers Quotes By Shannon Hale

But Princess Magnolia wore glass slippers on weekdays. Princess Magnolia was afraid of snails. Sunlight made Princess Magnolia sneeze. And at the moment, the Princess in Black was hog-tying a monster. — Shannon Hale

Glass Slippers Quotes By Seanan McGuire

There weren't any fairy tales in the streets around me. If there was ever a
Cinderella, her glass slippers shattered under her weight and she limped home bleeding from the ball. — Seanan McGuire

Glass Slippers Quotes By Gustave Flaubert

Madame was in her room upstairs. She wore an open dressing gown that showed between the shawl facings of her bodice a pleated chamisette with three gold buttons. Her belt was a corded girdle with great tassels, and her small garnet coloured slippers had a large knot of ribbon that fell over her instep. She had bought herself a blotting book, writing case, pen-holder, and envelopes, although she had no one to write to; she dusted her what-not, looked at herself in the glass, picked up a book, and then, dreaming between the lines, let it drop on her knees. She longed to travel or to go back to her convent. She wished at the same time to die and to live in Paris. — Gustave Flaubert

Glass Slippers Quotes By Sarah Cross

Birthdays were wretched, delicious things when you lived in Beau Rivage. The clock stuck midnight, and presents gave way to magic.
Curses bloomed.
Girls bit into sharp apples instead of birthday cake, chocked on the ruby-and-white slivers, and collapsed into enchanted sleep. Unconscious beneath cobweb canopies, frozen in coffins of glass, they waited for their princes to come. Or they tricked ogres, traded their voices for love, danced until their glass slippers cracked.
A prince would awaken, roused by the promise of true love, and find he had a witch to destroy. A heart to steal. To tear from the rib cage, where it was cushioned by bloody velvet, and deliver it to the queen who demanded the princess's death.
Girls became victims and heroines.
Boys became lovers and murderers.
And sometimes ... they became both. — Sarah Cross

Glass Slippers Quotes By Gita V. Reddy

I am sure when Cinderella went to that ball, she took a great deal more pleasure in outsmarting her stepmother than in the carriage and the ball dress and the glass slippers. — Gita V. Reddy

Glass Slippers Quotes By Sarra Manning

It would be like Cinderella moaning about getting blisters from her glass slippers. — Sarra Manning

Glass Slippers Quotes By Jon Acuff

You used to believe like that too. You used to turn sticks into swords or dirty flip-flops into glass slippers. You climbed trees and made forts and thought being a doctor wasn't out of reach. Nothing was out of reach. Then, somewhere along the way, you lost it. — Jon Acuff

Glass Slippers Quotes By Clara Diane Thompson

Light, show yourself pure and strong,
Save a man from evil's throng,
Take a form, small and white,
Give this girl the strength to fight. — Clara Diane Thompson

Glass Slippers Quotes By Michael Callahan

Remember: There's a reason the fairy godmother gave Cinderella two glass slippers. — Michael Callahan

Glass Slippers Quotes By Martha N. Beck

He is constantly reminding me that real magic doesn't come from achieving the perfect appearance, from being Cinderella at the ball with both glass slippers and a killer hairstyle. The real magic is in the pumpkin, in the mice, in the moonlight; not beyond ordinary life, but within it. — Martha N. Beck

Glass Slippers Quotes By Clara Diane Thompson

Apple Tree Inn, the nightly gathering place of all Winslow residents, and in many ways the core of the town's happiness, always had a warm fire crackling on the hearth and was known for its good cider and company. — Clara Diane Thompson

Glass Slippers Quotes By Kat Howard

Then, because glass slippers would have been a bitch to run in, I laced on a pair of boots, and went down to Ariel's room. — Kat Howard

Glass Slippers Quotes By Jane L Rosen

it wasn't those ill-fitting glass slippers that gave Cinderella the confidence to crash that ball. It was the dress-the dress made her do it! — Jane L Rosen

Glass Slippers Quotes By Claire Messud

The Thwaites lived on Central Park West in the upper Eighties, in a building that, while manifestly grand, particularly to someone from Ohio, was by no means the most elegant among its neighbors. Its lobby, for one thing, was little more than a wide corridor, with two drably upholstered wing chairs propped against a wall and, between them, a glass table upon which rested an elaborate but unaesthetic arrangement of silk flowers. The light in the corridor was greenish, dim and lavatorial, barely illuminating the shallowly carved figures that marched, in pseudo-Egyptian fashion, along the pink stone tiles as far as the elevator. The floor, incongruously, was of a black and white parquet, upon which all but the softest slippers echoed ominously. And the elevator itself - paneled, with brass fixtures and a single tiny red velvet stool, presumably for its operator's comfort - seemed again of a different, though no less ancient, era. — Claire Messud

Glass Slippers Quotes By Bethany Jett

Being pursued, while easy, is purposeful. Intentional. Deliberate. It's not about getting a guy's attention--it's a process of ensuring that he's "the one."

Of all the men holding glass slippers, he has to be your perfect fit. — Bethany Jett

Glass Slippers Quotes By Kelly Oram

These aren't glass slippers," Brian said, dangling the gloves in the air, "but if I have to try them on every girl in LA to find my princess, I will. — Kelly Oram