Famous Quotes & Sayings

Quotes & Sayings About Giving Offering

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Top Giving Offering Quotes

Giving Offering Quotes By Seyi Ayoola

Life isn't just about the duration you spend, but by the donation of impact you can pass out before you eventually pass-out — Seyi Ayoola

Giving Offering Quotes By Paul Lester Wiener

But few have spoken of the actual pleasure derived from giving to someone, from creating something, from finishing a task, form offering unexpected help almost invisibly and anonymously. — Paul Lester Wiener

Giving Offering Quotes By Carolyn Weber

Looking at the parable of the poor widow who gave her last coins to the offering, I considered what it is to give God everything, to truly give him significant pieces of yourself until you have given him your all. To give so much that all that is left is to be with him. I think of how the world measures the depth of our giving by what we hand over, but Jesus measures it by what we hold on to. — Carolyn Weber

Giving Offering Quotes By Terrence Jameson

You should continue to financially support your church and seek out ways to provide a blessing to others. Although tithing is an outdated practice not required by Christians, you should not stop giving and supporting your church. On the contrary, you should continue giving, but with the understanding that your offering is based on love and not from compulsion or fear of being cursed. — Terrence Jameson

Giving Offering Quotes By Mark Rubinstein

A book being read is a transaction between author & reader, a sharing, giving, taking & a reimagining of the author's offering. — Mark Rubinstein

Giving Offering Quotes By Alejandro Jodorowsky

Miracles are like stones: they are everywhere, offering up their beauty, but hardly anyone concedes value to them. We live in a reality where prodigies abound but are seen only by those who have developed their perception of them. Without this perception everything is banal, marvelous events are seen as chance, and one progresses through life without possessing the key that is gratitude. When something extraordinary happens it is seen as a natural phenomenon that we can exploit like parasites, without giving anything in return. But miracles require an exchange; I must make that which is given to me bear fruit for others. If one is not united with oneself, the wonder cannot be captured. Miracles are never performed or provoked: they are discovered. If someone who believes himself to be blind takes off his dark glasses, he will see the light. That darkness is the prison of the rational. — Alejandro Jodorowsky

Giving Offering Quotes By Bill Gates

I hope corporations will dedicate a percentage of their top innovators' time to issues that could help people left out of the global economy. This kind of contribution is even more powerful than giving cash or offering employees' time off to volunteer. It is a focused use of what your company does best. It is a great form of creative capitalism, because it takes the brainpower and makes life better for the richest, and dedicates some of it to improving the lives of everyone else. — Bill Gates

Giving Offering Quotes By Goswami Kriyananda

But surrender also means your back's to the wall and saying, "Okay, I give up." But rather it's a joyful self-offering. When you come to the point of realizing that "I never get it right. I always make a mess of things; I can't do anything right. Let him do it." And then you ask his power to do it through you and you find suddenly that it works that way. — Goswami Kriyananda

Giving Offering Quotes By Philip K. Dick

In Washington and Moscow they are saying, 'Man has finally come of age; he doesn't need paternalistic help.' Which is another way of saying, 'We have abolished that help, and in its place we will rule,' offering no help at all: taking but not giving, ruling but not obeying, telling but not listening, taking life and not giving it. The slayers govern now, without interference; the dreams of mankind have become empty. — Philip K. Dick

Giving Offering Quotes By Simon Sinek

There is a difference between offering a service and being willing to serve. They may both include giving but only one is generous. — Simon Sinek

Giving Offering Quotes By T. Berry Brazelton

Every time you give a parent a sense of success or of empowerment, you're offering it to the baby indirectly. Because every time a parent looks at that baby and says 'Oh, you're so wonderful,' that baby just bursts with feeling good about themselves. — T. Berry Brazelton

Giving Offering Quotes By Kevin Hearne

Giving a witch your body fluids is akin to slicing off a choice cut of your buttocks and offering it to a werewolf. — Kevin Hearne

Giving Offering Quotes By Ravi Zacharias

The Biblical world-view is the only one that accepts the reality of evil and suffering while giving both the cause and the purpose, while offering God-given strength and sustenance in the midst of it. — Ravi Zacharias

Giving Offering Quotes By Mark Batterson

...the true value of an offering isn't measured by how much we give. It's measured by how much we keep...

By definition, a sacrifice must involve sacrifice... — Mark Batterson

Giving Offering Quotes By Eric Ludy

Extravagant love, as in every generation before us, has been ridiculed and scorned. it is seen as wasteful and reckless overspending. But extravagant love, the offering of everything, the emptying of the pockets of our life, is the essence of true Christianity. — Eric Ludy

Giving Offering Quotes By Radhanath Swami

Detachment does not mean to neglect what Krishna gives you. Detachment means to do the needful as an offering to Krishna. — Radhanath Swami

Giving Offering Quotes By Will Durant

Hence a certain tension between religion and society marks the higher stages of every civilization. Religion begins by offering magical aid to harassed and bewildered men; it culminates by giving to a people that unity of morals and belief which seems so favorable to statesmanship and art; it ends by fighting suicidally in the lost cause of the past. — Will Durant

Giving Offering Quotes By Milo Ventimiglia

TV is such a success nowadays because it gives back in a way that features can't. If you go to a film, you only get two hours of great storytellers and performers, and you pay top dollar for that. If you're subscribing to premium channels and you're getting all of these amazing TV shows, and you're watching them as you want, where you want, when you want, on what you want, I think that is the "the golden era of TV" in what television shows are offering to audiences. We're giving them a lot more. It's quality. — Milo Ventimiglia

Giving Offering Quotes By Dalai Lama

Giving material goods is one form of generosity, but one can extend an attitude of generosity into all one's behavior. Being kind, attentive, and honest in dealing with others, offering praise where it is due, giving comfort and advice where they are needed, and simply sharing one's time with someone - all these are forms of generosity, and they do not require any particular level of material wealth. — Dalai Lama

Giving Offering Quotes By Richard Branson

I love stirring the pot. I love giving big companies a run for their money - especially if they're offering expensive, poor-quality products. — Richard Branson

Giving Offering Quotes By Andie MacDowell

A man who opens a door for a woman or gives up his seat for her-even offering to carry something! Those are country manners that never go out of style. — Andie MacDowell

Giving Offering Quotes By Aiden Wilson Tozer

We ought not to be looking for a place to hide, but a place to give ourselves as an offering to God. — Aiden Wilson Tozer

Giving Offering Quotes By Stephen Kendrick

If I'm doing something as an offering unto the Lord, I want to give God my best. — Stephen Kendrick

Giving Offering Quotes By Marshall B. Rosenberg

Often, instead of offering empathy, we have a strong urge to give advice or reassurance and to explain our own position or feeling. — Marshall B. Rosenberg

Giving Offering Quotes By Mark Nepo

Whether through the patterns left in snow, or geese honking in the dark, or through the brilliant wet leaf that hits your face the moment you are questioning your worth, the quiet teachers are everywhere, pointing us to the unlived portion of our lives. When we think we are in charge, the lessons dissolve as accidents or coincidence. But when we're humble enough to welcome the connections, the glass that breaks across the room is offering us direction, giving us a clue to the story we are in. — Mark Nepo

Giving Offering Quotes By Tiffany Reisz

She should submit to him in love and without fear, giving her body to him like a holy offering and making their bed an altar. — Tiffany Reisz

Giving Offering Quotes By Jeffrey R. Holland

I know we can each do something, however small that act may seem to be. We can pay an honest tithe and give our fast and free-will offerings, according to our circumstances. And we can watch for other ways to help. — Jeffrey R. Holland

Giving Offering Quotes By Anne Michaels

When you put a tremendous amount of love into your work, as in any relationship, you can't know - you can only hope - that what you're offering will in some way be received. You shape your love to artistic demands, to the rigors of your genre. But still, it's a labor of love, and it's the nature of love that you must give it freely. — Anne Michaels

Giving Offering Quotes By Will Durant

Religion begins by offering magical aid to harassed and bewildered men; it culminates by giving to a people that unity of morals and belief which seems so favorable to statesmanship and art; it ends by fighting suicidally in the lost cause of the past. For — Will Durant

Giving Offering Quotes By William James

We [may] answer the question: "Why is snow white?" by saying, "For the same reason that soap-suds or whipped eggs are white"-in other words, instead of giving the reason for a fact, we give another example of the same fact. This offering a similar instance, instead of a reason, has often been criticised as one of the forms of logical depravity in men. But manifestly it is not a perverse act of thought, but only an incomplete one. Furnishing parallel cases is the necessary first step towards abstracting the reason imbedded in them all. — William James

Giving Offering Quotes By George Burns

When you stop giving and offering something to the rest of the world, it's time to turn out the lights. — George Burns

Giving Offering Quotes By David Deida

Yes, you can get a man to do just about anything, and you know it. So, what are you going to attract him into doing? Buying you a nice house? Giving you the space to guide your own life? Or, offering his deepest gifts to you and all beings while opening his heart to God?
Are you a selfish witch, a self-sufficient witch, or a witch for the sake of drawing your man and all beings open as a gift for all? — David Deida

Giving Offering Quotes By John F. MacArthur Jr.

We see Him among the thousands of Galilee, anointed of God with the Holy Ghost and power, going about doing good: with no pride of birth, though He was a king; with no pride of intellect, though omniscience dwelt within Him; with no pride of power, though all power in heaven and earth was in His hands; or of station, though the fullness of the Godhead dwelt in Him bodily; or of superior goodness or holiness: but in lowliness of mind esteeming every one better than Himself, healing the sick, casting out devils, feeding the hungry, and everywhere breaking to men the bread of life. We see Him everywhere offering to men His life for the salvation of their souls: and when, at last, the forces of evil gathered thick around Him, walking, alike without display and without dismay, the path of suffering appointed for Him, and giving His life at Calvary that through His death the world might live.1 — John F. MacArthur Jr.

Giving Offering Quotes By Mark Perry

The church is about life-giving relationships that come together in gatherings. When we gather, we don't primarily assemble in the style of the synagogue: to learn, to receive, to evaluate, and to contemplate. Rather, we assemble in the style of the temple: to worship, to pray, to encounter God, and to bring our offering. We come as living stones, fitted together in the house of God as a collective dwelling place. — Mark Perry

Giving Offering Quotes By Stephanie Kuehn

And wasn't that him giving her permission to hurt him? It felt as if he were handing over the reins of his own suicidal impulses. That was how Sadie understood it. Of course, it was how she wanted to understand it, because to her, toying with him and offering him hope every now and then that she might actually find value in him as a human being, before pulling it all out from under him, was pure pleasure. It was everything and more. So there'd been no reason why she'd done what she'd done. There'd just been no reason not to. — Stephanie Kuehn

Giving Offering Quotes By Soren Kierkegaard

The greatest thing each person can do is to give himself to God utterly and unconditionally - weaknesses, fears, and all. For God loves obedience more than good intentions or second-best offerings, which are all too often made under the guise of weakness. — Soren Kierkegaard

Giving Offering Quotes By Ludwig Von Mises

To the grumbler who complains about the unfairness of the market system only one piece of advice can be given: If you want to acquire wealth, then try to satisfy the public by offering them something that is cheaper or which they like better ... Equality under the law gives you the power to challenge every millionaire. — Ludwig Von Mises

Giving Offering Quotes By Robert Wright

Giving men marriage tips is a little like offering Vikings a free booklet titled How Not to Pillage. — Robert Wright

Giving Offering Quotes By Mata Amritanandamayi

Children, we are told to make an offering at the temple or at the feet of the guru, not because the Lord or guru is in need of wealth or anything else. Real offering is the act of surrendering the mind and the intellect. How can it be done? We cannot offer our minds as they are, but only the things to which our minds are attached. Today our minds are greatly attached to money and other worldly things. By placing such thoughts at the feet of the Lord, we are offering Him our heart. This is the principle behind giving charities. — Mata Amritanandamayi

Giving Offering Quotes By Bakari Kitwana

Few places in American culture have made as effective a case for entrepreneurship than hip-hop. Hip-hop tells young people that our society is offering very limited options for youth. And that while society points to a radical decline in living wage jobs for youth and meaningful and affordable education, hip-hop is offering an alternative legitimate economy that is giving youth hope. — Bakari Kitwana

Giving Offering Quotes By Jacques Lusseyran

People often say that blindness sharpens hearing, but I don't think this is so. My ears were hearing no better, but I was making better use of them. Sight is a miraculous instrument offering us all the riches of physical life. But we get nothing in this world without paying for it, and in return for all the benefits that sight brings we are forced to give up others whose existence we don't even suspect. These were the gifts I received in such abundance. — Jacques Lusseyran

Giving Offering Quotes By Sharon Salzberg

Sharing food is a metaphor for all giving. When we offer someone food, we are not just giving that person something to eat; we are giving far more. We give strength, health, beauty, clarity of mind, and even life, because none of those things would be possible without food. So when we feed another, this is what we are offering: the substance of life itself. — Sharon Salzberg

Giving Offering Quotes By Lee Bolman

The essence of leadership is not giving things or even providing visions. It is offering oneself and one's spirit. — Lee Bolman

Giving Offering Quotes By Wayne Muller

As we explore the nature of our gift, our goal is to move toward this kind of giving: cheerful giving that flows gently and easily, kingly giving that flows surely from who we are. As we encounter the questions - Who are we ? What do we love ? - the gift we bring will be easy, because our gift naturally emerges from who we are. The offering we bring is ourselves, just as we are. Our gift is our true nature. There can be no greater gift than this. — Wayne Muller

Giving Offering Quotes By Natalie Zemon Davis

I have two goals. First, that readers be interested, drawn by a historical account, amused by its comic aspects, saddened by the tragic elements, captured by the possibilities of the past; and second, that readers be aware that there could be another way of looking at things besides the one I offer. I'm not giving a lesson or a sermon, I'm offering a dialogue, as I said before. — Natalie Zemon Davis

Giving Offering Quotes By Brother Lawrence

That we need only to recognize GOD intimately present with us, to address ourselves to Him every moment, that we may beg His assistance for knowing His will in things doubtful, and for rightly performing those which we plainly see He requires of us, offering them to Him before we do them, and giving Him thanks when we have done. — Brother Lawrence

Giving Offering Quotes By Marshall B. Rosenberg

Empathy is a respectful understanding of what others are experiencing. Instead of offering empathy, we often have a strong urge to give advice or reassurance and to explain our own position or feeling. Empathy, however, calls upon us to empty our mind and listen to others with our whole being. — Marshall B. Rosenberg

Giving Offering Quotes By Frederick Lenz

I respect self-giving and I've tried to lead my life with that as the ideal. But real self-giving is when we take our being, that which is most precious to us, and we throw it into eternity with a total sense of offering. — Frederick Lenz

Giving Offering Quotes By John Earle

To be a deep listener, one of the first things we have to do is give up the need and the desire to give advice. Knowing answers does not require stating them; there are times when offering answers is not helpful, as when a person is in the middle of their own learning process. — John Earle

Giving Offering Quotes By Sharon Salzberg

Pure generosity emerges when we give without the need for our offering to be received in a certain way. That's why the best kind of generosity comes from inner abundance, rather than from feeling deficient and hollow, starved for validation. — Sharon Salzberg

Giving Offering Quotes By Edith L. Tiempo

True that life is given,
And received. But truer still:
The single-act of giving
Makes the offerer the beggar, too - — Edith L. Tiempo

Giving Offering Quotes By Hideaki Anno

Evangelion is like a puzzle, you know. Any person can see it and give his/her own answer. In other words, we're offering viewers to think by themselves, so that each person can imagine his/her own world. We will never offer the answers, even in the theatrical version. As for many Evangelion viewers, they may expect us to provide the 'all-about Eva' manuals, but there is no such thing. Don't expect to get answers by someone. Don't expect to be catered to all the time. We all have to find our own answers. — Hideaki Anno

Giving Offering Quotes By Ed Miliband

We don't compete in the world by offering tax advantages to a few that we don't give to all our citizens and businesses — Ed Miliband

Giving Offering Quotes By Bell Hooks

Women have endeavored to guide men to love because patriarchal thinking has sanctioned this work even as it has undermined it by teaching men to refuse guidance ... A useful gift all love's practitioners can give is the offering of forgiveness. It not only allows us to move away from blame, from seeing others as the cause of our sustained lovelessness, but it enables us to experience agency, to know we can be responsible for giving and finding love. — Bell Hooks

Giving Offering Quotes By J.M. Coetzee

Curious that a man as selfish as he should be offering himself to the service of dead dogs. There must be other, more productive ways of giving oneself to the world, or to an idea of the world ... But there are other people to do these things - the animal welfare thing, the social rehabilitation thing, even the Byron thing. He saves the honour of corpses because there is no one else stupid enough to do it. — J.M. Coetzee

Giving Offering Quotes By Joe Hill

In her experience it was very difficult to offer a man affection and kindness without giving him the impression you were also offering a lay. — Joe Hill

Giving Offering Quotes By Courtney Milan

Don't imagine it would be the usual kind of marriage." He seemed to withdraw even more. "It needn't even be consummated. Any woman I liked we'll enough to marry doesn't deserve to be saddled to me. If we marry, it will be a quiet wedding by special license in a back room. At the end, we'll go our separate ways
you, to your farm, and me ... " He looked around the small room at the messy piles of paper. "I'm not offering to make a life with you. I'm merely giving you the chance to make your child legitimate. Nothing more."
He watched her, his eyes hooded and wary. And deep inside ... She had no notion as to what to say.
She let out a long breath. "Oh, you are romantic. — Courtney Milan

Giving Offering Quotes By Jarls Forsman

Giving Enriches Your life is not measured by what you have but by what you give. Whether it's a smile, a hand or a gift, you make a difference with each offering. When your focus is self-centered, you never seem to have enough. When you share with others, you experience abundance. Get enriched quick. — Jarls Forsman

Giving Offering Quotes By Theophan The Recluse

The goal of human freedom is not in freedom itself, nor it is in man, but in God. By giving man freedom, God has yielded to man a piece of His Divine authority, but with the intention that man himself would voluntarily bring it as a sacrifice to God, a most perfect offering. — Theophan The Recluse