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Giaever Ivar Quotes & Sayings

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Top Giaever Ivar Quotes

Giaever Ivar Quotes By Ivar Giaever

I'm a skeptic ... Global Warming it's become a new religion. You're not supposed to be against Global Warming. You have basically no choice. And I tell you how many scientists support that. But the number of scientists is not important. The only thing that's important is if the scientists are correct; that's the important part. — Ivar Giaever

Giaever Ivar Quotes By Ivar Giaever

Science is to find something unknown, while invention is to make something new out of the known theory. — Ivar Giaever

Giaever Ivar Quotes By Ivar Giaever

You need to be curious, competitive, creative, stubborn, self-confident, skeptical, patient and be lucky to win a Nobel. — Ivar Giaever

Giaever Ivar Quotes By Ivar Giaever

Is climate change pseudoscience? If I'm going to answer the question, the answer is: absolutely. — Ivar Giaever

Giaever Ivar Quotes By Ivar Giaever

To me the greatest moment in an experiment is always just before I learn whether the particular idea is a good or a bad one. Thus even a failure is exciting, and most of my ideas have of course been wrong. — Ivar Giaever

Giaever Ivar Quotes By Ernest Kurtz

The question "Who am I?" really asks, "Where do I belong or fit?" We get the sense of that "direction" -- the sense of moving toward the place where we fit, or of shaping the place toward which we are moving so that it will fit us -- from hearing how others have handled or are attempting to handle similar (but never exactly the same) situations. We learn by listening to their stories, by hearing how they came (or failed) to belong or fit. — Ernest Kurtz

Giaever Ivar Quotes By Sugar Ray Leonard

I watched Muhammad Ali, how when he would speak, how it was such a thing of beauty. It sounded so wonderful. And I wanted to be like him. — Sugar Ray Leonard

Giaever Ivar Quotes By Ivar Giaever

Global warming has become a new religion. We frequently hear about the number of scientists who support it. But the number is not important: only whether they are correct is important. We don't really know what the actual effect on the global temperature is. There are better ways to spend the money. — Ivar Giaever

Giaever Ivar Quotes By Richard Pound

It's very simple. We are asking baseball to come clean and set the record straight. Either baseball officials seriously want to rid their sport of doping, or they want to brush the issue under the carpet. So far, we haven't seen much evidence of the former. — Richard Pound

Giaever Ivar Quotes By Ivar Giaever

My own beliefs are that the road to a scientific discovery is seldom direct and that it does not necessarily require great expertise. In fact, I am convinced that often a newcomer to a field has a great advantage because he is ignorant and does not know all the complicated reasons why a particular experiment should not be attempted. — Ivar Giaever

Giaever Ivar Quotes By Mark Steyn

Nobel Prize winner Ivar Giaever reminds us that "in pseudoscience you begin with a hypothesis which is very appealing to you, and then you only look for things which confirm the hypothesis". — Mark Steyn

Giaever Ivar Quotes By Anonymous

Never judge a book by it's cover. — Anonymous

Giaever Ivar Quotes By Ivar Giaever

There are 15 main theories in physics, and we know all of them. If there weren't a finite number of theories, there would not be a point to physics. — Ivar Giaever

Giaever Ivar Quotes By Heather Burch

If journeys came with rulebooks, he'd probably just disobeyed every word. — Heather Burch

Giaever Ivar Quotes By Ivar Giaever

I am a skeptic ... Global warming has become a new religion. — Ivar Giaever

Giaever Ivar Quotes By Joel Kinnaman

Sometimes if you start a relationship when you're young, you're not as fully developed as a person. You need a relationship that lets you develop in different ways. You need to bounce off different people. — Joel Kinnaman

Giaever Ivar Quotes By Ivar Giaever

Understanding truth is the primary objective of science, not doing good for the world. — Ivar Giaever

Giaever Ivar Quotes By Ivar Giaever

If you want to help Africa, you should help them out of poverty, not try to build solar cells and windmills. — Ivar Giaever

Giaever Ivar Quotes By Ivar Giaever

If you want to do good research, it's important not to know too much. This almost sounds contradictory but really if you know too much and you get an idea, you will sort of talk yourself out of trying it because you figure it won't work. But if you know just the right amount and you get enthusiastic about your project, you go ahead, you do it and if you're lucky things'll work out. — Ivar Giaever

Giaever Ivar Quotes By Ivar Giaever

I don't really know what the future of science is. Maybe we have come to the end of science; maybe science is a finite field. The inventions resulting from this finite field, however, are boundless. — Ivar Giaever

Giaever Ivar Quotes By Ivar Giaever

'Incontrovertible' is not a scientific word. Nothing is incontrovertible in science. — Ivar Giaever

Giaever Ivar Quotes By Ivar Giaever

When I was 28 years old, I found myself in Schenectady, New York, where I discovered that it was possible for some people to make a good living as physicists. — Ivar Giaever

Giaever Ivar Quotes By Lauryn Hill

I was very confused. I didn't understand the difference between rebellion against God and rebellion against the system that's not God. — Lauryn Hill

Giaever Ivar Quotes By Miranda Kenneally

We've been best friends forever and now he can't even talk to me? — Miranda Kenneally

Giaever Ivar Quotes By Ivar Giaever

While classical mechanics correctly predicts the behavior of large objects such as tennis balls, to predict the behavior of small objects such as electrons, we must use quantum mechanics. — Ivar Giaever

Giaever Ivar Quotes By Ivar Giaever

If you're a physicist, for heaven's sake, and here is the experiment, and you have a theory, and the theory doesn't agree with the experiment, then you have to cut out the theory. You were wrong with the theory. — Ivar Giaever

Giaever Ivar Quotes By Ivar Giaever

I would say that, basically, global warming is a non-problem. — Ivar Giaever

Giaever Ivar Quotes By Barbara Hughes

The Gospel of Jesus Christ is unrelenting in seeking to convert every area of our hearts and lives. The Gospel is all-encompassing. It is in fact the only source of godliness. Search anywhere else, and you have nothing more than self-reform at best and idolatry at its worst. — Barbara Hughes

Giaever Ivar Quotes By Beryl Dov

Show Up [10w]
I've waited for you all my life ~
show up already! — Beryl Dov

Giaever Ivar Quotes By Ivar Giaever

There are just two things you can do to win a Nobel prize - have a good idea and pursue it effectively. — Ivar Giaever

Giaever Ivar Quotes By Kevin Smith

It's a joyful thing, being a Catholic. I can't even think about sex without thinking about bodily waste. — Kevin Smith

Giaever Ivar Quotes By Ivar Giaever

If I have learned anything as a scientist, it is that one should not make things complicated when a simple explanation will do. — Ivar Giaever