Famous Quotes & Sayings

Geechie Dan Quotes & Sayings

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Top Geechie Dan Quotes

Geechie Dan Quotes By Maureen McLaughlin

CLOTHES SWITCH How would the story change if the characters were dressed differently - preppy, gangsta rapper-style? ETHNIC/RACE SWITCH What if the characters were given different ethnicities or races? How would that change the story? EMOTION SWITCH — Maureen McLaughlin

Geechie Dan Quotes By William Hague

You do have to do business with and to try to influence people you don't agree with, or find disagreeable, so it's important to stress that balance. — William Hague

Geechie Dan Quotes By Phil Lesh

If, as some savants of consciousness suggest, we are actually agreeing to create, from moment to moment, everything we perceive as real, then it stands to reason that we're also responsible for keeping it going in some harmonious manner. — Phil Lesh

Geechie Dan Quotes By David Grossman

He played the opening bars again, opening a door for her, inviting her to join. She started quietly, almost voiceless, only a thin string of sound weaving herself into his tune, as if her voice were just another string on the guitar between his fingers. She had to be careful, so no one saw the changes on her face. But she didn't want to be careful; she couldn't be careful. He played and she sang to him, and inside her more and more blocks of ice began to melt, cracking and falling into the frozen sea between them. She sang of all the things that were happening to her and him, the world that collapsed over both of them, the things that might be in store, if only they dared to believe it was possible. — David Grossman

Geechie Dan Quotes By Cassie Graham

But here I am, twenty-four and lost. I'm practically walking in circles, not able to find a place in the world. I keep going around and around in this constant motion, never finding a reason to stop and just be. I'm always doing something. Always moving. Never stagnant. It's sort of exhausting. — Cassie Graham

Geechie Dan Quotes By Andrea Speed

There was an audible gasp, like everyone had been sucker-punched, and the sound reverberated through the hall like he'd just announced that not only was god dead, but he'd also been a hermaphroditic drag queen called Miss Demeanor. — Andrea Speed