Famous Quotes & Sayings

Quotes & Sayings About Fundamentals

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Top Fundamentals Quotes

Fundamentals Quotes By George Karl

The truth of basketball is done in competition and fundamentals and team, but there's a lot of other junk that goes around the game. — George Karl

Fundamentals Quotes By Buck Brannaman

Not all horses are going to be show jumpers, not all horses are going to be dressage horses. So you have to sort of find where the horse physically fits into what might suit him, but all horses can be comfortable and all horses can have good, solid fundamentals. — Buck Brannaman

Fundamentals Quotes By Simon Pont

The fundamentals will cause us all to stand and stare; our want for material possessions, our possession and passing on of heirlooms, our want to leave a legacy; our base sexual drives, our wish to be the superior versions of ourselves; our desire to be happy, as an emotion and an idea, that ultimate phantasm. — Simon Pont

Fundamentals Quotes By Walter Payton

There were high school coaches such as Charles Boston that took me under his wing and taught me the fundamentals of football. And when I went to college there was Robert Hill who took me there and he showed me what hard work and determination would do if you put forth the effort and you take a little time. — Walter Payton

Fundamentals Quotes By Mary Karr

Every reporter who came up in legacy media can tell you about a come-to-Jesus moment when an editor put them up against a wall and tattooed a message deep into their skull: show respect for the fundamentals of the craft, or you would not soon be part of it. — Mary Karr

Fundamentals Quotes By Jonathan Sumption

We would do well to ask ourselves the kind of fundamental questions posed by [Buruma's] erudite and thought-provoking book. — Jonathan Sumption

Fundamentals Quotes By Hyman Rickover

I have a son. I love my son. I want everything that I do to be so safe that I would be happy to have my son operating it. That's my fundamental rule. — Hyman Rickover

Fundamentals Quotes By Pope John Paul II

When a parliamentary or social majority decrees that it is legal, at least under certain conditions, to kill unborn human life, is it not really making a tyrannical decision with regard to the weakest and most defenseless of human beings? ... While public authority can sometimes choose not to put a stop to something which were it prohibited would cause more serious harm, it can never presume to legitimize as a right of individuals even if they are the majority of the members of society an offense against other persons caused by the disregard of so fundamental a right as the right to life. — Pope John Paul II

Fundamentals Quotes By Michael Pollan

We could have a greener economy, even a greener consumer economy by changing the rules - whether it's by taxing carbon or trading carbon, I'm not sure what - but in the end there's just a fundamental problem with the sheer amount we're consuming. — Michael Pollan

Fundamentals Quotes By Larry Dossey

The cognitive structure does not generate consciousness; it simply reflects it; and in the process limits and embellishes it. In a fundamental sense, consciousness is the source of our awareness. In other words, consciousness is not merely awareness as manifest in different forms but it is also what makes awareness possible. — Larry Dossey

Fundamentals Quotes By Jack Shadbolt

I am nature. Nature is me. What I create is what I must create. That I create it is fundamental. I am both anonymous and very precious since I belong to all growth which is life. Therefore I must grow well. What I shape I must shape well. — Jack Shadbolt

Fundamentals Quotes By John Manley

Both cream and scum can rise to the top, unfortunately. This lower-quality stuff that's going higher isn't doing it on fundamentals. — John Manley

Fundamentals Quotes By Richard Rodriguez

We're looking at such enormous complexity and variety that it makes a mockery of "celebrating diversity." In the L.A. of the future, no one will need to say, "Let's celebrate diversity." Diversity is going to be a fundamental part of our lives. That's what it's going to mean to be modern. — Richard Rodriguez

Fundamentals Quotes By Vladimir Putin

Democracy is an internal subject of the developing society. There are fundamentals of democracy, and they should be understood universally in different countries. — Vladimir Putin

Fundamentals Quotes By Woodrow Wilson

Provision for others is a fundamental responsibility of human life. — Woodrow Wilson

Fundamentals Quotes By Sheena Iyengar

Once the jazz musician learns all the fundamentals they can keep track of a lot of choices in an instant. — Sheena Iyengar

Fundamentals Quotes By Twyla Tharp

The great ones never take fundamentals for granted. — Twyla Tharp

Fundamentals Quotes By Rafael Cruz

The fundamental basis is this: Socialism requires that government becomes your God. That's why they have to destroy the concept of God. They have to destroy all loyalties except loyalty to the government. — Rafael Cruz

Fundamentals Quotes By Shoshana Zuboff

Learning has replaced control as the fundamental role of management. — Shoshana Zuboff

Fundamentals Quotes By Robert Nozick

Wisdom is not just knowing fundamental truths, if these are unconnected with the guidance of life or with a perspective on its meaning. If the deep truths physicists describe about the origin and functioning of the universe have little practical import and do not change our picture of the meaning of the universe and our place within it, then knowing them would not count as wisdom. — Robert Nozick

Fundamentals Quotes By Epictetus

Happiness and freedom begin with a clear understanding of one principle: Some things are within our control, and some things are not. It is only after you have faced up to this fundamental rule and learned to distinguish between what you can and can't control that inner tranquility and outer effectiveness become possible. — Epictetus

Fundamentals Quotes By Jay McInerney

Three months later - a Jewish girl having in the meantime explained the fundamentals of kosher dining - he returned to the B & H Dairy Bar, and when, finally, the old man asked him if he'd ever been in a restaurant, Jeff answered, "I don't know - you ever worked in one?" After that he was a New Yorker. Cruising — Jay McInerney

Fundamentals Quotes By J.K. Rowling

Oh please," said Zacharias Smith, rolling his eyes and folding his arms. "I don't think Expelliarmus is exactly going to help us against You-Know-Who, do you?"
"I've used it against him," Harry said quietly. "It saved my life last June. — J.K. Rowling

Fundamentals Quotes By Odilon Redon

The fundamental grey which differentiates the masters, expresses them and is the soul of all colour. — Odilon Redon

Fundamentals Quotes By Sugar Ray Leonard

Bruce Lee was an artist and, like him, I try to go beyond the fundamentals of my sport. I want the public to see a knockout in the making. — Sugar Ray Leonard

Fundamentals Quotes By Richard Ladbrooke

In my experience, the best engineers are those who excel at these fundamentals and are able to break down complex problems into very simple ones. As — Richard Ladbrooke

Fundamentals Quotes By Nelson Mandela

Information is a basic human right and the fundamental foundation for the formation of democratic institutions. — Nelson Mandela

Fundamentals Quotes By Harlan Tarbell

A Magician is not a Magician because he knows tricks, but because he knows Magic - the principles, the fundamentals. — Harlan Tarbell

Fundamentals Quotes By Reinhold Niebuhr

One of the fundamental points about religious humility is you say you don't know about the ultimate judgment. It's beyond your judgment. And if you equate God's judgment with your judgment, you have a wrong religion. — Reinhold Niebuhr

Fundamentals Quotes By Richard P. Feynman

There's so much distance between the fundamental rules and the final phenomenon, that it's almost unbelievable that the final variety of phenomenon can come from such a steady operation of such simple rules. — Richard P. Feynman

Fundamentals Quotes By Rachel Held Evans

I am convinced that what drives most people away from Christianity is not the cost of discipleship but rather the cost of false fundamentals. — Rachel Held Evans

Fundamentals Quotes By Dave Barry

Magnetism is one of the Six Fundamental Forces of the Universe, with the other five being Gravity, Duct Tape, Whining, Remote Control, and The Force That Pulls Dogs Toward The Groins Of Strangers. — Dave Barry

Fundamentals Quotes By Eugen Drewermann

You see, my Lord Archbishop, what is "dubious" about my theology is not that it contradicts particular doctrinal teachings, things are much worse or better: what I want, is no more and no less than a fundamental change in the whole way that theology is done today; but I want this out of faith, not out of faithlessness. — Eugen Drewermann

Fundamentals Quotes By Walt Frazier

There are different eras and generations, but basketball is still the same. Old school or new school, the fundamentals of the game- passing, dribbling,and shooting- never change. The styles and forms may change,but from 1946 to 2006, there's been a right way and a wrong way to practice and perform these skills and that remains the same. — Walt Frazier

Fundamentals Quotes By Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe

The best genius is that which absorbs and assimilates everything without doing the least violence to its fundamental destiny. — Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe

Fundamentals Quotes By Ji-li Jiang

Physics, Chemistry, and Biology had been replaced by Fundamentals of Industry and Agriculture, because of Chairman Mao's instruction to "combine education with practical experience. — Ji-li Jiang

Fundamentals Quotes By Richard Bachman

Craziness is only a matter of degree, and there are lots of people besides me who have the urge to roll heads. They go to stock-car races and the horror movies and the wrestling matches they have in Portland Expo. Maybe what she said smacked of all those things, but I admired her for saying out loud, all the same
the price of honesty is always high. She had an admirable grasp of the fundamentals. Besides, she was tiny and pretty. — Richard Bachman

Fundamentals Quotes By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard

Spare me the mantra that the "fundamentals" are sound. Credit is the ultimate fundamental. — Ambrose Evans-Pritchard

Fundamentals Quotes By Fritjof Capra

[O]rganizations need to undergo fundamental changes, both in order to adapt to the new business environment and to become ecologically sustainable. — Fritjof Capra

Fundamentals Quotes By Byron White

Respondent would have us announce a fundamental right to engage in homosexual sodomy. This we are quite unwilling to do. — Byron White

Fundamentals Quotes By Rajneesh

The fundamental thing is to drop the split, to become one. Be one, and then all else is possible; even the impossible is possible. — Rajneesh

Fundamentals Quotes By Franklin Foer

Globalization really is a concrete, fundamental fact in everybody's lives, and you really see that come to life in soccer stadiums. — Franklin Foer

Fundamentals Quotes By Linus Torvalds

I'm a huge believer in evolution (not in the sense that "it happened" - anybody who doesn't believe that is either uninformed or crazy, but in the sense "the processes of evolution are really fundamental, and should probably be at least thought about in pretty much any context"). — Linus Torvalds

Fundamentals Quotes By Barry Larkin

What people don't realize is that professionals are sensational because of the fundamentals. — Barry Larkin

Fundamentals Quotes By Sergey Biryuzov

We ceased to deal seriously with mobile combat. We relegated to oblivion the fundamentals of combat-in-depth tactics and of combined arms maneuvers which had been widespread before the Finnish campaign. — Sergey Biryuzov

Fundamentals Quotes By Cornel West

There is no fundamental social change by being simply of individual and interpersonal actions. You have to have organizations and institutions that make a fundamental difference. — Cornel West

Fundamentals Quotes By John Wooden

There are three things an athlete must do. You must be in physical condition ... You must execute properly and quickly the fundamentals ... and you must have eagerness to sacrifice personal interests or glory for the welfare of the team. — John Wooden

Fundamentals Quotes By Steve Pavlina

One of the fundamental choices you face in every encounter is the choice to approach or avoid. — Steve Pavlina

Fundamentals Quotes By E.F. Schumacher

The fundamental task is to achieve smallness within large organisation. — E.F. Schumacher

Fundamentals Quotes By Claude Shannon

The fundamental problem of communication is that of reproducing at one point either exactly or approximately a message selected at another point. — Claude Shannon

Fundamentals Quotes By Ellen DeGeneres

It is a fundamental right for people to be allowed to love who they want to love and marry who they want to marry and stop holding on to some form of discrimination that it's just isn't fair. — Ellen DeGeneres

Fundamentals Quotes By Joseph P. Kennedy III

It's really important for me to do the fundamentals of this job really, really well. And to let people know that I think the core responsibilities of a member of Congress aren't seeking the national headlines or being the spokesperson on this issue or that issue when you just get there. — Joseph P. Kennedy III

Fundamentals Quotes By Warren Buffett

Like most trends, at the beginning it's driven by fundamentals, at some point speculation takes over. What the wise man does in the beginning, the fool does in the end. — Warren Buffett

Fundamentals Quotes By Oscar Robertson

There's so many young peoople who start to play basketball and never learn the fundamentals. — Oscar Robertson

Fundamentals Quotes By Margaret Craven

For me it has always been easier here, where only the fundamentals count, to learn what every man must learn in this world."
"And that, my lord?"
"Enough of the meaning of life to be ready to die. — Margaret Craven

Fundamentals Quotes By Nick Offerman

I grew up in a small town in Illinois, and my dad was a basketball coach. Thanks to him, I have excellent fundamentals in both basketball and baseball. — Nick Offerman

Fundamentals Quotes By Alice Bailey

Reincarnation is implicit in the manifested universe and is a basic and fundamental. — Alice Bailey

Fundamentals Quotes By Desmond Tutu

The fundamental law of human beings is interdependence. A person is a person through other persons. — Desmond Tutu

Fundamentals Quotes By Flea

The quality of instruction is very high at the Silverlake Conservatory of Music. It's not about being a rock star. It's about the fundamentals of music, theory and technique on a particular instrument, and playing in an ensemble or private setting. — Flea

Fundamentals Quotes By Martin Firrell

I have a fundamental faith in folk, that people are interesting and good. — Martin Firrell

Fundamentals Quotes By David Wessel

If the government can't get the economy moving again, they have a lot of fundamental problems. — David Wessel

Fundamentals Quotes By Gary Zukav

Our fundamental relationship is soul-to-soul. As we become multi-sensory, we become aware of it. — Gary Zukav

Fundamentals Quotes By Jack Canfield

In one of my recent books, 'The Success Principles,' I taught 64 lessons that help people achieve what they want out of life. From taking nothing less than 100 percent responsibility for your life to empowering others, these are the fundamentals to success - and to great leadership. — Jack Canfield

Fundamentals Quotes By Peter Agre

The need for general scientific understanding by the public has never been larger, and the penalty for scientific illiteracy never harsher ... Lack of scientific fundamentals causes people to make foolish decisions about issues such as the toxicity of chemicals, the efficacy of medicines, the changes in the global climate. — Peter Agre

Fundamentals Quotes By Etienne Gilson

If our previous analyses are correct, they all point to the same conclusion, that metaphysical adventures are doomed to fail when their authors substitute the fundamental concepts of any particular science for those of metaphysics. — Etienne Gilson

Fundamentals Quotes By Michael Jordan

Get the fundamentals down and the level of everything you do will rise — Michael Jordan

Fundamentals Quotes By Reed Hastings

Don't get distracted by the shiny object [and if a crisis comes], execute on the fundamentals. — Reed Hastings

Fundamentals Quotes By Jack Nicklaus

I don't believe in philosophies. I believe in fundamentals. — Jack Nicklaus

Fundamentals Quotes By Ben Bernanke

To achieve a more balanced international system over time, countries with excessive and unsustainable trade surpluses will need to allow their exchange rates to better reflect market fundamentals. — Ben Bernanke

Fundamentals Quotes By Marion D. Hanks

Do you know that when one who has influence with youth- be he teacher, leader or parent- seriously weakens the foundations upon which a young person has built, by faith-destroying challenges the youngster is not yet equipped to meet, he fashions a disciple who has been effectively cut loose from fundamentals at a time when he needs most to rely on them? The challenger may himself be a moral, educated, well-meaning person of integrity, doing what he does in the name of honesty and truth. His own character may have been formed in an atmosphere of faith and conviction which, through his influence, he may now help to destroy in his young follower. "Disenchanted" himself in his mature years, he turns his powers on an immature mind and leaves it ready prey for nostrums and superstitions and behavior he himself would disdain. — Marion D. Hanks

Fundamentals Quotes By Thomas Campbell

Fundamental assumptions in general and scientific assumptions in particular are so hard to overturn because they are based on belief. Beliefs are so hard to overcome because they are irrational and therefore do not yield to logical argument. — Thomas Campbell

Fundamentals Quotes By Antonio Machado

What the poet is searching for
is not the fundamental I
but the deep you. — Antonio Machado

Fundamentals Quotes By Michael Weatherly

Soaps taught me the fundamentals of the game. You know, how to show up, hit your mark, how to be on time. That soap opera world is a microcosm of the entertainment culture. — Michael Weatherly

Fundamentals Quotes By Robert Pattinson

When someone tells you the fundamentals you think that everything's going to come out and be amazing. — Robert Pattinson

Fundamentals Quotes By George Soros

In certain circumstances, financial markets can affect the so-called fundamentals which they are supposed to reflect. When that happens, markets enter into a state of dynamic disequilibrium and behave quite differently from what would be considered normal by the theory of efficient markets. Such boom/bust sequences do not arise very often, but when they do, they can be very disruptive, exactly because they affect the fundamentals of the economy. — George Soros

Fundamentals Quotes By C.S. Lewis

I read in a periodical the other day that the fundamental thing is how we think of God. By God Himself, it is not! How God thinks of us is not only more important, but infinitely more important. — C.S. Lewis

Fundamentals Quotes By Dusty Baker

The fundamentals of baseball haven't changed, but how we can teach those fundamentals has. With an e-book, learning can be more rewarding and fun. — Dusty Baker

Fundamentals Quotes By James Madison

Because we hold it for 'a fundamental and undeniable truth', that religion or 'the duty which we owe to our Creator' and the manner of discharging it, can be directed only by reason and conviction, not by force or violence. — James Madison

Fundamentals Quotes By Wendell Berry

To accept that there is nothing to do is to despair. It is to become in some fundamental way less than human. Those of us who are protesting are protesting in part for our own sake to keep ourselves whole as human beings. — Wendell Berry

Fundamentals Quotes By Stephen Kinzer

The fundamentals of what journalism is about don't necessarily change. What will change is the delivery of news. — Stephen Kinzer

Fundamentals Quotes By Bobby Orr

You hear all the time about European players playing the game. These players that come over at 17, 18 and 19, they just don't all of a sudden become skilled. From the time they were little fellas, they learned the fundamentals of the game. Let them create. — Bobby Orr

Fundamentals Quotes By John McCain

Each Middle East country has their own unique kinds of challenges; but the fundamentals, the desire for democracy and freely elected governments is a common thread throughout. — John McCain

Fundamentals Quotes By Pusha T

The fundamentals of hip-hop still play an important role, cause it's about those similes, those metaphors, those parallels. And to some people it's just about, "Man, I'm really relating to the lifestyle." — Pusha T

Fundamentals Quotes By Havelock Ellis

Reproduction is so primitive and fundamental a function of vital organisms that the mechanism by which it is assured is highly complex and not yet clearly understood. It is not necessarily connected with sex, nor is sex necessarily connected with reproduction. — Havelock Ellis

Fundamentals Quotes By Philip Greenspun

Progress in computer science is made with the distribution of revolutionary software systems and the publication of revolutionary books. We don't need a fancy information system to alert us to these grand events; they will hit us in the face. Another good excuse for ignoring the literature is that, since everyone has strong beliefs about fundamentals but can't support those beliefs rationally or consistently convince non-believers, computer science is actually a religion. — Philip Greenspun

Fundamentals Quotes By Terence McKenna

By manipulating queuing, by manipulating expectation, you can lead people to a fundamental confrontation, not only with themselves, but with the Other. — Terence McKenna

Fundamentals Quotes By John Stewart Bell

The concept of 'measurement' becomes so fuzzy on reflection that it is quite surprising to have it appearing in physical theory at the most fundamental level ... does not any analysis of measurement require concepts more fundamental than measurement? And should not the fundamental theory be about these more fundamental concepts? — John Stewart Bell

Fundamentals Quotes By Lewis Thomas

I suggest that the introductory courses in science, at all levels from grade school through college, be radically revised. Leave the fundamentals, the so-called basics, aside for a while, and concentrate the attention of all students on the things that are not known. — Lewis Thomas

Fundamentals Quotes By Tom DeMarco

The fundamental response to change is not logical, but emotional. — Tom DeMarco

Fundamentals Quotes By James Bovard

The first step in saving our liberty is to realize how much we have already lost, how we lost it, and how we will continue to lose it unless fundamental political changes occur. — James Bovard

Fundamentals Quotes By Thomas Goodwin

Being in Christ, and united to Him, is the fundamental constitution of a Christian. — Thomas Goodwin

Fundamentals Quotes By Werner Heisenberg

The basic idea is to shove all fundamental difficulties onto the neutron and to do quantum mechanics in the nucleus. — Werner Heisenberg

Fundamentals Quotes By Mahatma Gandhi

For me to dominate the Congress in spite of these fundamental differences is almost a species of violence which I must refrain from. — Mahatma Gandhi

Fundamentals Quotes By Joseph Wood Krutch

It is disastrous to own more of anything than you can possess, and it is one of the most fundamental laws of human nature that our power actually to possess is limited. — Joseph Wood Krutch

Fundamentals Quotes By David Nevins

One of the fundamental issues with The Vatican is that the world changed on us. That show was conceived and written while Pope Benedict was still in charge of the Vatican, and it was conceived in a world that now would feel very dated. — David Nevins

Fundamentals Quotes By Dustin Clare

There are parliamentarians in Australia I really support. People through history, you know? Men like Ned Kelly in Australia who challenged ideals. Governor William McKell in Australia really set the tone of building a nation. The fundamentals of the country are built on what the governor McKell created. I think Sea Shepherd (Conservation Society) is a wonderful organization and I support what they do. — Dustin Clare

Fundamentals Quotes By John Whitmore

Learning to create is essential, necessary, vital & fundamental. It is the centrepiece in which you create the life that you really want — John Whitmore

Fundamentals Quotes By Ichiro Ozawa

The Constitution is the fundamental rule for people to live in society. If the rule no longer suits the lives of the general public due to changing times, it should be changed. That goes for regular laws as well as the Constitution. — Ichiro Ozawa

Fundamentals Quotes By William Lane Craig

Should a conflict arise between the witness of the Holy Spirit to the fundamental truth of the Christian faith and beliefs based on argument and evidence then it is the former which must take precedence over the latter. — William Lane Craig

Fundamentals Quotes By James Trefil

For almost half a century, Fermilab has occupied center stage as physicists have sought to understand the fundamental structure of the universe. The lab deserves a good history, and I'm happy to say that in this book it has one. The authors present a compelling, nuanced, and richly detailed account of the place from its beginnings to the present. — James Trefil