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Forgiveness Is Earned Quotes & Sayings

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Top Forgiveness Is Earned Quotes

Forgiveness Is Earned Quotes By Andy Andrews

The longer you've known someone- the more history there is between you- the longer it will take to establish in their mind that you have truly changed. Remember, forgiveness is an altogether different thing from trust or respect. Forgiveness is about the past. Trust and respect are about the future. Forgiveness will be in the hands of others and cna be given to you, but trust and respect are in your own hands and must be earned. — Andy Andrews

Forgiveness Is Earned Quotes By Steven Redhead

There is no necessity for forgiveness were it isn't earned. — Steven Redhead

Forgiveness Is Earned Quotes By Tammara Webber

Luck could be earned and created. It could be discovered. It could be regained. After all - I'd found this girl. I'd found my future. I'd found forgiveness. My mother would have been happy for me ... — Tammara Webber

Forgiveness Is Earned Quotes By Ravi Zacharias

One of the most staggering truths of the Scriptures is to understand that we do not earn our way to heaven ... works have a place
but as a demonstration of having received God's forgiveness, not as a badge of merit of having earned it. — Ravi Zacharias

Forgiveness Is Earned Quotes By Emma Chase

Forgiveness is selfish. We give it not because it's earned, but because it's what we need. To find peace. To be whole. — Emma Chase

Forgiveness Is Earned Quotes By Tara Leigh

I offered my most enticing smile, the one I'd been perfecting for years. Sincere and encouraging, it brimmed with counterfeit confidence. My smile had earned me forgiveness when I deserved none, a seat in first class though I'd only paid for coach. — Tara Leigh

Forgiveness Is Earned Quotes By Matt Chandler

And what we learn in the Song of Songs is that a marriage shaped according to this gospel of grace, forged over years of hard-earned trust and forgiveness, can be an unsafe place for sin but a very safe place for sinners. In a gospel-centered marriage, when two souls are mingled together with the Holy Spirit's leading, we find confirmation after confirmation that grace is true, that grace is real - that we can be really, truly, deeply known and at the same time really, truly, deeply loved. — Matt Chandler

Forgiveness Is Earned Quotes By Elizabeth May

Forgiveness isn't something given... It's something earned. What could I do to earn it, Aileana? Nothing. - Sorcha — Elizabeth May

Forgiveness Is Earned Quotes By Judith Lewis Herman

Like revenge, the fantasy of forgiveness often becomes a cruel torture, because it remains out of reach for most ordinary human beings. Folk wisdom recognizes that to forgive is divine. And even divine forgiveness, in most religious systems, is not unconditional. True forgiveness cannot be granted until the perpetrator has sought and earned it through confession, repentance, and restitution. — Judith Lewis Herman

Forgiveness Is Earned Quotes By Estelle Maskame

Forgiveness shouldn't be expected : It should be earned. — Estelle Maskame

Forgiveness Is Earned Quotes By Richard G. Scott

Peace is the precious fruit of a righteous life. It is possible because of the Atonement of the Savior. It is earned through full repentance, for that leads to refreshing forgiveness. — Richard G. Scott

Forgiveness Is Earned Quotes By Merrie Haskell

Child, you do not forgive because the person who wronged deserves it.You misunderstand the point of forgiveness entirely. The only cage that a grudge creates is around the holder of that grudge. Forgiveness is not saying that the person who hurt you was right, or has earned it, or is allowed to hurt you again. All forgiveness means is that you will carry on without the burdens of rage and hatred. — Merrie Haskell

Forgiveness Is Earned Quotes By Louisa Edwards

Forgiveness is a funny thing. We act like it has to be earned, as if there are a certain number of hoops someone can jump through to make us forget that they hurt us. But forgiveness can't be earned! It can only be given freely, as a gift! — Louisa Edwards

Forgiveness Is Earned Quotes By Bradley Jersak

God is not angry with you and never has been. He loves you with an everlasting love. Salvation is not a question of "turn or burn." We're burning already, but we don't have to be! Redemption! The life and death of Christ showed us how far God would go to extend forgiveness and invitation. His resurrection marked the death of death and the evacuation of Hades. My hope is in Christ, who rightfully earned his judgment seat and whose verdict is restorative justice, that is to say, mercy. Hope. That is my bias, and I believe that Scripture, tradition, and experience confirm it. I — Bradley Jersak

Forgiveness Is Earned Quotes By Helen Roseveare

I had never deserved to be forgiven in the first place when I aas converted. I could do nothing to merit God's favour, His grace, His love. If all I had ever known was unmerited and undeserved grace, how could I then forfeit that which I never earned?... Was I too proud, in some strange, inverted way to humble myself to accept an unmerited forgiveness? I know that it was all of grace, yet my inner being wanted the right to do something to merit it. I was trying to work out my own salvation, to earn God's forgiveness, to prove the sincerity of my repentance...At last I knew that it was true. It was not based on my feeling or on my emotions. It was not dependent on my faith or my obedience. In no way could I merit or deserve it. He loved me. He knew me through and through, better than I knew myself, and yet still, He loved me. Christ died on Calvary to tell me that. Christ lives in Heaven, an unceasing intercessor on my behalf to make that love real to me in my experience. — Helen Roseveare