Famous Quotes & Sayings

Female Country Singers Quotes & Sayings

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Top Female Country Singers Quotes

Female Country Singers Quotes By Bennett Cerf

I don't stutter when I talk to God. He loves me. — Bennett Cerf

Female Country Singers Quotes By Jamie Larbi

Just because you believed and it didn't work out your way or according to your timetable, does not mean that it's over. — Jamie Larbi

Female Country Singers Quotes By Nadine Gordimer

It was a miracle; it was all a miracle: and one ought to have known, from the sufferings of saints, that miracles are horror. — Nadine Gordimer

Female Country Singers Quotes By Leonard Sweet

The Chains of conformity click in tiresomely monotonous unison. — Leonard Sweet

Female Country Singers Quotes By Ellie Goulding

I've always said that Adele has turned so many people on to British singers - whether female singers or just like music from this country in general. — Ellie Goulding

Female Country Singers Quotes By Woody Harrelson

I think people's perception is that when you're famous, you want people to love you. That's a big part of why people become famous, because they don't just want love, they want it on a grand scale. But once you realize - and it's not a big trick to really figure it out - that it's just completely artificial, an external pumping of the ego that's never going to really help you, then it's an easy thing to step out of it. That's probably why Harrison Ford lived in Jackson Hole, Wyoming. — Woody Harrelson

Female Country Singers Quotes By Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe

Self-knowledge comes from knowing other men. — Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe

Female Country Singers Quotes By Benicio Del Toro

When I was a little kid, I was the first kid in my neighborhood to have a pet alligator. — Benicio Del Toro

Female Country Singers Quotes By Rachel Carson

We have been troubled about the world, and had almost lost faith in man; it helps to think about the long history of the earth, and of how life came to be. And when we think in terms of millions of years, we are not so impatient that our own problems be solved tomorrow. — Rachel Carson

Female Country Singers Quotes By Galway Kinnell

Let our scars fall in love. — Galway Kinnell

Female Country Singers Quotes By Bertrand Russell

Skilled work, of no matter what kind, is only done well by those who take a certain pleasure in it, quite apart from its utility, either to themselves in earning a living, or to the world through its outcome. — Bertrand Russell

Female Country Singers Quotes By Susan Bibeau

It is easy to choose death, living is much harder, especially for those who are left to pick up the broken pieces. — Susan Bibeau

Female Country Singers Quotes By Ilona Andrews

No, it's human, Curran said. That's the problem. People, especially unhappy people, want a cause. They want something to belong to, to be a part of something great and bigger, and to be led. It's easy to be a cog in a machine: you don't have to think, you have no responsibility. You're just following orders. Doing as your told. — Ilona Andrews

Female Country Singers Quotes By Vladimir Voinovich

A meeting is an occasion when people gather together, some to say what they do not think, and others not to say what they really do. — Vladimir Voinovich

Female Country Singers Quotes By Starhawk

Much of what is written on the craft is biased in one way or another, so weed out what is useful to you and ignore the rest. I see the next few years as being crucial in the transformation of our culture away from the patriarchal death cults and toward the love of life, of nature, of the female principle. The craft is only one path among the many opening up for women, and many of us will blaze new trails as we explore the uncharted country of our own interiors. The heritage, the culture, the knowledge of the ancient priestesses, healers, poets, singers, and seers were nearly lost, but a seed survived the flames that will blossom in a new age into thousands of flowers. The long sleep of Mother Goddess is ended. May She awaken in each of our hearts ~~ Merry meet, merry part, and blessed be. — Starhawk