Famous Quotes & Sayings

Famous Sgt Schultz Quotes & Sayings

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Top Famous Sgt Schultz Quotes

Famous Sgt Schultz Quotes By Melissa West

Greatness often mingles with insanity. They are, after all, old friends. — Melissa West

Famous Sgt Schultz Quotes By Julian Schnabel

I think when somebody's painting they don't necessarily ... I'm not illustrating what I know. I'm mapping out, like topographically, some terrain I am satisfied with, how awkward that mark is. — Julian Schnabel

Famous Sgt Schultz Quotes By Raquel Welch

My father came from a country called Bolivia. He was of Spanish descent. I never went to Bolivia until I was 60 years old, but apparently when he was 17, he had already planned his entire academic curriculum so that he could graduate high school and enter college in the United States. That's how much he wanted to come to this country. — Raquel Welch

Famous Sgt Schultz Quotes By Preston Sprinkle

Loving your enemy. Doing good things for evil people. Never taking vengeance. Responding to violence with nonviolent love - even if it brings suffering. These are not options, but the primary character traits of those who claim to follow a crucified God. — Preston Sprinkle

Famous Sgt Schultz Quotes By Paul Henderson

My wife and I really enjoy a glass of red wine. We're too old to drink cheap wine, and we don't. — Paul Henderson

Famous Sgt Schultz Quotes By Barbara Kingsolver

What a writer can do, what a fiction writer or a poet or an essay writer can do is re-engage people with their own humanity. — Barbara Kingsolver

Famous Sgt Schultz Quotes By Jonathan Franzen

And yet the feeling of injustice itself turned out to be strangely physical. Even realer, in a way, than a her hurting, smelling, sweating body. Injustice had a shape, an a weight, and a temperature, and a texture, and a very bad taste. — Jonathan Franzen

Famous Sgt Schultz Quotes By Jaleel White

You need fans in high places, I always tell people. I don't care how talented you are. — Jaleel White

Famous Sgt Schultz Quotes By John Von Neumann

I am thinking about something much more important than bombs. I am thinking about computers. — John Von Neumann

Famous Sgt Schultz Quotes By Gemma Files

The primal sin of those like myself, mes amis, is that because we were once people who acted like beasts, we are forever cursed to be beasts who know they were once men. ("In The Poor Girl Taken By Surprise") — Gemma Files

Famous Sgt Schultz Quotes By Anthony Liccione

Arise, my love, let us try to set these ashes on fire again! — Anthony Liccione

Famous Sgt Schultz Quotes By Fyodor Dostoyevsky

But yet I am firmly persuaded that a great deal of consciousness, every sort of consciousness, in fact, is a disease. — Fyodor Dostoyevsky

Famous Sgt Schultz Quotes By Buddy Rich

There are only two types of music.good and bad. — Buddy Rich

Famous Sgt Schultz Quotes By Dee Clark

Oh, no, it can't be teardrops
'Cause a man ain't supposed to cry. — Dee Clark