Famous Quotes & Sayings

F.u.n Quotes & Sayings

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Top F.u.n Quotes

F.u.n Quotes By Larry Fitzgerald

I joined forces with the American Cancer Society in 2010 as a spokesperson for the N.F.L.'s 'A Crucial Catch' campaign, which benefits the American Cancer Society. This was important to me because I lost my mother to breast cancer, and I have always felt a strong commitment to doing all I can to fight this disease. — Larry Fitzgerald

F.u.n Quotes By Noam Chomsky

Undoubtedly, the U.S. harbors leading international terrorists, people described by the F.B.I. and the Justice Department as leading terrorists, like Orlando Bosch, now Posada Carriles, not to speak of those who actually implement state terrorism. — Noam Chomsky

F.u.n Quotes By Jodie Foster

Eventually this all passes. The public horrors of today eventually blow away. And, yes, you are changed by the awful wake of reckoning they leave behind. Hopefully in the process you don't lose your ability to throw your arms in the air again and spin in wild abandon. That is the ultimate F.U. and - finally - the most beautiful survival tool of all. Don't let them take that away from you. — Jodie Foster

F.u.n Quotes By Anonymous

A monoid homomorphism f between monoids M and N obeys the following general law for all values x and y: M.op(f(x), f(y)) == f(N.op(x, y)) — Anonymous

F.u.n Quotes By Robert Louis Stevenson

Tall tree, Spy-glass shoulder, bearing a point to the N. of N.N.E. Skeleton Island E.S.E. and by E. Ten feet. The bar silver is in the north cache; you can find it by the trend of the east hummock, ten fathoms south of the black crag with the face on it. The arms are easy found, in the sand-hill, N. point of north inlet cape, bearing E. and a quarter N. J.F. That — Robert Louis Stevenson

F.u.n Quotes By Peter F. Drucker

It is hard to realize today that "government" during the American Civil War a hundred years ago meant the merest handful of people. Lincoln's Secretary of War had fewer than fifty civilian subordinates, most of them not "executives" and policy-makers but telegraph clerks. The entire Washington establishment of the U.S. government in Theodore Roosevelt's time, around 1900, could be comfortably housed in any one of the government buildings along the Mall today. — Peter F. Drucker

F.u.n Quotes By Robert Dallek

Some Kennedy aides have always insisted that Johnson misread J.F.K.'s plans for Vietnam. They say that Kennedy had begun to rethink the U.S. presence in Indochina and was reluctant to increase it. — Robert Dallek

F.u.n Quotes By Douglas R. Hofstadter

This computer-generated pangram contains six a's, one b, three c's, three d's, thirty-seven e's, six f's, three g's, nine h's, twelve i's, one j, one k, two l's, three m's, twenty-two n's, thirteen o's, three p's, one q, fourteen r's, twenty-nine s's, twenty-four t's, five u's, six v's, seven w's, four x's, five y's, and one z. — Douglas R. Hofstadter

F.u.n Quotes By Warren Moon

Even though my mother had told me growing up that, 'If you win, nobody cares what color you are,' that wasn't necessarily true in the N.F.L. — Warren Moon

F.u.n Quotes By Gerard Way

Look at me, with my pretty bracelet and tiara ... I'm a f****n' princess! — Gerard Way

F.u.n Quotes By Samantha Young

I think we need to come up with a child-friendly phrase for f-u-c-k off."
"Duck off?"
"Exactly. Braden, duck off, you sarcastic dastard. — Samantha Young

F.u.n Quotes By Seth Grahame-Smith

Put the car in "d" set the compass to "n" and get the "f"out of there — Seth Grahame-Smith

F.u.n Quotes By K.M. Golland

My mouth went dry.
My vagina bats fluttered.
My Carly-cave collapsed. Fuck. F.U.C.K. Fuck. — K.M. Golland

F.u.n Quotes By Donald Jeffries

Following his wonderful introduction to the joys of womanhood, Waldo found a perverse pleasure in leaving his after-sex cigarette butt glowing on the lawn of the executive mansion. Despite Jeanne's repeated assurances that it wouldn't actually be visible to any nineteenth century passers-by, Waldo preferred to picture his discarded cigarette butt being the center of much scrutiny, with puzzled Civil War-era Washingtonians reacting to it in the same way Brazilian farmers would react to U.F.O.'s a century later. — Donald Jeffries

F.u.n Quotes By Mark Twain

But it's awluz jis' so; people dat's sot, stays sot; dey won't look into noth'n'en fine it out f'r deyselves, en when you fine it out en tell um 'bout it, dey doan' b'lieve you. — Mark Twain

F.u.n Quotes By Stephen King

By Annie Wilkes ...
If you can get into that chair all by yourself, Paul, she said at last, then I think you can fill in your f******* n's.
She then closed the door and locked it again. Paul sat looking at it for a long time, almost as if there was something to see. He was too flabberghasted to do anything else. — Stephen King

F.u.n Quotes By Stephen King

Say whatever you want about Stoke Jones, you could depend on him to put a little f/u into your day. — Stephen King

F.u.n Quotes By Amy Schumer

As women, most interactions from around age eight on teach us to keep things cool so no one is inspired to, God forbid, call us the U or F words: "ugly" or "fat." I'm not the first to point out how women are taught that our value comes from how we look, and that it takes a lifetime (or at least until menopause) for most women to undo this awful lie. As — Amy Schumer

F.u.n Quotes By Irvin D. Yalom

My dear Lou, I, too, have dawns about me, and not painted ones! Something I no longer believed possible, to find a friend for my ultimate happiness and suffering, now seems to me possible - the golden possibility on the horizon of my whole future life. I am moved whenever I so much as think of the bold and rich soul of my dear Lou. F.N. — Irvin D. Yalom

F.u.n Quotes By Phoebe Robinson

I'm sorry, but eeeeeeeww. A woman telling another woman that she's not likable because she's smart is gross. It's a big F-U to all the women who have fought and continue to fight for ladies' equality, and furthermore, it continues the cycle of discouraging women from being as well rounded as men are allowed to be. — Phoebe Robinson

F.u.n Quotes By Line F. Nielsen


We get told
Not to see the world in black'n'white
But if a picture is in color
The emotions loose the fight

We get told
Not to choose a book by it's cover
But if we aren't drawn in
We won't ever be it's lover

We get told
Not to believe in what we don't see
But what about inspiration
Without it creativity wouldn't be — Line F. Nielsen

F.u.n Quotes By Stephen F. Lynch

The biggest share of U.S. exports to the six CAFTA nations is not the traditional job-creation kind. These are products that are not consumed in the purchasing nations. — Stephen F. Lynch

F.u.n Quotes By Tessa Bailey

Hot damn, Wip. We've got a stone-cold fox on our hands."
Willa flipped Ginger the bird without looking away from the full-length mirror. "This touching family sitcom moment brought to you by the letters F and U. — Tessa Bailey

F.u.n Quotes By George Vecsey

Why is the N.F.L. so popular? The N.F.L. grew in the comfort zone after World War II. People had money and time. A popular American sport got bigger. — George Vecsey

F.u.n Quotes By Billie Joe Armstrong

We've been together as a group for a long time so this means a lot ... we've done everything ourselves until this point, so thank you to everybody ... do everything you f
n' believe in, because this is what it's all about, — Billie Joe Armstrong

F.u.n Quotes By Anonymous

18For a through him we both have b access in c one Spirit to the Father. 19So then you are no longer d strangers and aliens, [4] but you are e fellow citizens with the saints and f members of the household of God, 20 g built on the foundation of the h apostles and prophets, i Christ Jesus himself being j the cornerstone, 21 k in whom the whole structure, being joined together, grows into l a holy temple in the Lord. 22In him m you also are being built together n into a dwelling place for God by [5] the Spirit. — Anonymous

F.u.n Quotes By John Madden

Baseball has better opening days and All-Star Games than the N.F.L. does. Ours stink. — John Madden

F.u.n Quotes By Fred Barnett

The figure hanging upside down at the top of the great hall had 'f'n had it' with the corpulent little blood dumplings! - Bats — Fred Barnett

F.u.n Quotes By Bill Hicks

They tell us "Rock'n'roll is the devil's music." Well, let's say we know that rock is the devil's music, and we know that it is, for sure ... At least he f-kin' jams! If it's a choice
between eternal Hell and good tunes, and eternal Heaven and New Kids on the f-kin' Block ... I'm gonna be surfin' on the lake of fire, rockin' out. — Bill Hicks

F.u.n Quotes By Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

The factory meat industry has polluted thousands of miles of America's rivers, killed billions of fish, pushed tens of thousands of family farmers off their land, sickened and killed thousands of U.S. citizens, and treated millions of farm animals with unspeakable and unnecessary cruelty. — Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

F.u.n Quotes By Robert F. Kennedy

That was the beginning of the Cuban missile crisis - a confrontation between the two giant atomic nations, the U.S. and the U.S.S.R., which brought the world to the abyss of nuclear destruction and the end of mankind. From — Robert F. Kennedy

F.u.n Quotes By Florian Auer

One wrong guess left! x m t r f o a n e i — Florian Auer

F.u.n Quotes By Sophie Kinsella

I would like a cappuccino," says Linus politely. "Thank you."
"Your name?"
"I'll spell it for you," he says. "Z-W-P-A-E-N
"What?" She stares at him, Sharpie in hand.
"Wait, I haven't finished. Double F-hyphen-T-J-U-S. It's an unusual name, Linus adds gravely. "It's Dutch. — Sophie Kinsella

F.u.n Quotes By Pete Rozelle

In fact, an awful lot of N.F.L. club owners have practically no influence on their players at all, simply because they're not full-time working owners. — Pete Rozelle

F.u.n Quotes By David F. Winkler

staff of U.S. Navy Fifth Fleet and submitted his narrative in 2001. With the ongoing war in Iraq, I felt it appropriate that a broader audience have access to Commander Winkler's work. — David F. Winkler

F.u.n Quotes By Carter F. Smith

Gangs have had connections to the U.S. Military in every period since the founding of the country. — Carter F. Smith

F.u.n Quotes By Slash

When I see footage of Guns N' Roses, I see that fu**ing hunger and attitude. You could not f**k with those five guys. It was just raw. It was this lean, hungry thing on its way up. It was as sincere as any rock 'n' roll that I've ever heard, and I'm proud of that. — Slash

F.u.n Quotes By Olivia Wilde

I'd like to refocus everyone's attention away from the Kardashians and onto Doctors Without Borders or aid workers. Let's redefine scandal. Scandal is not who so-and-so is dating; scandal is the fact that 1.2 million people are still living in tents in Haiti, and cholera is rampant because Nepalese U.N. soldiers dumped s- from their Porta-Potties into the river. That's a f-ing scandal. If the average 15-year-old was hearing about that instead of so-and-so's plastic surgery or cheating in Hollywood, I'd feel better about our future. — Olivia Wilde

F.u.n Quotes By P.J. Harvey

Tell you my name
50 ft Queenie!
Force 10 hurricane.
Biggest woman,
I could have 10 sons!
10 gods, 10 queens,
10 ft and rising! — P.J. Harvey

F.u.n Quotes By N. F. Simpson

I eat merely to put food out of my mind. — N. F. Simpson

F.u.n Quotes By Joseph E. Stiglitz

(a) Recent U.S. income growth primarily occurs at the top 1 percent of the income distribution. (b) As a result there is growing inequality. (c) And those at the bottom and in the middle are actually worse-off today than they were at the beginning of the century. (d) Inequalities in wealth are even greater than inequalities in income. (e) Inequalities are apparent not just in income but in a variety of other variables that reflect standards of living, such as insecurity and health. (f) Life is particularly harsh at the bottom - and the recession made it much worse. (g) There has been a hollowing out of the middle class. (h) There is little income mobility - the notion of America as a land of opportunity is a myth. (i) And America has more inequality than any other advanced industrialized country, it does less to correct these inequities, and inequality is growing more than in many other countries. — Joseph E. Stiglitz

F.u.n Quotes By David Barton

In 1967, in DeKalb v. DeSpain, a court (255 F.Supp. 655. N.D.Ill. 1966.) took a 4-line nursery rhyme used by a K-5 kindergarten class and declared the nursery rhyme unconstitutional. The court explained that although the word 'God' was not contained in this nursery rhyme, if someone were to hear the rhyme, he might think that it was talking about God - and that would be unconstitutional! — David Barton

F.u.n Quotes By Bob N. Boguslavski

This a work of f(r)iction, where fact and fiction rub up against each other, and nobody wants to know it regardless. — Bob N. Boguslavski

F.u.n Quotes By Mary Roach

You do not question an author who appears on the title page as T.V.N. Persaud, M.D., Ph.D., D.Sc., F.R.C.Path. (Lond.), F.F.Path. (R.C.P.I.), F.A.C.O.G. — Mary Roach

F.u.n Quotes By Charlie Kaufman

I studied acting at Boston University. I was in the theater department there. Somewhere in there I decided that wasn't what I was going to do and I went to the B.F.A. film program at N.Y.U. — Charlie Kaufman

F.u.n Quotes By Ian Hutton

Softly sang as I drifted into dreams: F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y and Z A, — Ian Hutton

F.u.n Quotes By Tony Dorsett

No parent or coach can be true to any child and say he's ready for the N.F.L. out of high school. — Tony Dorsett

F.u.n Quotes By Meldrim Thomson Jr.

The U.N. is an American-based bastion of foreign spies. Russia has more spies in the U.S. than there are members of the F.B.I. — Meldrim Thomson Jr.

F.u.n Quotes By Stefan Mohamed

The chemicals might be S-T-U-F-F ... like ... um ... seretonial-tryskelion-uberwobble-flexing-fluxamine, or whatever. Who cares. — Stefan Mohamed

F.u.n Quotes By N. F. Simpson

Reality is an illusion created by a lack of alcohol. — N. F. Simpson

F.u.n Quotes By Elysia N. Fields

Barbara had really missed her calling. She should have been a gynecologist. Nothing pleased her more than having her face between another woman's legs. — Elysia N. Fields

F.u.n Quotes By Olivier BEAL

M S S S T S C P U E S A L L I A E C E E G P N L D D M Q A C I G U A Q P D T U D S A C C A E U A A Q F L T E I E A P N A E C L S E U A H 0 E E I E E E O O A N P P A A N P X E P S A A E E R E E U E L A N R U E E U N E I U R E R S N R U L E O S N T O O R N I A U S N U I 0 R U S P T N U R E E E M D P C T E T R R S A S R A R R E M I R E E S X T E T M T C A E U T D U M C E I T E T S 0 B R T E T P E C E E E A T E D S G S N B D E M R R A T E T C T E R L T R T 0 E T S E I S L L E E I O T E E E E T E R H S E E O 0 R E A T E I E E N R T S U E E T I 0 E S L R E B E R S R R 0 E U U E U E 0 C R S C 0 T T 0 I I 0 B B 0 L L 0 E E — Olivier BEAL

F.u.n Quotes By John F. Kerry

We don't differ with the government on the demands [on Iran], but we totally reject how Bibi is handling it. Bibi sacrificed good relations with the U.S. to keep the status quo on the Palestinians. He poked the [Obama] Administration in the eye on settlements just to appease right-wingers — John F. Kerry

F.u.n Quotes By Stephen F. Lynch

If you consider that a typical Central American consumer earns only a small fraction of an average American worker's wages, it becomes clear that CAFTA's true goal is not to the increase U.S. exports. — Stephen F. Lynch

F.u.n Quotes By Morrissey

Why are you doing this? — Morrissey

F.u.n Quotes By King Krule

I'm trying to create a collection of stories - the 'U.F.O.W.A.V.E.' songs are all stories. I haven't really taken direct lyrical influence from other songwriters, but my dad bought me a book of W.H. Auden's poems when I was younger, and the imagery really interested me. — King Krule

F.u.n Quotes By Beryl Dov

R-o-l-a-i-d-s: How do you spell relief? [10w]
J-a-c-k-i-n-go-f-f. — Beryl Dov

F.u.n Quotes By Anonymous

91 He who dwells in a the shelter of the Most High will abide in b the shadow of the Almighty. 2 I will say [1] to the LORD, "My c refuge and my d fortress, my God, in whom I e trust." 3 For he will deliver you from f the snare of the fowler and from the deadly pestilence. 4 He will g cover you with his pinions, and under his h wings you will i find refuge; his j faithfulness is k a shield and buckler. 5 l You will not fear m the terror of the night, nor the arrow that flies by day, 6 nor the pestilence that stalks in darkness, nor the destruction that wastes at noonday. 7 A thousand may fall at your side, ten thousand at your right hand, but it will not come near you. 8 You will only look with your eyes and n see the recompense of the wicked. 9 Because you have made the LORD your o dwelling place - the Most High, who is my c refuge — Anonymous

F.u.n Quotes By Lailah Gifty Akita

F - Fall
A - Arise
I - Intuitive thinking
L - Learning process
U - Undeterred soul
R - Renew thoughts
E - Experiments new thinking. — Lailah Gifty Akita

F.u.n Quotes By Anonymous

23for f all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, 24 g and are justified h by his grace as a gift, i through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus, 25whom God j put forward as k a propitiation l by his blood, to be received by faith. This was to show God's righteousness, because in m his divine forbearance he had passed over n former sins. 26It was to show his righteousness at the present time, so that he might be just and the justifier of the one who has faith in Jesus. — Anonymous

F.u.n Quotes By Osunsakin Adewale

BY : ADEWALE OSUNSAKIN — Osunsakin Adewale

F.u.n Quotes By Project Pat

Two things I ain't ever seen, a U.F.O. and a hoe that won't go. — Project Pat

F.u.n Quotes By Amy Hempel

The other day I was playing Scrabble. I saw that I could close the space in D-E- -Y. I had an N and an F. Which do you think I chose? What was the word I made? — Amy Hempel

F.u.n Quotes By Thomas Waite

She and Don were taken to a hangar where a pair of F-15 fighter jets were waiting: his and hers, as it turned out. "Why?" Don asked uneasily. "We're taking you to the U.S.S. William Jefferson Clinton." "An aircraft carrier? — Thomas Waite

F.u.n Quotes By John Dos Passos

If there are no permanent standards, there is no criticism possible. — John Dos Passos

F.u.n Quotes By Jorge Luis Borges

On those remote pages [of 'a certain Chinese encyclopedia'] it is written that animals are divided into (a) those that belong to the Emperor, (b) embalmed ones, (c) those that are trained, (d) suckling pigs, (e) mermaids, (f ) fabulous ones, (g) stray dogs, (h) those that are included in this classification, (i) those that tremble as if they were mad, (j) innumerable ones, (k) those drawn with a very fine camel's hair brush, (l) others, (m) those that have just broken a flower vase, (n) those that resemble flies from a distance. — Jorge Luis Borges

F.u.n Quotes By Triple H

Parental Discretion is advised, but will be completely f*n, ignored — Triple H

F.u.n Quotes By Michelle Hodkin

Before I could say anything, Jamie began writing giant letters over the words with his index finger.
F-U-C-K Y-O-U.
My sentiments exactly. — Michelle Hodkin

F.u.n Quotes By N. F. Simpson

Remember, to them it is us who are the enemy. — N. F. Simpson

F.u.n Quotes By J. Sterling

Part of my identity for as long as I can remember is being a baseball player. If I'm not that anymore, then who am I?"
"Who do you want to be?"
"Harry Potter — J. Sterling

F.u.n Quotes By Jack F. Matlock Jr.

Of all the many memoirs by former Soviet officials, Palazchenko's is among the best written and also the most objective. Even his descriptions of U.S. policy are more accurate and judicious than those of some American scholars. — Jack F. Matlock Jr.

F.u.n Quotes By Angie Thomas

T-H-U-G L-I-F-E. Meaning what society give us as youth, it bites them in the ass when we wild out. Get it?" "Damn. — Angie Thomas

F.u.n Quotes By CeeLo Green

All I'll say is ... I'm at a point in life when nothing feels shocking to me. I need something to shock me! I'm almost ready to see a U.F.O. — CeeLo Green

F.u.n Quotes By Rand Paul

I would set aside all these budget cuts that are going to devastate the F.B.I., the C.I.A., and the N.S.A. Sequestration, cuts, are not only gutting the military, they're gutting the F.B.I. So if I were president, I would set these cuts aside. I would reinstate the N.S.A. program as robust as possible within the constitutional limits. — Rand Paul

F.u.n Quotes By Alice Freeman Palmer

Every day stop before something beautiful long enough to say, Isn't that b-e-a-u-t-i-f-u-l!" — Alice Freeman Palmer

F.u.n Quotes By Joseph Simmons

LIFE = (L)ive (I)N (F)ull (E)ffect!!!!!!! — Joseph Simmons

F.u.n Quotes By Jeff Greenfield

In early 1961 a new president, John F. Kennedy, was told by military leaders and civilian officials that the Kingdom of Laos - of no conceivable strategic importance to the U.S. - required the presence of American troops and perhaps even tactical nuclear weapons. Why? Because if Laos fell, Asia would go red from Thailand to Indonesia. — Jeff Greenfield

F.u.n Quotes By N. F. Simpson

Sanity is an illusion caused by alcohol deficiency. — N. F. Simpson

F.u.n Quotes By Anthony F. Jorm

While binge drinking is a significant issue, it is likely that many members of the public would be surprised by its categorisation as a mental illness, particularly at the milder end."

Public confusion caused by differing understandings of the term 'mental illness'.
Jorm AF, Reavley NJ.
Aust N Z J Psychiatry. 2012 May;46(5):397-9.
PMID: 22535288 — Anthony F. Jorm

F.u.n Quotes By Anonymous

8Do not be like them, e for your Father knows what you need before you ask him. 9 f Pray then like this: g Our Father in heaven, h hallowed be i your name. [1] 10 j Your kingdom come, k your will be done, [2] l on earth as it is in heaven. 11 m Give us n this day our daily bread, [3] 12 and forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors. 13 And o lead us not into temptation, but p deliver us from q evil. [4] 14 r For if you forgive others their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you, 15 s but if you do not forgive others their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses. — Anonymous

F.u.n Quotes By F Scott Fitzgerald

He broke off and began to walk u and down a desolate path of fruit rinds and discarded favors and crushed flowers. — F Scott Fitzgerald

F.u.n Quotes By Amy Reed

Shirley: "Christopher, would you like to tell Olivia what "F.I.N.E" means?"
Christopher: "Fucked-up, Insecure, Neurotic, and Emotional"
Olivia: "But what if you really do feel fine?"
Shirley: "Christopher, care to answer that?"
Christopher: "Um, there's no such feeling as fine. — Amy Reed

F.u.n Quotes By N. F. Simpson

Each of us as he receives his private trouncings at the hands of fate is kept in good heart by hearing of the moth in his brother's parachute and the scorpion in his neighbor's underwear. — N. F. Simpson

F.u.n Quotes By Catherynne M Valente

Recite the Periodic Table of Teatime, in correct order, with Elemental Symbols, please.'
A-Through-L sat back on his handsome black haunches, shut his eyes, and said: 'Hot Tea (H), Herbal Tea (He), Lingonberry Scones (Li), Berry Jam (Be), Butter (B), Cream (C), Napoleons (N), Orange Marmalade (O), Frosting (F), Nettle Tea (Ne) ... — Catherynne M Valente

F.u.n Quotes By Hans F. Sennholz

The social and racial conflict, which springs from the redistribution ideology, may deepen as economic output is shrinking and transfer 'entitlements cause budget deficits to soar. The U.S. dollar, which has become a mere corollary of government finance, is likely to survive the soaring deficits. — Hans F. Sennholz

F.u.n Quotes By Robert Dallek

The CIA's official history of the Bay of Pigs operation is filled with dramatic and harrowing details that not only lay bare the strategic, logistical, and political problems that doomed the invasion, but also how the still-green President John F. Kennedy scrambled to keep the U.S. from entering into a full conflict with Cuba. — Robert Dallek

F.u.n Quotes By T.F. Hodge

That sassy low classy, but dress real cheap-fly-n-fancy, with a chip on her shoulder
she's just a bitterly wounded dove, wanting to be sieged by love. — T.F. Hodge

F.u.n Quotes By Hans F. Sennholz

In expectation of his demise, a successful businessman may sell out to his competitors to prepare his estate with readily marketable securities, such as U.S. Treasury bonds. The confiscatory death tax eliminates many family enterprises and promotes the growth of giant corporations. — Hans F. Sennholz

F.u.n Quotes By Anonymous

NEW YORK Climate change is likely to exact enormous costs on U.S. regional economies in the form of lost property, reduced industrial output and more deaths, according to a report backed by three men with vast business experience. The report, released Tuesday, is designed to persuade businesses to factor in the cost of climate change in their long-term decisions and to push for reductions in emissions blamed for heating the planet. It was commissioned by the Risky Business Project, which describes itself as nonpartisan and is chaired by former New York City Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg, former Treasury Secretary Henry M. Paulson Jr. and Thomas F. Steyer, a former Bay Area hedge fund manager. — Anonymous

F.u.n Quotes By Warren Moon

That's the one regret I have in all the years that I've played professional sports, that I didn't win a championship in the N.F.L. And that's why you play on any level of team sports: you want to win a championship as part of a team. — Warren Moon

F.u.n Quotes By John F. Kennedy

In those countries where income taxes are lower than in the United States, the ability to defer the payment of U.S. tax by retaining income in the subsidiary companies provides a tax advantage for companies operating through overseas subsidiaries that is not available to companies operating solely in the United States. Many American investors properly made use of this deferral in the conduct of their foreign investment. — John F. Kennedy

F.u.n Quotes By Anonymous

Test the Spirits 1 JOHN 4 Beloved, t do not believe every spirit, but u test the spirits to see whether they are from God, for v many w false prophets x have gone out into the world. 2By this you know the Spirit of God: y every spirit that confesses that z Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is from God, 3and every spirit a that does not confess Jesus is not from God. This is the spirit of the antichrist, which you heard was coming and b now is in the world already. 4Little children, you are from God and have overcome them, for c he who is in you is greater than d he who is in the world. 5 e They are from the world; therefore they speak from the world, and f the world listens to them. 6We are from God. g Whoever knows God listens to us; whoever is not from God does not listen to us. By this we know h the Spirit of truth and i the spirit of error. — Anonymous

F.u.n Quotes By M.F. Moonzajer

Allah-U-Akbar (God is great) is the most frightening word, because it always reminds me that someone is committing crime;specifically murder. — M.F. Moonzajer

F.u.n Quotes By Tillie Cole

I t-tried to stay away, do the right thing. B-because I ain't no go for you. But f*uck, I want you so b-bad I feel like I- I c-can't breathe. Can't p-push you away n-no more. Need to have you c-close. — Tillie Cole

F.u.n Quotes By Robert Dallek

Despite an unqualified understanding that U.S. national security was inextricably bound up with Britain's survival, F.D.R. knew that his reelection in part rested on the hope that he would keep the country out of war. — Robert Dallek

F.u.n Quotes By Mitch McConnell

More young people believe they'll see a U.F.O. than that they'll see their own Social Security benefits. — Mitch McConnell

F.u.n Quotes By Yasmine Galenorn

How Do you spell relax?" I whispered, holding his head with my hands.
I think the answer is f-u-c-k-m-e." He answered. — Yasmine Galenorn

F.u.n Quotes By Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

Large-scale hog producers are a greater threat to the United States and U.S. democracy than Osama bin Laden and his terrorist network. — Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

F.u.n Quotes By Queen Noor Of Jordan

When my father began to work with President John. F.Kennedy, we moved to Washington, D.C. I was fortunate in my pre-adolescent years, as my social and political consciousness was developing, to live at the epicentre of that dynamic, idealistic, and inspiring moment in U.S. political history, with its ethos of personal and civic responsibility, summed up so succinctly in his exhortation: "Ask not what your country can do for you, but ask what you can do for your country." — Queen Noor Of Jordan

F.u.n Quotes By Anonymous

3But p sexual immorality and all impurity or covetousness q must not even be named among you, as is proper among saints. 4Let there be r no filthiness nor foolish talk nor crude joking, s which are out of place, but instead t let there be thanksgiving. 5For you may be sure of this, that u everyone who is sexually immoral or impure, or who is covetous ( v that is, an idolater), has no inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and God. 6 w Let no one x deceive you with empty words, for because of these things y the wrath of God comes upon z the sons of disobedience. 7Therefore a do not become partners with them; 8for b at one time you were c darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. d Walk as children of light 9(for e the fruit of light is found in all that is good and right and true), 10and f try to discern — Anonymous