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Effort Is Attractive Quotes & Sayings

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Top Effort Is Attractive Quotes

Effort Is Attractive Quotes By R.A. Salvatore

There are no shadows in the Underdark. There is no room for imagination in the Underdark. It is a place for alertness, but not aliveness, a place with no room for hopes and dreams. — R.A. Salvatore

Effort Is Attractive Quotes By Burton Malkiel

Experience conclusively shows that index-fund buyers are likely to obtain results exceeding those of the typical fund manager, whose large advisory fees and substantial portfolio turnover tend to reduce investment yields. Many people will find the guarantee of playing the stock-market game at par every round a very attractive one. The index fund is a sensible, serviceable method for obtaining the market's rate of return with absolutely no effort and minimal expense. — Burton Malkiel

Effort Is Attractive Quotes By Adelle Waldman

What began, after a few more minutes, to irritate him was that she didn't even attempt to be engaging - made no effort toward wit or color in her replies. Only an attractive young woman would take for granted a stranger's interest in the minutiae of her life. — Adelle Waldman

Effort Is Attractive Quotes By A.W. Tozer

For myself, I fear any kind of religious stir among Christians that does not lead to repentance and result in a sharp separation of the believer from the world. I am suspicious of any organized revival effort that is forced to play down the hard terms of the kingdom. No matter how attractive the movement may appear, if it is not founded in righteousness and nurtured in humility it is not of God. If it exploits the flesh it is a religious fraud and should not have the support of any God-fearing Christian. Only that is of God which honors the Spirit and prospers at the expense of the human ego. "That, according as it is written, He that glorieth, let him glory in the Lord" (1 Corinthians 1:31). — A.W. Tozer

Effort Is Attractive Quotes By Anna Jeffrey

Instinct caused a woman who had once been so attractive to still attempt makeup and hairdos, Marisa guessed, but more often than not, the effort came off with Mama looking like a clown. Seeing it broke Marisa's heart, but she didn't interfere. Her mother didn't know the difference and these days, it was rare for anyone but Marisa to see her. What little family they had seldom came and Mama's friends in Agua Dulce, out of respect, were reluctant to gawk at her decline. — Anna Jeffrey

Effort Is Attractive Quotes By Jack Paar

The California cemeteries make dying sound so attractive it's a real effort to keep breathing. — Jack Paar

Effort Is Attractive Quotes By Joshua Johnson

To the designer, great design is beautiful design. A significant amount of effort must be placed into making the product attractive. To the client, great design is effective. It must bring in customers and meet the goals put forth to the designer in the original brief. To the user, great design is functional. It's easy to read, easy to use and easy to get out of it what was promised Truly great design, then, is when these three perspectives are considered and implemented equally to create a final product that is beautiful, effective and functional. — Joshua Johnson

Effort Is Attractive Quotes By Erica Jong

There is nothing fiercer than a failed artist. The energy remains, but, having no outlet, it implodes in a great black fart of rage which smokes up all the inner windows of the soul. Horrible as successful artists often are, there is nothing crueler or more vain than a failed artist. — Erica Jong

Effort Is Attractive Quotes By Blanche Wiesen Cook

Eleanor Roosevelt never thought that she was attractive. She never thought that she was really sufficiently appealing. And I think her whole life was a response to her effort to get her mother to pay attention to her, to love her, and to love her as much as she loved her brothers. — Blanche Wiesen Cook

Effort Is Attractive Quotes By Portia De Rossi

Effortlessness is an attractive thing. And it takes a lot of effort to achieve it. — Portia De Rossi

Effort Is Attractive Quotes By Tess Gerritsen

The bush is not merely a holiday destination; it's where you learn how insignificant you truly — Tess Gerritsen

Effort Is Attractive Quotes By Colleen Hoover

I think that's why I find him hard to look away from, though, because I've always found guys more attractive when they put less effort into trying to appear attractive.
Tate — Colleen Hoover

Effort Is Attractive Quotes By Samantha Irby

No one ever tells attractive children how much they suck, and then the rest of us get stuck with insufferable, narcissistic adults who can barely tie their shoes because someone else is busy either doing it for them or congratulating them on their effort. I — Samantha Irby

Effort Is Attractive Quotes By William R. Cutrer

The idea is to intentionally design a relaxing environment that is off-limits to many of the stresses and distractions that
define your waking hours. Begin with aesthetics, making an effort to keep your bedroom neat and attractive. In other words, aim for Southern Living in your private quarters even if the rest of your house looks like Mechanics Weekly. Then begin to work on behaviors, keeping your bedroom off-limits to activities other than sleeping, relaxing, or making love. Nix the stacks of unpaid bills, piles of dirty laundry, collections of unread newspapers, and file folders from the office. By fostering this kind of space, seemingly untouched by the nitty gritty of daily life, you will have created a quiet haven where-by simply stepping inside and closing the door behind you-you can take a mini-vacation from stress. This time can then be used to pray, to relax, or to lavish your undivided romantic attentions on your husband. — William R. Cutrer

Effort Is Attractive Quotes By David Foster Wallace

The fraudulence paradox was that the more time and effort you put into trying to appear impressive or attractive to other people, the less impressive or attractive you felt inside
you were a fraud. And the more of a fraud you felt like, the harder you tried to convey an impressive or likable image of yourself so that other people wouldn't find out what a hollow, fraudulent person you really were. — David Foster Wallace

Effort Is Attractive Quotes By Loretta Chase

Did you think to have me against a tree in Hyde Park? On a public footpath?"
"I was not exactly thinking," he said. "And how could you expect me to, under the onslaught of you?"
She rolled her eyes and turned away and marched down the footpath. "I can't believe you're playing injured innocence. Did I throw myself at you, my lord?"
"No, and it's extremely inconsiderate of you not to, when I've taken such great pains to make myself attractive to you. Why must I always be the one to make advances? Why can't you make a little more effort? — Loretta Chase

Effort Is Attractive Quotes By Anna Chlumsky

There are songs where no matter how much you know you shouldn't - like the Ying Yang Twins' 'Shake' - I'll be in a dress, and I'll krump to it. It's horrible! — Anna Chlumsky

Effort Is Attractive Quotes By Graeme Simsion

Gene and Claudia tried for a while to assist me with the Wife Problem. Unfortunately, their approach was based on the traditional dating paradigm, which I had previously abandoned on the basis that the probability of success did not justify the effort and negative experiences. I am thirty-nine years old, tall, fit and intelligent, with a relatively high status and above-average income as an associate professor. Logically, I should be attractive to a wide range of women. In the animal kingdom, I would succeed in reproducing. — Graeme Simsion

Effort Is Attractive Quotes By Khalil Gibran

I discovered the secret of the sea in meditation upon a dewdrop. — Khalil Gibran

Effort Is Attractive Quotes By Thomas Merton

Creation was given to people as a clean window through which the light of God could shine into people's souls. Sun and moon, night and day, rain, sea, the crops, the flowering tree, all these things were transparent. They spoke to people not of themselves but only of Him who made them. Nature was symbolic. But the progressive degradation of humans led them further and further from this truth. Nature became opaque. — Thomas Merton

Effort Is Attractive Quotes By Moby

I've dated some very enthusiastic, attractive people and some very unenthusiastic, less attractive people. I see no correlation. But female friends of mine who have dated male public figures have found that is the case. They say male models are terrible in bed, because they feel like just showing up is all the effort they need to make. — Moby

Effort Is Attractive Quotes By E.F. Schumacher

For the modern economist this is very difficult to understand. He is used to measuring the "standard of living" by the amount of annual consumption, assuming all the time that a man who consumes more is "better off" than a man who consumes less. A Buddhist economist would consider this approach excessively irrational: since consumption is merely a means to human well-being, the aim should be to obtain the maximum of well-being with the minimum of consumption. Thus, if the purpose of clothing is a certain amount of temperature comfort and an attractive appearance, the task is to attain this purpose with the smallest possible effort, that is, with the smallest annual destruction of cloth and with the help of designs that involve the smallest possible input of toil. The less toil there is, the more time and strength is left for artistic creativity. — E.F. Schumacher

Effort Is Attractive Quotes By Ilka Chase

I think it is every woman's duty to make herself as attractive as her time and means permit. After all, there you are, in your person- a living symbol of the progress of art, science and imagination. To be as attractive as we can be is almost a civic duty; there are so many sad and ugly things in the world that I think women should say to themselves humbly, not with vanity, 'I will try to be as pretty as I can, so that when people look at me, they will feel refreshed. I will make an effort to be easy on the eye.' — Ilka Chase