Quotes & Sayings About Dyslexia
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Top Dyslexia Quotes

I guess through my learning disability, through dyslexia, I've always been a visual learner - I take in everything through my eyes. — Scoot McNairy

Some people blamed his oddities on his dyslexia, which was so severe that one giddy pediatrician called it a gift: While he might never learn how to spell or read better than the average fourth grader, he'd always see things the rest of us couldn't. — Jim Lynch

I was not good in school. I could never read very fast or very well. I got tested for learning disabilities, for dyslexia. Then I got put on Ritalin and Dexedrine. I took those starting in the eighth grade. As soon as they pumped that drug into me, it would focus me right in. — Channing Tatum

Information Gathering This stage of a psycho-educational assessment may seem the easiest given that an individual only has to do some research to obtain information. However, in reality, the information gathering can be a little more difficult than expected. For one, many people who have the condition have never even heard of the word. Naturally, they would not have any idea of how dyslexia affects them. Thus, people who are suspected to have the condition are unlikely to seek help unless someone who knows something about dyslexia encourages them. There are various ways to help an individual with dyslexia. It can be through formal teaching or self-help methods. Consequently, information about further actions after assessment is necessary. Psychological — Raymond Baumanns

I definitely have managed to overcome dyslexia now to become a fully functional human being but things were a lot more difficult when I was younger. — Ahmet Zappa

When I told my teachers I wanted to be a writer, alot of them encouraged me to lower my expectations and to be more realistic. So I rode away on my magical, winged horse, spraying faerie dust behind me, and laughing manically as I went. — M.E. Vaughan

Percy, we're going to Polyphemus' island! Polyphemus is an S-i-k ... a C-y-k ... " She stamped her foot in frustration. As smart as she was, Annabeth was dyslexic, too. We could've been there all night while she tried to spell Cyclops. "You know what I mean! — Rick Riordan

Dyslexia is not just a simple reading problem. People with dyslexia usually suffer from emotional problems due to being bullied, especially during their school years. Generally dubbed as 'idiots' and 'slow learners', dyslexic people are socially segregated and can easily lose their self-confidence. Here — Craig Donovan

I think I was 16 when I had the thought of maybe being a writer. And this is complicated, something I only now understand, because when I was young, having dyslexia and not knowing it made reading such an ordeal. — Philip Schultz

We are the visionaries, inventors, and artists. We think differently, see the world differently, and solve problems differently. It is from this difference that the dyslexic brain derives its brilliance. — Tiffany Sunday

I wrote your name over and over - on scraps of paper, in books and on the back of my wrists. I carved it like sacred markings into trees and the tops of my thighs. Years went by and the scars have vanished, but the sting has not left me. Sometimes when I read a book, parts will lift from the pages in an anagram of your name. Like a code to remind me it's not over. Like dyslexia in reverse. — Lang Leav

I have dyslexia, and I never did learn to read music, and I even had a problem in reading because everything was turned upside down, so I just had to draw from the lyrics and the voice that I would hear in my mind. — Andrae Crouch

There was this wonderful day where we sat and listened to all of Andy's [Kim] songs throughout the years, and I think we spent around six hours at my house, and then we played all these tunes of mine that have never found any version. And "Heaven Without a Gun" is one of them, and it struck him. If you can find a compadre who doesn't live in the literal world 'cos you're not always fighting to explain yourself to make sense, that maybe it's the dyslexia, maybe it's the dreamer, maybe it's the idea that grammar was not your foreplay - excuse me - see what I mean, your forte. — Kevin Drew

In 1976, divorce could still raise eyebrows, as could a woman's decision not to have children. Dyslexia wasn't as commonly recognized then, and thus not treated as it is today. — Stacey D'Erasmo

I can't remember a time when I stepped into an airport or train station without wishing I were somewhere else, doing almost anything else. Just thinking about traveling gives me the willies. Traveling and dyslexia don't really get along. — Philip Schultz

When I was young, I wanted to be an astronaut. Someone who flies in a spaceship to the moon," he explained, in case she didn't know the word.
She thought about that for a moment. "But you didn't go."
"Turns out I have dyslexia. It's something in your brain that makes it hard to learn. Mine is not bad, just enough so I couldn't pass the test."
"I'm glad you didn't go to the moon," she said. "I think it's better that you came here. — Dana Marton

Your child with dyslexia is twice as likely as other children to have ADD; about 15 percent of students with reading problems are also diagnosed with ADD. Conversely, a child with ADD is twice as likely to have difficulties with reading; about 36 percent of children with ADD also have dyslexia. It — Jody Swarbrick

Julian had heard stories-whispers really-of other Shadowhunter children who thought or felt differently. Who had trouble focusing. Who claimed letters rearranged themselves on the page when they tried to read them. Who fell prey to dark sadnesses that seemed to have no reason, or fits of energy they couldn't control.
Whispers were all there were, though, because the Clave hated to admit that Nephilim like that existed. They were disappeared into the 'dregs' portion of the Academy, trained to stay out of the way of other Shadowhunters. Sent to the far corners of the globe like shameful secrets to be hidden. There were no words to describe Shadowhunters whose minds were shaped differently, no real words to describe differences at all.
Because if there were words, Julian thought, there would have to be acknowledgement. And there were things the Clave refused to acknowledge. — Cassandra Clare

I've got one grandson gone to MIT. Another grandson had been in the American school here. Because he was dyslexic, and we then didn't have the teachers to teach him how to overcome or cope with his dyslexia, so he was given exemption to go to the American school. He speaks like an American. He's going to Wharton. — Lee Kuan Yew

Many people with dyslexia truly suffer, and their lives are worse off for having had that disability. — Malcolm Gladwell

One of the most promising developments since the publication of "The Geek Syndrome" has been the emergence of the concept of neurodiversity: the notion that conditions like autism, dyslexia, and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) should be regarded as naturally occurring cognitive variations with distinctive strengths that have contributed to the evolution of technology and culture rather than mere checklists of deficits and dysfunctions. — Steve Silberman

When nobody read, dyslexia wasn't a problem. When most people had to hunt, a minor genetic variation in your ability to focus attention was hardly a problem, and may even have been an advantage. When most people have to make it through high school, the same variation can become a genuinely life-altering disease. — Alison Gopnik

Letter scrambling and trouble reading is just a small part of dyslexia. It is also an auditory processing problem. — Philip Schultz

One of the places where research is needed is all the sensory problems. And you get sensory problems not just with autism, but with dyslexia, learning problems, ADHD, attention deficit, you know, things like sound sensitivity, problems with fluorescent lighting. — Temple Grandin

My father is Cuban. Spanish was my first language, but I don't speak it that much anymore because I had dyslexia, and in school they work with you only in English. But I'm proud to be Latina, and most people don't know I am. — Bella Thorne

In order to be Miss Anybody you had to have excellent grades, and I had terrible grades because of my dyslexia. — Fannie Flagg

Art's power of persuasion resides in the small personal details of one's own story, and if it weren't for my struggle with dyslexia, I doubt I'd ever have become a writer or known how to teach others to write. — Philip Schultz

I didn't do plays at school, because I didn't have the confidence. At 14, I was at boarding school in Devon and I suffered from dyslexia quite badly, but they had a very good department there which specialised in it. — Joseph Mawle

I'd like to help other kids with dyslexia, because I'm dyslexic. It was very hard, and I know that what I went through, other kids are going through. — Bella Thorne

Dyslexia is not due to a lack of intelligence, it's a lack of access. It's like, if you're dyslexic, you have all the information you need, but find it harder to process. — Orlando Bloom

Lucas hated the word. It was so easy to say, but it could honestly cut someone in half if they thought for a second that they were. Lucas was a confident man, but with his dyslexia, he never felt like he was smart. Fallon had never made him feel like he was less of a man; she always treated him like he was the smartest man in the room, until now. Now she had called him it. — Toni Aleo

Creativity is the key for any child with dyslexia - or for anyone, for that matter. Then you can think outside of the box. Teach them anything is attainable. Let them run with what you see is whatever they need to run with. — Orlando Bloom

I think my dyslexia was a vital part of my development because my inability to read and write meant that I had to find knowledge elsewhere so I looked to the cinema. — Joe Wright

My family was absolutely supportive. I did have a fear of cold reads because of my dyslexia, but my family's support and reading classes really helped me overcome my fear! — Bella Thorne

A great mind is just a great mind, and try not to worry too much about what package it's in. — Kristine Barnett

I don't have dyslexia, I'm just dumb. — Adam Carolla

Whenever people talk about dyslexia, it's important to know that some of the smartest people in the world, major owners of companies, are dyslexic. We just see things differently, so that's an advantage. I just learn a different way; there's nothing bad about it. — Charlotte McKinney

Mario, what do you get when you cross an insomniac, an unwilling agnostic and a dyslexic?"
"I give."
"You get someone who stays up all night torturing himself mentally over the question of whether or not there's a dog. — David Foster Wallace

There's a bit of a local legend about a jet heart that has turned up over the years," Flynn said. "Any time it turns up, strange things happen. — Teresa Flavin

But young parents, educated middle-class ones anyway, are very jumpy these days, they get so much information from the media about all the things that could be wrong with their child - autism, dyslexia, attention deficit disorder, allergies, obesity and so on - they're in a constant state of panic, watching their offspring like hawks for warning signs. — David Lodge

The illuminated ones can take any form
a man, a woman, a child, an elder, or even a dog. It is not inconsequential that the English language allows for the dyslexia of the spelling of the word dog: God spelled backward. — Jean Houston

The normal kid can differentiate between various aspects of life, but a kid with dyslexia has to connect all those dots, and they have to link it like a chain. Teachers can't incorporate that. They don't have time; it's not their fault. They don't have the resources to give personal attention to each kid in the classroom. — Malik Yusef

I was never good at sports. I was never good at exams, because they didn't understand dyslexia. — Ozzy Osbourne

When my mother went to university to become a therapist she learned that suffering, even though it may have happened a long time ago, is something that is passed from one generation to the next to the next, like flexibility or grace or dyslexia. — Miriam Toews

What bothers me is that health professionals give fancy names to conditions or learning difficulties that will irritate the patients; like OCD not being in alphabetical order, putting an 'S' in 'lisp,' and making dyslexia a word that no one can spell. It's just mean. — Suzanne Wright

I used to love reading when I was little, and then it became difficult and I didn't understand why. I thought, what a bummer, my passion all drained out of me. So when I found out I had dyslexia, it was like, oh, that's what it was. — Jewel

These diagnostic profiles like depression, ADHD, autism, dyslexia, it's half science and the other half is a committee of doctors bickering over what it should be, and it has changed. It's not precise like a diagnosis of tuberculosis would be very precise. — Temple Grandin

People always said to me, "You must have been dyslexic." I wasn't. Why is it that when a white kid can't read people say he's dyslexic but when a black kid can't read people say he "fell through the cracks." This is a racist thought. I was as white as they come, and I fell through the cracks known as my parents and the Los Angeles school system. That said, Dyslexia would make a great black name. Sounds like a good wide out for the Steelers. — Adam Carolla

I have made number mistakes - I have such bad number dyslexia that I can look at a number and see the wrong one. I can't remember them worth beans. — Sherwood Smith

Suffering, even though it may have happened a long time ago, is something that is passed from one generation to the next to the next, like flexibility or grace or dyslexia. My grandfather had big green eyes, and dimly lit scenes of slaughter, blood on snow, played out behind them all the time, even when he smiled. — Miriam Toews

You need to take small steps when you dream big dreams. I am a published author with dyslexia, a professional speaker who was in speech therapy for three years as a child because I had a lisp; and a slow stiff kid from the suburbs who became an All-Pro in the NFL. — Karl Mecklenburg

When people hear that I'm a neuroscientist, they ask me tough questions. 'Will grandpa learn to walk again after his stroke?' 'How can my son overcome his dyslexia?' 'What could have caused my best friend to become schizophrenic?' When I can't give satisfying answers, they look disappointed - and I feel embarrassed. — Sebastian Seung

His story wasn't "I'll never read," it was "I have dyslexia, so I have to work harder to make everything happen - and I will. — Anthony Robbins

If you are going to dream then dream big, why spend time dreaming small? — Tiffany Sunday

Perhaps my early problems with dyslexia made me more intuitive: when someone sends me a written proposal, rather than dwelling on detailed facts and figures I find that my imagination grasps and expands on what I read. — Richard Branson

I still have a struggle reading (dyslexia, fh) and so I don't read much ... Probably the only reason I'm painter is because I couldn't read yet I love to write, but when I write I know what I'm writing, but when I'm reading I can't see it, because it goes from all sides of the page at once. But that's very good for printmaking. — Robert Rauschenberg

I've never gone to school for recording. I wish I understood it more. School's been hard, learning things has been hard, because of the A.D.H.D., or dyslexia, or whatever you want to call it, but I know how to come up with stuff to bring it together. — Hank Williams III

I had lots of trouble in school as a child, and I lost confidence. Teachers thought I was stupid. I learned to read very late, when I was 11. Dyslexia wasn't recognized then, and the assumption was you were incapable of thinking. — Richard Rogers

When I had dyslexia, they didn't diagnose it as that. It was frustrating and embarrassing. I could tell you a lot of horror stories about what you feel like on the inside. — Nolan Ryan

I found many ways around my dyslexia, but I still have trouble transforming words into sounds. I have to memorize and rehearse before reading anything aloud to avoid embarrassing myself by mispronouncing words. — Philip Schultz

I didn't learn to read until I was almost 14 years old. Reading out loud for me was a nightmare because I would mispronounce words or reconstruct things that weren't even there. That's when one of my teachers discovered I had a learning disability called dyslexia. Once I got help, I read very well! — Patricia Polacco

When I was a kid they didn't call it dyslexia. They called it you know, you were slow, or you were retarded, or whatever. What you can never change is the effect that the words 'dumb' and 'stupid' have on young people. I knew I wasn't stupid, and I knew I wasn't dumb. My mother told me that. If you read to me, I could tell you everything that you read. They didn't know what it was. They knew I wasn't lazy, but what was it? — Whoopi Goldberg

The Mandolin is the bottom four strings of the guitar, backwards ... so a person with dyslexia has no problem learning to play the Mandolin. — Steve Goodman

I was growing up in the 50's and 60's. Back then they didn't even know what dyslexia was. — Caitlyn Jenner

Being a poet, the advantages of dyslexia are many, affording me sensitivity to the musical nuances of language and the ability to juggle complicated ideas and narratives simultaneously. — Philip Schultz

The looks, the stares, the giggles ... I wanted to show everybody that I could do better and also that I could read. — Magic Johnson

Dyslexia lends itself to original thinking, not rote formulas, because you can't do the formulas - you think up your own method based on intuition and instincts. Creativity is trial and error, trying to figure out a way to do something emotionally and intuitively. — Philip Schultz

Understanding our children's frustrations with dyslexia and giving them the tools to blossom will give them the confidence to reach their true potential. We can help our children channel their interests and talents and ignite the passion within. — Carolina Frohlich

Dyslexia is the affliction of a frozen genius. — Stephen Richards

I know that some girls look up to me for certain things, like dyslexia, and that way I know that they like me for me, so it adds no pressure. — Bella Thorne

In junior high school, I learned that I could be good at school. I remember liking the freedom to choose classes and the pleasure of learning and doing well. My perseverance and love of reading had somehow allowed me to overcome many disadvantages of dyslexia, and I read a lot of books for pleasure. — Carol W. Greider

Love every child without condition, listen with an open heart, get to know who they are, what they love, and follow more often than you lead. — Adele Devine

Punctuality was not Susan's strength. She always intended to be on time, but she seemed to have some kind of chronometric dyslexia, which thwarted her intent, nearly always. — Robert B. Parker

I've had such a hard time with dyslexia my whole life. When I was a child, I didn't learn to read until I was a lot older, and I was behind in my classes; it was such a challenge. — Charlotte McKinney

I do a lot of work with the Dyslexia Institute because, for people with dyslexia who do not have parental support, it is a huge disadvantage. I was fortunate because my Mum was a teacher and she taught me to work hard. — Susan Hampshire

I put the sexy in dyslexia. — Mariah Gonzales

I think everybody should have dyslexia and A.D.D. — Paul Orfalea

Dyslexia, for me, is rather like being a six-fingered typist on LSD! — Stephen Richards

Suddenly, everyone wanted to talk to me, it seemed. And not about my poetry: it was my dyslexia they were most interested in. — Philip Schultz

The woman who knew that I had dyslexia - I never interviewed her. — George W. Bush

Using assistive technology with your child prevents your child from missing out on content solely because he can't yet read or write. If your child cannot (yet) read, providing audiobooks, text-to-speech capability with content on computers, etc., for science, social studies, literature, and other subjects that are content-based just makes sense. — Sandra K. Cook

What did Ethan care? _He_ had no trouble navigating. This was because he'd lived all his life in one house, was Macon's theory; while a person who'd been moved around a great deal never acquired a fixed point of reference but wandered forever in a fog - adrift upon the planet, helpless, praying that just by luck he might stumble across his destination. — Anne Tyler

You can be extremely bright and still have dyslexia. You just have to understand how you learn and how you process information. When you know that, you can overcome a lot of the obstacles that come with dyslexia. — Tim Tebow

Discrepancies in educational performances - This is often one of the most obvious indicators of dyslexia. — Gavin Reid

You can't get dyslexia from pussy. — Bret Easton Ellis

Dyslexia, though, made me realise that people who say 'but you can't do that' aren't actually very important. I don't take 'no' too seriously. — Richard Rogers

Bailey had profoundly changed the conversation around sexual identity away from the 1960s rhetoric of "choice" and "personal preference" toward biology, genetics, and inheritance. If we did not think of variations in height or the development of dyslexia or type 1 diabetes as choices, then we could not think of sexual identity as a choice. But — Siddhartha Mukherjee

When I was growing up, I was told I was stupid and that I would never achieve. I suffered from dyslexia, and in those days it wasn't recognised. — Henry Winkler

I was dyslexic before anybody knew what dyslexia was. I was called 'slow'. It's an awful feeling to think of yourself as 'slow' - it's horrible. — Robert Benton

I started making houses for ants because I thought they needed somewhere to live. Then I made them shoes and hats. It was a fantasy world I escaped to where my dyslexia didn't hold me back and my teachers couldn't criticize me. That's how my career as a micro-sculptor began. — Willard Wigan

I've got dyslexia. When I was in school, it wasn't really recognized as much as it is today; I'm really glad that people are a lot more aware of it now. — Erin Richards

Teachers should be made aware of visual stress symptoms and the potential difference coloured lights, overlays and lenses could make to a learners perception. — Adele Devine

I used comedy as a way to combat my dyslexia. I was barely getting by scholastically, so I used a lot of humor. — Joel McHale

I hated school ... One of the reasons was a learning disability, dyslexia, which no one understood at the time. I still can't spell ... — Loretta Young

The boy with the haunted eyes was Dory's secret. Eli. And she knew that she had to see him again. — Teresa Flavin

Though my parents assured me over and over again that I wasn't stupid or slow, I sensed that my dyslexia was now a stigma on all of us. — Carre Otis