Famous Quotes & Sayings

Don't Clip My Wings Quotes & Sayings

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Top Don't Clip My Wings Quotes

Don't Clip My Wings Quotes By Ziauddin Yousafzai

People ask me, what special is in my mentorship which has made Malala so bold and so courageous and so vocal and poised? I tell them, don't ask me what I did. Ask me what I did not do. I did not clip her wings, and that's all. — Ziauddin Yousafzai

Don't Clip My Wings Quotes By Michael Mandelbaum

In the past when a country became as powerful as the United States, other countries would band together to clip its wings. But that isn't happening now and I don't think it's not going to happen, because other countries are not threatened by us, and they secretly appreciate the services that we provide, even if they don't usually say so. — Michael Mandelbaum

Don't Clip My Wings Quotes By Ann Aguirre

Now I know there are ways to belong to someone that don't take anything away. A relationship shouldn't impose limits - and if it does, then it's wrong. A lover should help you exceed your potential, not clip your wings. — Ann Aguirre

Don't Clip My Wings Quotes By Lisa Kessler

I'm coming into this embracing that wild spirit in you. I don't want to clip your wings. I want to fly with you. — Lisa Kessler

Don't Clip My Wings Quotes By Janusz Korczak

I am a butterfly drunk with life. I don't know where to soar, but I won't allow life to clip my beautiful wings. — Janusz Korczak