Famous Quotes & Sayings

Demarcations Synonyms Quotes & Sayings

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Top Demarcations Synonyms Quotes

Demarcations Synonyms Quotes By Holly Grigg-Spall

Contemporary feminism is enamored with consumer choice and has fully accepted it as a substitute for freedom. — Holly Grigg-Spall

Demarcations Synonyms Quotes By Patricia Cornwell

The word need is never good. I hope you never use it when you're talking about me, — Patricia Cornwell

Demarcations Synonyms Quotes By Anne Sexton

Rocks crumble, make new forms,
oceans move the continents,
mountains rise up and down like ghosts
yet all is natural, all is change. — Anne Sexton

Demarcations Synonyms Quotes By Dorothy Dunnett

He'd heard of this woman. The Dame de Doubtance, they called her: a madwoman and a caster of horoscopes. Gaultier gave her house-room and men and women came to her from all the known world and had their futures foretold - if she felt like it. She had given some help once to Lymond, on her own severe terms, because of a distant link, it was said, with his family. Plainly, a crazy old harridan. But if she was going to tell Lymond he ought to find a nice girl and marry her, Jerott wanted very much to be there. — Dorothy Dunnett

Demarcations Synonyms Quotes By Bill Watterson

Sometimes when I'm talking, my words can't keep up with my thoughts. I wonder why we think faster than we speak. Probably so we can think twice. — Bill Watterson