Famous Quotes & Sayings

Debreczenyi Quotes & Sayings

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Top Debreczenyi Quotes

Debreczenyi Quotes By Evinda Lepins

Don't allow your feelings to drive the car; you're bound to get in an accident!(HS/el) — Evinda Lepins

Debreczenyi Quotes By Adepero Oduye

At the end of the day, if I can say that I had a career where I was able to play all different kinds of characters and I'm known as someone who is well-respected for my approach to the craft, that would be a beautiful life. — Adepero Oduye

Debreczenyi Quotes By Ken Liu

When I became a bandit, I spent a lot of time being close to the lowliest of the low: criminals, the enslaved, deserters, men who had nothing to lose. Contrary to what I had expected, I found that they had a hardscrabble beauty and grace. They were not mean in their nature, but made mean by the meanness of their rulers. The poor were willing to endure much, but the emperor had taken everything from them.

These men have simple dreams: a plot of land, a few possessions, a warm house, conversations with friends, and a happy wife and healthy children. They remember the smallest acts of kindness and think me a good man because of a few exaggerated stories. They've raised me on their shoulders and called me duke, and I have a duty to help them get a little closer to their dreams. — Ken Liu

Debreczenyi Quotes By Jeanne Birdsall

Aunt Claire, may I ask you a question?" "Ask away, young Jedi. — Jeanne Birdsall

Debreczenyi Quotes By Dalton Trumbo

Hickory dickory dock my daddy's nuts from shellshock. — Dalton Trumbo

Debreczenyi Quotes By Bob Goff

He didn't tell me I was a fool and that my idea would fall off the tracks on the way to the launchpad. He didn't tell me I would surely crater even if I did briefly lift off. He was resolute, unequivocal, and had no agenda. He was with me. — Bob Goff

Debreczenyi Quotes By Paul Auster

The joke is the purest, most essential form of storytelling. Every word has to count. — Paul Auster

Debreczenyi Quotes By Brigham Young

Prayer is good, but when baked potatoes and milk are needed, prayer will not supply their place. — Brigham Young

Debreczenyi Quotes By Beth Johnson

When you eliminate the Ego's intense desire to be correct, the clarity of the moment can come through. How simple is that? — Beth Johnson

Debreczenyi Quotes By David E. Fitch

As we live together in Scripture as "Our One True Story of God for the Whole World," we come to know its authority in and through Jesus Christ.22 Anything less reduces Scripture to a collection of facts or feelings. — David E. Fitch