Famous Quotes & Sayings

Dancing The Dream Quotes & Sayings

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Top Dancing The Dream Quotes

Dancing The Dream Quotes By Mehmet Murat Ildan

Dancing of the autumn leaves on the surface of a lake is a dream we see when we are awake! — Mehmet Murat Ildan

Dancing The Dream Quotes By From Dream Away Song From The Man Who Loved Cat Dancing

The greatest wounds, we hide inside ourselves where they never show. — From Dream Away Song From The Man Who Loved Cat Dancing

Dancing The Dream Quotes By Michael Jackson

I wrote a book called 'Dancing The Dream'. It was more autobiographical than Moonwalk, which I did with Mrs. Onassis. It wasn't full of gossip and scandal and all that trash that people write, so I don't think people paid much attention to it, but it came from my heart. It was essays, thoughts and things that I've thought about while on tour — Michael Jackson

Dancing The Dream Quotes By Dave Matthews

Just knowing that the world is round
Here I'm dancing on the ground
Am I right side up or upside down?
Is this real or am I dreaming? — Dave Matthews

Dancing The Dream Quotes By John Zerzan

We can either passively continue on the road to utter domestication and destruction or turn in the direction of joyful upheaval, passionate and feral embrace of wildness and life that aims at dancing on the ruins of clocks, computers and that failure of imagination and will called work. Can we justify our lives by anything less than such a politics of rage and dreams? — John Zerzan

Dancing The Dream Quotes By Francesca Lia Block

It's not that I literally think I'm a fearie. It's just that I feel so different from most people. And this idea of a race living underground in caverns, spending all their days dancing and playing the fiddle and eating flowers and reciting poetry and sharing their dreams, that to me sounds much more real than the way people live in this world, hating and fighting and wanting and hurting. — Francesca Lia Block

Dancing The Dream Quotes By Rachel Cohn

Nick stands up and offers his hand to me. I have no idea what he wants, but what the hell, I take his hand anyway, and he pulls me up on my feet then presses against me for a slow dance and it's like we're in a dream where he's Christopher Plummer and I'm Julie Andrews and we're dancing on the marble floor of an Austrian terrace garden. Somehow my head presses Nick's t-shirt and in this moment I am forgetting about time and Tal because maybe my life isn't over. Maybe it's only beginning. — Rachel Cohn

Dancing The Dream Quotes By Morgan Freeman

I can remember when I first got to los Angeles . I didn't have a car, I didn't have any money. I was walking the streets, you know, trying to get from place to place on foot almost. Sometimes, you know, you say, how am I ever going to get from here to there? There are a lot of people still having that dream and not being able to get there. So you never know. The idea is to keep on tap dancing, though. — Morgan Freeman

Dancing The Dream Quotes By Debasish Mridha

Life is nothing but a transient dream dancing at the tip of a leaf called time. — Debasish Mridha

Dancing The Dream Quotes By Neil Young

Once I thought I saw you in a crowded hazy bar,
Dancing on the light from star to star.
Far across the moonbeam I know that's who you are,
I saw your brown eyes turning once to fire.
I am just a dreamer, but you are just a dream,
You could have been anyone to me.
Before that moment you touched my lips
That perfect feeling when time just slips
Away between us on our foggy trip. — Neil Young

Dancing The Dream Quotes By Michael Jackson

Stop this agony of wishing Play it out Don't think, don't hesitate Curving back within yourself Just create ... Just create — Michael Jackson

Dancing The Dream Quotes By Lisa De Jong

When I was a little girl, I believed in fairy tales and one of the dreams I had was someday dancing alongside my prince. Asher's that guy for me. He's my dream and my wish come true. He's my prince. — Lisa De Jong

Dancing The Dream Quotes By Madonna Ciccone

I've been inspired by films since I started dancing, and I'm married to a filmmaker, and I think it was one of my secret desires, but I was afraid to just say, 'I want to be a director'. But then one day I said, O.K., stop dreaming and do it. But I didn't want to do it the Hollywood way, and talk through agents. I decided it all had to be generated by me, so I wrote it. — Madonna Ciccone

Dancing The Dream Quotes By Lailah Gifty Akita

Experience everything;
Times of sorrow, times of Joy.
Times of darkness, times of light.
Times of lost heart, times of hope.
Times of hate, times of love.
Times of pain , times of peace.
Times of distress, times of dancing.
Times of sickness, times of recover of strength.
Times of lost, times of finding the way.
Times of wandering, times of wonder.
Times of failure, times of success.
Times of fall, times of rise.
Time of sowing, times of harvesting.
Times of injury , times of healing.
Times of waiting, times of fulfilled wish.
Times of praying, times of receiving the promise.
Times of ploughing, times of planting.
Times of dreaming, times of working to achieve the dream.
Times of doubt, times of Faith. — Lailah Gifty Akita

Dancing The Dream Quotes By Jerry Spinelli

Their voices came in clearly from the golf course. The laughing and yelping made a raucous counterpoint to the metronomic tock-tock-tock of the bunny's never-ending hop. Once, in the light of the quarter moon, they appeared in silhouette on a domed, distant green, like figures dancing in someone's dream.
And then quite suddenly they were gone, as if the dreamer had awakened. Nothing to see, nothing to hear. Someone called "Hey!" after them, but that was all. — Jerry Spinelli

Dancing The Dream Quotes By Paul Verlaine

Your soul is a chosen landscape
Where charming masked and costumed figures go
Playing the lute and dancing and almost
Sad beneath their fantastic disguises.
All sing in a minor key
Of all-conquering love and careless fortune
They do not seem to believe in their happiness
And their song mingles with the moonlight.
The still moonlight, sad and beautiful,
Which gives the birds to dream in the trees
And makes the fountain sprays sob in ecstasy,
The tall, slender fountain sprays among the marble statues. — Paul Verlaine

Dancing The Dream Quotes By Belinda Carlisle

Oh my love, it's you that I dream of
Oh my love, since that day
Somewhere in my heart I'm always
Dancing with you in the summer rain — Belinda Carlisle

Dancing The Dream Quotes By Tao Okamoto

That's my dream: one day, I want to standing on the stage on Broadway. I sing; my dancing is terrible, but I can be trained. That's my dream. That's something I really want to work on. — Tao Okamoto

Dancing The Dream Quotes By Meridel Le Sueur

Lie in the sun with the child in your flesh shining like a jewel. Dream and sing, pagan, wise in your vitals. Stand still like a fat budding tree, like a stalk of corn athrob and aglisten in the heat. Lie like a mare panting with the dancing feet of colts against her sides. Sleep at night as the spring earth. Walk heavily as a wheat stalk at its full time bending towards the earth waiting for the reaper. Let your life swell downward so you become like a vase, a vessel. Let the unknown child knock and knock against you and rise like a dolphin within. — Meridel Le Sueur

Dancing The Dream Quotes By Victor Hugo

Unable to rid myself of it, since I heard your song humming ever in my head, beheld your feet dancing always on my breviary, felt even at night, in my dreams, your form in contact wih my own, I desired to see you again, to touch you, to know who you were, to see whether I should really find you like the ideal image which I had retained of you, to shatter my dream, perchance with reality. At all events, I hoped that a new impression would efface the first, and the first had become insupportable. I sought you. I saw you once more. Calamity! When I had seen you twice, I wanted to see you a thousand times, I wanted to see you always. Then - how stop myself on that slope of hell? - then I no longer belonged to myself. — Victor Hugo

Dancing The Dream Quotes By Carl Sandburg

Lips half-willing in a doorway. Lips half-singing at a window. Eyes half-dreaming in the walls. Feet half-dancing in a kitchen. Even the clocks half-yawn the hours And the farmers make half-answers. — Carl Sandburg

Dancing The Dream Quotes By Dexter Palmer

M. and I ground against each other as if we were ill-fitting jigsaw pieces determined to jam together, even though one showed sidewalk, the other sky. — Dexter Palmer

Dancing The Dream Quotes By William Styron

I felt myself no longer a husk but a body with some of the body's sweet juices stirring again. I had my first dream in many months, confused but to this day imperishable, with a flute in it somewhere, and a wild goose, and a dancing girl. — William Styron

Dancing The Dream Quotes By Sylvia Day

Golden girl, there you are. I'm singing for the crowd, the music's loud. I'm living my dream, riding the high, But I see you there, sunlight in your hair, And I'm ready to go, desperate to fly. Golden girl, there you are. Dancing for the crowd, the music's loud. I want you so bad. I can't look away. Later, you'll drop to your knees. You'll beg me please. And then you'll go, it's only your body I know. Golden girl, where'd you go? You're not there, with sunlight in your hair. I could have you in the bar or the back of my car, But never your heart. I'm falling apart. I'll drop to my knees, I'll beg you. Please. Please don't go. There's so much more I want to know. Eva, please. I'm on my knees. Golden girl, where'd you go? I'm singing for the crowd, the music's loud. And you're not there, with sunlight in your hair. Eva, please. I'm on my knees. — Sylvia Day

Dancing The Dream Quotes By Erik Larson

Would be no skipping and dancing. No heathen. The exposition was a dream city, but it was Burnham's dream. Everywhere — Erik Larson

Dancing The Dream Quotes By Eduardo Galeano

Nothing can be defined or derided on the basis of its origin. The important thing is what is done with it and how far a community identifies with something that symbolizes its favourite way of dreaming, living, dancing, playing or loving. This is the positive side of the world: a constant intermingling that produces new responses to new challenges. But because of forced globalization, there's a clear trend these days towards uniformity. This trend comes largely from the ever-greater concentration of power in the hands of large media groups. — Eduardo Galeano

Dancing The Dream Quotes By Bliss Carman

I heard the spring light whisper
Above the dancing stream,
The world is made forever
in likeness of a dream. — Bliss Carman

Dancing The Dream Quotes By Constanze Mozart

Dance is communication, and so the great challenge is to speak clearly, beautifully, and with inevitability. Dance is the only art of which we ourselves are the stuff of which it is made. Dancing is like dreaming with your feet! — Constanze Mozart

Dancing The Dream Quotes By Betsey Johnson

Making clothes involves what I like ... color, pattern, shape and movement ... I like the everyday process ... the people, the pressure, the surprise of seeing the work come alive walking and dancing around on strangers. Like red lipstick on the mouth, my products wake up and brighten and bring the wearer to life ... drawing attention to her beauty and specialness ... her moods and movements ... her dreams and fantasies. — Betsey Johnson

Dancing The Dream Quotes By Shauna Niequist

Everything is interim. Everything is a path or a preparation for the next thing, and we never know what the next thing is. Life is like that, of course, twisty and surprising. But life with God is like that exponentially. We can dig in, make plans, write in stone, pretend we're not listening, but the voice of God has a way of being heard. It seeps in like smoke or vapor even when we've barred the door against any last-minute changes, and it moves us to different countries and different emotional territories and different ways of living. It keeps us moving and dancing and watching, and never lets us drop down into a life set on cruise control or a life ruled by remote control. Life with God is a dancing dream, full of flashes and last-minute exits and generally all the things we've said we'll never do. And with the surprises comes great hope. — Shauna Niequist

Dancing The Dream Quotes By Cassandra Clare

You see someone more interesting than me?" asked Simon. In the dream he was mysteriously an expert dance. He steered her through the crowd as if she were a leaf caught in a river current. He was wearing all black, like a shadow hunter, and it showed his coloring to a good advantage: dark hair, lighted brown skin,white teeth. He's handsome, Clary thought, with a jolt of surprise. "There's no one more interesting than you," Clary said. "It's just this place. I've never seen anything like it." She turned again as they passed a champagne fountain ... She was now dancing with Jace, who was wearing white, the material of his shirt a thin cotton ... — Cassandra Clare

Dancing The Dream Quotes By Zendaya

Shake It Up is a buddy comedy based around dance. It's about two best friends Rocky and CeCe who live out their dream as background dancers on a show called Shake It Up Chicago. They have to navigate life as young teens going to school and dancing on the show. — Zendaya

Dancing The Dream Quotes By Charles Dickens

The town was glad with morning light; places that had shown ugly and distrustful all night long, now wore a smile; and sparkling sunbeams dancing on chamber windows, and twinkling through blind and curtain before sleepers' eyes, shed light even into dreams, and chased away the shadows of the night. — Charles Dickens

Dancing The Dream Quotes By Marina Abramovic

I used to have a recurring dream where I was at a party in a country house, surrounded by the same people each evening. Everyone would be singing and dancing and after a while I came to know the people; though, of course, they never really existed. — Marina Abramovic

Dancing The Dream Quotes By Michael Jackson

Planet Earth, gentle and blue
With all my heart, I love you.
Dancing the Dream by Michael Jackson — Michael Jackson

Dancing The Dream Quotes By Judith A. Wright

The song is gone; the dance
is secret with the dancers in the earth,
the ritual useless, and the tribal story
lost in an alien tale.
Only the grass stands up
to mark the dancing-ring; the apple-gums
posture and mime a past corroboree,
murmur a broken chant.
The hunter is gone; the spear
is splintered underground; the painted bodies
a dream the world breathed sleeping and forgot.
The nomad feet are still.
Only the rider's heart
halts at a sightless shadow, an unsaid word
that fastens in the blood of the ancient curse,
the fear as old as Cain. — Judith A. Wright

Dancing The Dream Quotes By W.B.Yeats

Ah, faerics, dancing under the moon,
A Druid land, a Druid tune!
While still I may, I write for you
The love I lived, the dream I knew. — W.B.Yeats

Dancing The Dream Quotes By Robert Penn Warren

We danced in the handkerchief-big space between the speak-easy tables, in which stood the plates of half-eaten spaghetti or chicken bones and the bottles of Dago red. For about five minutes the dancing had some value in itself, then it became very much like acting out some complicated and portentous business in a dream which seems to have a meaning but whose meaning you can't figure out. Then the music was over, and stopping dancing was like waking up from the dream, being glad to wake up and escape and yet distressed because now you won't ever know what it had been all about. — Robert Penn Warren

Dancing The Dream Quotes By Bruce Springsteen

A dream of life comes to me, like a catfish dancing on the end of the line. — Bruce Springsteen

Dancing The Dream Quotes By Bill Bryson

An Australian fly will try to suck the moisture off your eyeball. He will, if not constantly turned back, go into parts of your ears that a Q-tip can only dream about. He will happily die for the glory of taking a tiny dump on your tongue. Get thirty or forty of them dancing around you in the same way and madness will shortly follow. And — Bill Bryson

Dancing The Dream Quotes By Debra Anastasia

Beckett, where's Eve?"
When he had her pressed to his chest, she tried again. "Are you going to tell me or what?"
Beckett sighed and looked into her face. "I left her, babycakes. She needs wings, not handcuffs."
He held Livia tighter, like she was a teddy bear.
She stopped moving her feet and hugged him around the neck. "You're not handcuffs. Don't you know that? She loves you. She does, I've seen it."
Beckett resumed dancing, dipping her again. "Look around, Whitebread. She's not here. She didn't try to stop me from coming. Her heart belongs to a dead man and a dream. I'm neither of those things." Beckett released her and clapped for the end of the song. He reached in his pocket and produced a crumpled envelope. "Here's my gift to you guys. I'm sure Blake won't want to accept it, but I'm hoping you'll convince him. For me. — Debra Anastasia

Dancing The Dream Quotes By Michael Flatley

It has always been my dream and ambition to introduce Irish dancing to the world. — Michael Flatley

Dancing The Dream Quotes By Rachele Brooke Smith

I barely slept during high school because I was too busy dancing and acting all the time. The plan was to go to my dream college that had one of the best performing arts programs, and then go to LA to follow my dream of being an actress. — Rachele Brooke Smith

Dancing The Dream Quotes By Rob Brezsny

May you eat an unfamiliar dessert in a strange land at least once every three years. May you wake up ... and start dancing while you're still half-asleep. May you spray-paint Rilke poems as graffiti on highway overpasses ... My you learn to identify by name 20 flowers, 15 trees, 10 clouds, and one extrasolar planet ... May you dream of taking a trip to the moon in a gondola powered by firecrackers and wild swans. — Rob Brezsny

Dancing The Dream Quotes By Minzy

The stage is like an addiction. Since singing and dancing had been my dreams all this time, I fall even more into those charms every time I'm on stage. These days I get the urge to make the audience go crazy. — Minzy

Dancing The Dream Quotes By David Kudler

No harm," he said as he danced on, cutting the air. Only now, the snowflakes began to bleed as he cut them. Battle of white and scarlet...
"Oto-san, what can I do?" I wept in the dream, my tears freezing to my cheeks.
"Dance," he said, his face still and calm, his blade whistling through the air. Blood flew from the tip of the sword, painting characters of death and disaster across the white ground.
Dancing. — David Kudler

Dancing The Dream Quotes By Sara Lindsey

I can't help wanting. I want you to burn as I burn. I want you to lie awake at night thinking of me. If you sleep, I want you to dream of me. I want you to tell me that you can't stand the sight of me dancing with another woman. I want to know this last week has been as miserable for you as it has been for me. — Sara Lindsey