Famous Quotes & Sayings

Quotes & Sayings About Couples Future

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Top Couples Future Quotes

Couples Future Quotes By Stefan Molyneux

If you want kids, choose your girlfriend like your future child has the deciding vote. — Stefan Molyneux

Couples Future Quotes By Katie Kacvinsky

I think falling in love should come with a warning label: CAUTION - side effects may include breaking up, accompanied by heartache, severe mood swings, withdrawal from people and life itself, wasted hours obsessing over bitter reflections, a need to destroy something (preferably something expensive that shatters), uncontrollable tear ducts, stress, a loss of appetite (Cheetos and Dr. Pepper exempt), a bleak and narrow outlook on the future, and an overall hatred of everyone and everything (especially all the happy couples you see strolling hand-in-hand, placed on your path only to exacerbate your isolation and misery). All above reactions will be intensified with the consumption of one or more alcoholic beverages. — Katie Kacvinsky

Couples Future Quotes By Gary Chapman

I'm sorry. I know I have hurt you, but I would like to make the future different. I would like to love you in your language. I would like to meet your needs. I have seen marriages rescued from the brink of divorce when couples make the choice to love. — Gary Chapman

Couples Future Quotes By Leisa Rayven

Earlier, I was sitting on a bench on the banks of the Tiber, and there were all these people there
holding hands and kissing. Happy and in love.
They made it seem so easy. Like giving their heart to someone else isn't the scariest thing in the
I still don't understand that.
Don't they know the power they're giving to that other person? The absolute future-forming
Don't they understand how much it's going to hurt when it all goes wrong? And let's face it, ninety
percent of those couples won't still be together a year from now. Even six months from now.
And yet, there they are, hugging and lip-locking, completely oblivious to the pain that's coming for
Unconcerned and trusting. — Leisa Rayven