Famous Quotes & Sayings

Conina Quotes & Sayings

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Top Conina Quotes

Conina Quotes By Terry Pratchett

How does it feel about women?" "Oh, it's not choosy. It ate a book of spells last year. Sulked for three days and then spat it out." "It's horrible," said Conina, and backed away. "Oh, yes," said Rincewind, "absolutely. — Terry Pratchett

Conina Quotes By Terry Pratchett

Give me away?" "Yes. Um. Sort of like, one free wizard with every concubine sold? Um." "I don't see what vegetables have got to do with it." ConinaTerry Pratchett

Conina Quotes By Terry Pratchett

What is it?" hissed Conina. "It's just the Luggage," said Rincewind wearily. "Does it belong to you?" "Not really. Sort of." "Is it dangerous?" The Luggage shuffled around to stare at her again. "There's two schools of thought about that," said Rincewind. "There's some people who say it's dangerous, and others who say it's very dangerous. What do you think?" The Luggage raised its lid a fraction. — Terry Pratchett

Conina Quotes By Terry Pratchett

The Luggage was also extremely protective of its owner. It would be hard to describe its attitude to the rest of creation, but one could start with the phrase "bloody-minded malevolence" and work up from there. ConinaTerry Pratchett

Conina Quotes By Terry Pratchett

I'm not going to ride on a magic carpet!" he hissed. "I'm afraid of grounds!" "You mean heights," said Conina. "And stop being silly." "I know what I mean! It's the grounds that kill you!" The — Terry Pratchett

Conina Quotes By Joe J. Christensen

A Ten-Point Plan for Increased Spirituality: 1. Read Scriptures Daily. 2. Pray Fervently and Sincerely. 3. Fast Meaningfully. 4. Retire Early and Get Up Early. 5. Be of Good Cheer. 6. Work Hard. 7. Overcome Pride. 8. Love Everyone, and Express Your Love. 9. Become One. (As in John 17) 10. Share Your Testimony. — Joe J. Christensen

Conina Quotes By Lucy Punch

I was very chatty and talkative and always getting sent out of class for talking too much and not paying attention, passing notes. — Lucy Punch

Conina Quotes By Mary Oliver

What can we do about God, who makes and then breaks every god-forsaken, beautiful day? — Mary Oliver

Conina Quotes By Gillian Flynn

The climax is when you are taught the lesson that Punch never learns, and you are caught and charged with murder. — Gillian Flynn

Conina Quotes By Clarissa Pinkola Estes

Bone by bone, hair by hair, Wild Woman comes back. Through night dreams, through events half understood and half remembered ... — Clarissa Pinkola Estes

Conina Quotes By Isaac Bashevis Singer

The analysis of character is the highest human entertainment. — Isaac Bashevis Singer

Conina Quotes By Lynne Ramsay

Well, the film industry is completely sexist and completely class-biased. It's not something I get on the ground level, it's more from financiers and producers and distributors. It's a way of dealing with you that is essentially patronising: I know better than you — Lynne Ramsay