Famous Quotes & Sayings

Comedy Central Roast Best Quotes & Sayings

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Top Comedy Central Roast Best Quotes

Comedy Central Roast Best Quotes By Edward De Bono

Maybe the social value of truth is as a destination - so long as we do not assume we have arrived there. — Edward De Bono

Comedy Central Roast Best Quotes By Ellen Hopkins

Have you ever had so many thoughts churning inside that you didn't dare let them escape, in case they blew you wide open? — Ellen Hopkins

Comedy Central Roast Best Quotes By Roger Moore

Working with UNICEF made me grow up and recognize how fortunate I am. — Roger Moore

Comedy Central Roast Best Quotes By Charles Bukowski

from The Last Night Of The Earth Poems

you may not believe it
but there are people
who go through life with
very little
friction of distress.
they dress well, sleep well.
they are contented with
their family
they are undisturbed
and often feel
very good.
and when they die
it is an easy death, usually in their

you may not believe
but such people do

but i am not one of
oh no, I am not one of them,
I am not even near
to being
one of
but they
are there

and I am
here. — Charles Bukowski

Comedy Central Roast Best Quotes By Martin Jacques

Never underestimate the ability of political leaders to misread history on a monumental scale. The invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan have both served to hasten western decline: they have both failed to achieve their objectives and in the process demonstrated an underlying western impotence. — Martin Jacques

Comedy Central Roast Best Quotes By David Levithan

As the two of us - past self, my present self - hovered over her bed, I could see each cruel damage written across her skin, beneath her eyes, down into her bones. She was no longer the way she wanted to be remembered. She was already more breath than body. — David Levithan

Comedy Central Roast Best Quotes By Kevan L. Waiters


Comedy Central Roast Best Quotes By Philip G. Zimbardo

Before I knew that a man could kill a man, because it happens all the time. Now I know that even the person with whom you've shared food, or whom you've slept, even he can kill you with no trouble. The closest neighbor can kill you with his teeth: that is what I have Learned since the genocide, and my eyes no longer gaze the same on the face of the world. — Philip G. Zimbardo

Comedy Central Roast Best Quotes By Stephen Kendrick

Children are God's homework assignment to parents. We are commissioned to love, teach and train them up for successful adulthood. — Stephen Kendrick