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Quotes & Sayings About Civil War Causes

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Top Civil War Causes Quotes

Civil War Causes Quotes By Catherine Opie

I like that time is marked by each sunrise and sunset whether or not you actually see it. — Catherine Opie

Civil War Causes Quotes By George Packer

This isn't to deny that there were fierce arguments, at the time and ever since, about the causes and goals of both the Civil War and the Second World War. But 1861 and 1941 each created a common national narrative (which happened to be the victors' narrative): both wars were about the country's survival and the expansion of the freedoms on which it was founded. Nothing like this consensus has formed around September 11th ... Indeed, the decade since the attacks has destroyed the very possibility of a common national narrative in this country. — George Packer

Civil War Causes Quotes By Kathy Griffin

I'm a female in comedy, so of course I want there to be more women on 'SNL', and women of color. — Kathy Griffin

Civil War Causes Quotes By William Petty

Causes of Civil War are also, that the Wealth of the Nation is in too few mens hands, and that no certain means are provided to keep all men from a necessity either to beg, or steal, or be Souldiers. — William Petty

Civil War Causes Quotes By Jen Turano

Since I don't know what execrable means, I though I should look it up so I'll be better equipped to deal with whatever I'm about to see." Ignoring the ladies' tottering Millie continued perusing the pages until she found the word she was looking for. Lifting her head after she read the definition, she glanced around. "Begging your pardon Mrs. Cutling, but I don't see anything out here of a wretched or"- she returned her attention to the dictionary- "abominable nature. Although" -she flipped the pages to the A's -" I don't know what that means either. — Jen Turano

Civil War Causes Quotes By P. J. O'Rourke

Once you've built the big machinery of political power, remember you won't always be the one to run it. — P. J. O'Rourke

Civil War Causes Quotes By Jodie Sweetin

I don't think I really realized what being an adult and being a real grownup was until I was at least twenty-eight. — Jodie Sweetin

Civil War Causes Quotes By Emma Thompson

I think we're creating a situation that's incredibly dangerous. There's a lot of chat at the moment about the war on terror and whilst there are many causes for acts of terrorism, what kind of society are you creating if you allow civil society in Africa to die and create millions upon millions of orphans? Where are they going to go? What kind of cults, what kind of militias, what's going to happen? The accession of violence in those countries, the possibility of that, to me is very terrifying. — Emma Thompson

Civil War Causes Quotes By Rabih Alameddine

I am a functioning human being. Mostly. Just so you don't make too much fun of me, the mostly above refers to functioning, not to human being. — Rabih Alameddine

Civil War Causes Quotes By Isabella Rossellini

Adoption has the dimension of connection - not only to your own tribe, but beyond, widening the scope of what constitutes love, ties and family. It is a larger embrace. By adopting, we stretch past our immediate circles and, by reaching out, find an unexpected sense of belonging with others. — Isabella Rossellini

Civil War Causes Quotes By Wojciech Jaruzelski

There were three causes that accounted for the proclamation of martial law in Poland. First it was the progressing economic ruin of the country. Second, it was the decomposition of the functioning of the state. And third, a threat of a civil war. — Wojciech Jaruzelski

Civil War Causes Quotes By John Coleman

The very same British and American families who had combined to wreck the Indian textile industry in the promotion of the opium trade [ ... ] combined to make the trade, a valuable source of revenue. In 1864 they joined forces to create causes for war and to promote the terrible War Between the States, also known as the American Civil War. — John Coleman

Civil War Causes Quotes By Isabelle Adjani

Today I trust my instinct, I trust myself. Finally. — Isabelle Adjani

Civil War Causes Quotes By Rita Mae Brown

Funny how people want a return to the good ole days. Of coarse the good ole days of being a rich white plantation owner. Everyone seems to forget the poor white farmer. — Rita Mae Brown

Civil War Causes Quotes By Jennifer Yuh Nelson

The story in that particular spot was an ancient history story, and we wanted to give it a historical feeling, which was why we used a historical calligraphy scroll come to life. — Jennifer Yuh Nelson

Civil War Causes Quotes By Carroll Quigley

No slave system has ever been able to continue to function on the slaves provided by its own biological reproduction because the rate of human reproduction is too slow and the expense from infant mortality and years of unproductive upkeep of the young make this prohibitively expensive. This relationship is one of the basic causes of the American Civil War, and was even more significant in destroying ancient Rome. — Carroll Quigley

Civil War Causes Quotes By Anthony Minghella

The only lesson to extract from any civil war is that it's pointless and futile and ugly, and that there is nothing glamorous or heroic about it. There are heroes, but the causes are never heroic. — Anthony Minghella

Civil War Causes Quotes By John Hodgman

It's not a secret family like I have a beautiful, gorgeous wife in Tokyo; I have another mom and dad. I'm the kid and I have another mom and dad in Atwater Village, Los Angeles; — John Hodgman