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Character Arc Quotes & Sayings

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Top Character Arc Quotes

Character Arc Quotes By Robert Greenblatt

We had some ups and downs, creatively, as the season went on, which is true of any show. If you compound that by the production that we go through, in terms of original songwriting and recordings, and all that is happening simultaneously, where we didn't do as good a job, as I hope we do this year, is the arcing of the storylines and the consistency of going in one direction with a character, and continuing in a really interesting way with that arc. — Robert Greenblatt

Character Arc Quotes By Raza Jaffrey

Some actors - myself included - like to know where your character's going: you like to know what the arc is for the character so that you can plan where you're going to give beats for this, that, and the other and give the audience what they want. But on 'Homeland,' you do the opposite. — Raza Jaffrey

Character Arc Quotes By Nancy Kress

Changers are characters who alter in significant ways as a result of the events of your story. They learn something or grow into better or worse people, but by the end of the story they are not the same personalities they were in the beginning. Their change, in its various stages, is called the story's emotional arc. — Nancy Kress

Character Arc Quotes By Libbie Hawker

Make your character flawed in a serious, big, scary, potentially life-wrecking way. When you start with a badly flawed character, the arc will be all about correcting that flaw - about your character growing into a better person, the kind of mythic hero archetype he was "meant to be" but couldn't become until this adventure - the events of your plot - pushed him to change himself for the better. — Libbie Hawker

Character Arc Quotes By Marianne Jean-Baptiste

With a series, you build the character as you go. When you've got a shorter project or a film, you know the overall arc from the beginning. — Marianne Jean-Baptiste

Character Arc Quotes By Shannyn Sossamon

In every take, that you're not sure of what they're going to cut and paste together and what the arc or the purpose or the intention of your character's journey will be in the story. You don't have control. Sometimes that's wonderful, and sometimes that can be scary. — Shannyn Sossamon

Character Arc Quotes By Donald Miller

There was also no character arc. Change only comes when we face the difficulty of reality head-on. Fantasy changes nothing, which is why, once we're done fantasizing, it feels like a bankrupt story. — Donald Miller

Character Arc Quotes By Ann Brashares

Age is not so much a feature of your character, as the spot where you stand for a pretty fleeting time on the arc of your life. — Ann Brashares

Character Arc Quotes By Edward Norton

I tend to relate to a character in terms of the arc: what's interesting is where he starts versus where he ends up. — Edward Norton

Character Arc Quotes By Dan Gilroy

Every film you're commissioned to write is all about an arc; usually, the arc is that the world creates a change in the character, usually for the better. To not have an arc, the messages and ideas in the film became more prominent. — Dan Gilroy

Character Arc Quotes By Imogen Poots

I'm not a huge fan of scary movies, but I love doing them because your character arc gets condensed, and everything is elevated, and so you kind of have this amazing opportunity to go in many different places. — Imogen Poots

Character Arc Quotes By Roy Conli

When you're telling a story, the best stories, every character has an arc. Every one. And that arc is usually about finding yourself, or about at least finding something about yourself that you didn't know. — Roy Conli

Character Arc Quotes By Leah Raeder

I am not the heroine of this story.
And I'm not trying to be cute. It's the truth. I'm diagnosed borderline and seriously fucked-up. I hold grudges. I bottle my hate until it ferments into poison, and then I get high off the fumes. I'm completely dysfunctional and that's the way I like it, so don't expect a character arc where I finally find Redemption, Growth, and Change, or learn How to Forgive Myself and Others. — Leah Raeder

Character Arc Quotes By Shailene Woodley

When I read a script or I see a character, I don't necessarily see the arc of her, that by the end she is this person, she's different from she was in the beginning. I guess it's more a subconscious understanding of that arc. — Shailene Woodley

Character Arc Quotes By Ian Caldwell

They could never quite reconcile themselves to the idea that our lives don't follow the dramatic arc that a good author gives to a great literary character. Only in accidents of pure perfection does the world actually become a stage. (Rule of Four, 54-55) — Ian Caldwell

Character Arc Quotes By Brittany Snow

After 'Prom Night' I did two movies where I was playing a prostitute. I gravitate towards characters that have some sort of inner turmoil or some sort of character arc. That's the great thing about acting, so many different things and being really diverse in your choices. — Brittany Snow

Character Arc Quotes By James Cameron

Getting the audience to cry for the Terminator at the end of T2, for me that was the whole purpose of making that film. If you can get the audience to feel emotion for a character that in the previous film you despised utterly and were terrified by, then that's a cinematic arc. — James Cameron

Character Arc Quotes By Lin Shaye

No matter how much I plan the overall arc of the character, you get there day one on the film and you shooting certain scenes first, and it goes completely different to anything you ever thought of, and then it's done. — Lin Shaye

Character Arc Quotes By Alfonso Cuaron

Dramatically, the moment in 'Gravity' that was hardest to nail down is when Ryan is in the Soyuz capsule and she realizes that she's out of fuel. That's when the character's arc gets defined. — Alfonso Cuaron

Character Arc Quotes By Caitlin Fitzgerald

In a play, you know where you start and end and all the stops you have to do, but in television, you can't construct this carefully planned out arc for your character. You often get a script and you're shooting it two days later, and you don't know what's going to happen next. It's one of the harder things that I've done. — Caitlin Fitzgerald

Character Arc Quotes By Jordan Gavaris

As an actor, you don't want to know the beginning and end to your character's arc. It makes it more fun. You're not playing the end. You're playing it realistically. You don't know where this character is going to go and what's going to happen to him, which just makes it more interesting for the viewers to watch. — Jordan Gavaris

Character Arc Quotes By Addison Timlin

I prefer working, period. I think that I like doing film more just because when you get a script, you have the story from start to finish, so you can really find the character's arc, and when you walk away from it, you know you're sort of powerless to what happens. — Addison Timlin

Character Arc Quotes By Jordan McCollum

trapped in his past, refusing to move forward. Unless this is a specific part of the character's arc, a character caught under this mountain of backstory can be painful to — Jordan McCollum

Character Arc Quotes By Wendell Berry

Because industrial cycles are never complete - because there is no return - there are two characteristic results of industrial enterprise: exhaustion and contamination. The energy industry, for instance, is not a cycle, but only a short arc between an empty hole and poisoned air. And farming, which is inherently cyclic, capable of regenerating and reproducing itself indefinitely, becomes similarly destructive and self-exhausting when transformed into an industry. Agricultural pollution is a serious and growing problem. And industrial agriculture is forced by its very character to treat the soil itself as a "raw material," which it proceeds to "use up." It has been estimated, for instance, that at the present rate of cropland erosion Iowa's soil will be exhausted by the year 2050. I have seen no attempt to calculate the human cost of such farming - by attrition, displacement, social disruption, etc. - I assume because it is incalculable. This — Wendell Berry

Character Arc Quotes By Steven Spielberg

I don't really distinguish between a fictional hero and a real life hero as a basis for any comparison. To me, a hero is a hero. I like making pictures about people who have a personal mission in life or at least in the life of a story who start out with certain low expectations and then over achieve our highest expectations for them. That's the kind of character arc I love dabbling in as a director, as a filmmaker. — Steven Spielberg

Character Arc Quotes By Victoria Aveyard

My favorite part about Mare Barrow is her almost selfish survival instinct, as well as her increasingly gray morality. Her character arc in 'Glass Sword' is a lot deeper and more emotional than before, so I'm glad I got to write this sequel and that people want to read it. — Victoria Aveyard

Character Arc Quotes By Dan Futterman

With a play, there's more of a definable arc because of the nature of theater: You know, there's no editing, so there's something more natural about the arc a character follows in a play. I think theater is more an actor's medium, whereas film is more a director's medium, because that's who controls the final feel of the film. — Dan Futterman

Character Arc Quotes By Syd Field

Having a character change during the course of the screenplay is not a requirement if it doesn't fit your character. But transformation, change, seems to be an essential aspect of our humanity, especially at this time in our culture. I think we're all a little like Melvin (Jack Nicholson) in As Good as it Gets. Melvin may be complex and fastidious as a person, but his dramatic need is expressed toward the end of the film when he says, 'When I'm with you I want to be a better person.' I think we all want that. Change, transformation, is a constant of life, and if you can impel some kind of emotional change within your character, it creates an arc of behavior and adds another dimension to who he/she is. — Syd Field

Character Arc Quotes By Marshall Curry

I'm looking for a charismatic character - somebody who you just want to look at and listen to and whom the camera likes. I'm also looking for a narrative arc: Something is going to happen, and there will be a question that will make you wonder what happens at the end. — Marshall Curry

Character Arc Quotes By Maria Augusta Von Trapp

If one doesn't have a character like Abraham Lincoln or Joan of Arc, a diet simply disintegrates into eating exactly what you want to eat, but with a bad conscience. — Maria Augusta Von Trapp

Character Arc Quotes By Sandra Scofield

Character is too deep to catch in a single storyline. What really moves us - what makes the great stories, and there aren't so many of them - is the inevitability of character. The destiny. All we see is the arc. We'll never penetrate the secrets of the living, let alone the dead. I've spent my whole life trying to understand people, and all I've learned is that the deeper we look, the greater the mystery. At the core, each person is unknowable. Maybe that's the soul? I have to respect that. The mystery, in fact, is what I've loved the most, in people and in stories as well. — Sandra Scofield

Character Arc Quotes By Carolyn Wheat

I first heard the term "meta-novel" at a writer's conference in Tulsa, Oklahoma. The idea is that even though each book in a series stands alone, when read collectively they form one big ongoing novel about the main character. Each book represents its own arc: in book one of the series we meet the character and establish a meta-goal that will carry him through further books, in book two that meta-goal is tested, in book three - you get the picture. — Carolyn Wheat

Character Arc Quotes By Michael Eklund

With a film, you know the beginning, middle and end of your character's arc. But on a TV show, you have no idea where they're going to end up. — Michael Eklund

Character Arc Quotes By Tyler Hoechlin

In '7th Heaven,' more than 'Teen Wolf,' was that I got to learn more about my character. In 'Teen Wolf,' I'd always get a new arc for that character every season, which was discovery for me. — Tyler Hoechlin

Character Arc Quotes By Donald Miller

Writing a story isn't about making your peaceful fantasies come true. The whole point of the story is the character arc. You didn't think joy could change a person, did you? Joy is what you feel when the conflict is over. But it's conflict that changes a person." His voice was like thunder now. "You put your characters through hell. You put them through hell. That's the only way we change. — Donald Miller

Character Arc Quotes By Wilhelm Conrad Rontgen

I was working with a Crookes tube covered by a shield of black cardboard. A piece of barium platino-cyanide paper lay on the bench there. I had been passing a current through the tube, and I noticed a peculiar black line across the paper ...
The effect was one which could only be produced in ordinary parlance by the passage of light. No light could come from the tube because the shield which covered it was impervious to any light known even that of the electric arc ...
I did not think I investigated ...
I assumed that the effect must have come from the tube since its character indicated that it could come from nowhere else ... It seemed at first a new kind of invisible light. It was clearly something new something unrecorded ...
There is much to do, and I am busy, very busy.
[Describing to a journalist the discovery of X-rays that he had made on 8 Nov 1895.] — Wilhelm Conrad Rontgen

Character Arc Quotes By Jessica Biel

It's the same kind of preparation you do for something like this you do for anything. It doesn't matter if it's a drama or a comedy, the need to get the emotion and the character arc across is way harder in something like this so was more of a preparation. — Jessica Biel

Character Arc Quotes By Katheryn Winnick

I think every woman character, every female character, has her own arc. — Katheryn Winnick

Character Arc Quotes By Evan Peters

You can't plan your character arc - you have a vague idea, maybe, but I'm constantly surprised. Sometimes actors in films will play the ending of the movie, or even the middle, and you know where it's going - as an audience member you can read the actor. — Evan Peters

Character Arc Quotes By Alex Pettyfer

I never think about the next movie. I always think about the situation I'm in now, but you do think about an arc someone can go. I love Johnny Depp, I love 'Pirates of the Caribbean,' but I never wanted to play the same character over and over again. — Alex Pettyfer

Character Arc Quotes By Libbie Hawker

Plot is certainly a part of constructing a story. It's a factor in outlining. But believe it or not, it's the least important factor. If you focus your efforts on the Three Legs - character arc, pacing, and theme - you can change the specifics of the plot a hundred different times, and you'll still have essentially the same story. — Libbie Hawker

Character Arc Quotes By Cary Elwes

I feel like if a film is well-written, then the character's arc is complete. There really is very little room to expand on that afterwards. — Cary Elwes

Character Arc Quotes By Ginnifer Goodwin

It's a challenge to work a character's arc into a format in which you only have a very limited amount of time to grow and develop a character. — Ginnifer Goodwin

Character Arc Quotes By Colman Domingo

I recently did a play, Athol Fugard's 'Coming Home' at Long Wharf Theatre, where I played one character throughout - I sat at a table and didn't have any costume changes. Following one character's arc from beginning to end is a whole different mindset. — Colman Domingo

Character Arc Quotes By David Anders

I miss theater. I miss living the arc of the character, from curtain to curtain, and I miss the immediate audience response. — David Anders

Character Arc Quotes By Daniel Dae Kim

What's great in theater is that you can sustain the arc of a character for a full three hours, whereas in film or TV, you have to create that arc in little pieces, and usually out of sequence. — Daniel Dae Kim

Character Arc Quotes By Aaron Sorkin

The properties of people and the properties of character have almost nothing to do with each other. They really don't. I know it seems like they do because we look alike, but people don't speak in dialogue. Their lives don't unfold in a series of scenes that form a narrative arc. — Aaron Sorkin

Character Arc Quotes By Yael Stone

It's really interesting working in television as opposed to the theater, where you know the arc of the character and you are able to create this whole backstory. — Yael Stone

Character Arc Quotes By Sissy Spacek

It's a whole other way of working when you work in films: You know exactly the arc of your character. — Sissy Spacek

Character Arc Quotes By Geraldine Brooks

Are there any two words in all of the English language more closely twinned than courage and cowardice? I do not think there is a man alive who will not yearn to possess the former and dread to be accused of the latter. One is held to be the apogee of man's character, the other its nadir. An yet, to me the two sit side by side on the circle of life, removed from each other by the merest degree of arc. (MARCH - Chapter 11 - page 168) — Geraldine Brooks

Character Arc Quotes By Andy Serkis

In 'Tintin,' it's like a live-action role. You're living and breathing and making decisions for that character from page 1 to page 120, the whole emotional arc. In an animated movie, it's a committee decision. There are 50 people creating that character. You're responsible for a small part. — Andy Serkis

Character Arc Quotes By Marc Maron

You hope to see an arc of growth in your ability to become a character on television. — Marc Maron

Character Arc Quotes By Simon Kinberg

The biggest challenge is not the storytelling, it's to track every character's arc through the entire movie. — Simon Kinberg

Character Arc Quotes By Kevin Spacey

It takes stamina to get up like an athlete every single night, seven to eight performances a week, 20 weeks in a row. And there are many young performers who only learn their craft in the two minute bits it takes to film a scene. You never learn the arc of storytelling, the arc of a character that way. — Kevin Spacey

Character Arc Quotes By Mae Whitman

For me, one thing I love is having an arc for a character. — Mae Whitman

Character Arc Quotes By Joan Van Ark

Joan of Arc is my namesake. I played her character while still in my teens, at a music festival held at the University of Colorado in Boulder. — Joan Van Ark

Character Arc Quotes By Jenna Bush

Writers know - especially new writers - [that] a lot of it [creative process] is the prewriting stage, the talking, brainstorming, the narrative arc and the character sketches. — Jenna Bush

Character Arc Quotes By Said Sayrafiezadeh

I don't work with an outline, except a vague one in my head, a general idea of character, place, arc ... I'm like a composer with a symphony in their head: I can hear the music, I just have to figure out how to put it down on paper. But I don't always know where my stories are going when I begin. — Said Sayrafiezadeh

Character Arc Quotes By Dwayne Johnson

When you're in sync with the director, on the type of movie you want to make, the arc of the characters, how the characters intertwine and interact, plotlines and story, and things like that, it really makes a difference. — Dwayne Johnson