Famous Quotes & Sayings

Business Farewell Quotes & Sayings

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Top Business Farewell Quotes

Business Farewell Quotes By Winifred Holtby

I am a feminist because I dislike everything that feminism implies. I desire an end to the whole business, the demands for equality, the suggestion of sex warfare, the very name feminist. I want to be about the work in which my real interests like, the writing of novels and so forth. But while inequality exists, while injustice is done and opportunity denied to the great majority of women, I shall have to be a feminist. And I shan't be happy till I get ... a society in which there is no distinction of persons either male or female, but a supreme regard for the importance of the human being. And when that dream is a reality, I will say farewell to feminism, as to any disbanded but victorious army, with honour for its heroes, gratitude for its sacrifice, and profound relief that the hour for its necessity has passed. — Winifred Holtby

Business Farewell Quotes By David Whyte

A good poem brims with reflected beauty and even a bracing, beautiful ugliness. At the center of our lives, in the midst of the busyness and the forgetting, is a story that makes sense when everything extraneous has been taken away. — David Whyte

Business Farewell Quotes By Jonathan Lethem

The revving heart of my hopefulness, kicked into gear anew, is the most precious thing about me, I refuse to vilify it. — Jonathan Lethem

Business Farewell Quotes By Bill Gates

The obvious mathematical breakthrough would be development of an easy way to factor large prime numbers. — Bill Gates

Business Farewell Quotes By Don J. Snyder

Everyone wants to marry and Irish girl, they have the most beautiful babies. — Don J. Snyder

Business Farewell Quotes By Carl Von Clausewitz

In war more than anywhere else, things do not turn out as we expect. — Carl Von Clausewitz

Business Farewell Quotes By L.A. Meyer

We clear the harbor and the wind catches her sails and my beautiful ship leans over ever so gracefully, and her elegant bow cuts cleanly into the increasing chop of the waves. I take a deep breath and my chest expands and my heart starts thumping so strongly I fear the others might see it beat through the cloth of my jacket. I face the wind and my lips peel back from my teeth in a grin of pure joy. — L.A. Meyer

Business Farewell Quotes By Todd Louiso

I actually grew up hearing this a lot: 'If you're an actor, you can only be an actor, and you have to just do that.' But in order to be a good actor, you have to draw on life experiences. To only concentrate on acting, you're cutting yourself off. — Todd Louiso