Famous Quotes & Sayings

Bush Jr Quotes & Sayings

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Top Bush Jr Quotes

Bush Jr Quotes By Joseph Stiglitz

The only people benefiting in Iraq war are George Bush's Jr. friends in the oil industry. He has done the American economy and the global economy an enormous disfavor, but his Texan friends couldn't be happier. — Joseph Stiglitz

Bush Jr Quotes By Donald Trump Jr.

Anyone who thinks hunters are just 'bloodthirsty morons' hasn't looked into hunting. If you wait through long, cold hours in the November woods with a bow in your hands hoping a buck will show, or if you spend days walking in the African bush trailing Cape buffalo while listening to lions roar, you're sure to learn hunting isn't about killing. — Donald Trump Jr.

Bush Jr Quotes By Walter M. Miller Jr.

Fire, loveliest of the four elements of the world, and yet an element too in Hell. While it burned adoringly in the core of the Temple, it had also scorched the life from a city, this night, and spewed its venom over the land. How strange of God to speak from a burning bush, and of Man to make a symbol of Heaven into a symbol of Hell. — Walter M. Miller Jr.

Bush Jr Quotes By William F. Buckley Jr.

There will be no legacy for Mr. Bush. I don't believe his
successor would re-enunciate the words he used in his
second inaugural address because they were too ambitious.
So therefore I think his legacy is indecipherable. — William F. Buckley Jr.

Bush Jr Quotes By Christopher Hitchens

Mrs. Clinton, speaking to a black church audience on Martin Luther King Day last year, did describe President George W. Bush as treating the Congress of the United States like 'a plantation,' adding in a significant tone of voice that 'you know what I mean ... '
She did not repeat this trope, for some reason, when addressing the electors of Iowa or New Hampshire. She's willing to ring the other bell, though, if it suits her. But when an actual African-American challenger comes along, she rather tends to pout and wince at his presumption (or did until recently). — Christopher Hitchens

Bush Jr Quotes By Lawrence Eagleburger

If George Bush [Jr.] decided he was going to turn the troops loose on Syria and Iran after that he would last in office for about 15 minutes. In fact if President Bush were to try that now even I would think that he ought to be impeached. You can't get away with that sort of thing in this democracy. — Lawrence Eagleburger

Bush Jr Quotes By Arianna Huffington

We all have this place in us, a place of strength, harmony and wisdom, but most of the time we don't live there How can we course-correct faster? How can we encourage each other to live in that place more? — Arianna Huffington

Bush Jr Quotes By Suman Pokhrel

He (life) got to his feet with a sudden jerk,
collected his blanket
and then darted away in such a great haste
that till this date, I've not seen him again. — Suman Pokhrel

Bush Jr Quotes By Hillary Clinton

One day after laying a wreath at the tomb of Martin Luther King Jr., President Bush appoints a federal judge who has built his career around dismantling Dr. King's legacy. — Hillary Clinton

Bush Jr Quotes By Ed Begley Jr.

It's something I passed on to my kids. They really love the earth because they've experienced it from the youngest age. They know where food comes from - it doesn't come from the Safeway bush or the Ralph's tree. It comes from the earth. And water and sunshine and nutrients. My children understand that because they've experienced it. I feel successful as a parent, having done that. — Ed Begley Jr.

Bush Jr Quotes By Jane Mayer

Few would argue against safe-guarding the nation. But in the judgment of at least one of the country's most distinguished presidential scholars, the legal steps taken by the Bush Administration in its war against terrorism were a quantum leap beyond earlier blots on the country's history and traditions: more significant than John Adams' Alien and Sedition Acts, than Lincoln's suspension of habeas corpus during the Civil War, than the imprisonment of Americans of Japanese descent during World War II. Collectively, Arthur Schlesinger Jr. argued, the Bush Administration's extralegal counter-terrorism program presented the most dramatic, sustained, and radical challenge to the rule of law in American history. — Jane Mayer

Bush Jr Quotes By Henry Edward Armstrong

Hypotheses like professors, when they are seen not to work any longer in the laboratory, should disappear. — Henry Edward Armstrong

Bush Jr Quotes By Jesse Jackson

Sometimes arrogance makes us overreach. George Bush Jr. often tries to suggest the leaders of other countries, and it is just not good diplomacy. — Jesse Jackson

Bush Jr Quotes By Aristotle.

My lectures are published and not published; they will be intelligible to those who heard them, and to none beside. — Aristotle.

Bush Jr Quotes By Ann Coulter

What I'm critical of is - the White House attacking conservatives, for saying we're elitist for pointing out that Harriet Miers isn't qualified to sit on the Supreme Court. I'm starting to feel sort of bad about - about saying that. And I'm annoyed with George Bush [Jr.] for putting us in the position of having to say that. — Ann Coulter

Bush Jr Quotes By Neal Stephenson

For one of the toxic things about Lineages was that rich avout could get not-so-rich ones to do things for them in exchange for better food, better drink, and better lodging. — Neal Stephenson

Bush Jr Quotes By Peter Levitt

Watermelons and Zen students grow pretty much the same way. Long periods of sitting till they ripen and grow all juicy inside, but when you knock them on the head to see if they're ready sounds like nothing's going on. — Peter Levitt