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Brian Jacques Redwall Quotes & Sayings

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Top Brian Jacques Redwall Quotes

Brian Jacques Redwall Quotes By Brian Jacques

Boorab's spear was a window pole. He stood on the second step, barring their way. "Who goes there? State y'business, wot?"
Brother Hoben tapped an impatient paw on the bottom step. "Come out of the way, please. We'ew going to the walltop."
The hare twitched his whiskers officiously. "No Dibbuns allowed up here. You're not Dibbuns, are you?"
Cregga took hold of the window pole he was clasping and lifted both Boorab and the pole, with one paw, down onto the grass. "Do we look like Dibbuns? Don't try my patience, sah!"
"Just doin' one's duty," he muttered up the steps after them, somewhat creastfallen. "I was only asking a civil question, wot. Humph, some creautres! — Brian Jacques

Brian Jacques Redwall Quotes By Tori Amos

I'm very at home working with mythology. — Tori Amos

Brian Jacques Redwall Quotes By Brian Jacques

The seer crow was outraged. "Mangiz does not forget an insult, hedgepig."
Ambrose smiled cheekily. "Good, then here's a few more for you to remember, you pot-bellied, cross-eyed, feather-bottomed excuse for a duck. — Brian Jacques

Brian Jacques Redwall Quotes By Brian Jacques

In our imaginations we can go anywhere. Travel with me to Redwall in Mossflower country. — Brian Jacques

Brian Jacques Redwall Quotes By Brian Jacques

Sometimes friends do go from us-it will happen more and more as you grow up, Chugg. But if you really love your friends, they're never really gone. Somewhere they're watching over you and they're always there inside your heart.
-Martin — Brian Jacques

Brian Jacques Redwall Quotes By Jennifer L. Armentrout

There you go. That ego of yours getting in the way," I teased.
"Of what?"
"The perfect package."
He snorted. "Let me tell you, I have the perfect
"Don't be gross. — Jennifer L. Armentrout

Brian Jacques Redwall Quotes By Brian Jacques

Quick as a flash, Sawney Rath's eyes hardened. "Then I'm ordering you to skin Felch alive!" He took the otter's paw, closing it over the knife handle. "Obey me!"
The crowded clearing became as silent as a tomb. All eyes were upon the Taggerung, awaiting his reaction to the order.
Tagg turned his back on Sawney and strode to the side of the fox strung up to the beech bough. He raised the blade. Felch shut his eyes tight, his head shaking back and forth as his nerves quivered uncontrollably. With a sudden slash Tagg severed the thongs that bound him. Felch slumped to the ground in a shaking heap. Tagg's voice was flat and hard as he turned to face Sawney.
"I'm sorry to disobey your order. The fox is a sorry thief, but I will not take the life of a helpless beast. — Brian Jacques

Brian Jacques Redwall Quotes By Brian Jacques

The young mouse's eyes snapped open, clear and bright. He swung the ancient sword high and struck at the giant adder.
He struck for Redwall!
He struck against evil!
He struck for Martin!
He struck for Log-a-Log and his shrews!
He struck for dead Guosim!
He struck as Methuselah would have wanted him to!
He struck against Cluny the Scourge and tyranny!
He struck out against Captain Snow's ridicule!
He struck for the world of light and freedom!
He struck until his paws ached and the sword fell from them! — Brian Jacques

Brian Jacques Redwall Quotes By Brian Jacques

Are you going to go down on your knees and beg for your life, old one?"
Abbot Mortimer stared calmly into Cluny's savage eye. "I will never bend my knee on my own behalf. However, if I thought I could save the life of one of my friends I would gladly fall down on both knees. But I know you, Cluny, better than you know yourself. There is not a scrap of pity or mercy in your heart, only a burning desire for vengeance. Therefore, I will not kneel to one who is consumed by evil. — Brian Jacques

Brian Jacques Redwall Quotes By Brian Jacques

No doubt your sword is indeed a beautiful thing. It is a tribute to whoever forged it in bygone ages. There are very few such swords as this one left in the world, but remember, it is only a sword, Matthias! It contains no secret spell, nor holds within its blade any magical power. This sword is made for only one purpose, to kill. It will only be as good or evil as the one who wields it. I know that you intend to use it only for the good of your Abbey, Matthias; do so, but never allow yourself to be tempted into using it in a careless or idle way. It would inevitably cost you your life, or that of your dear ones. Martin the Warrior used the sword only for right and good. This is why it has become a symbol of power to Redwall. Knowledge is gained through wisdom, my friend. Use the sword wisely. — Brian Jacques

Brian Jacques Redwall Quotes By Brian Jacques

Wait and wonder when we will return, mouse - then you will really see what a battle is like."
Simeon turned his head in the direction of Graypatch's voice. "Alas, I will never see anything for I am blind; but I can sense a lot. I can feel you are both evil and desperate. They say you have only one eye. I am surprised at you - even a fool with half an eye could see that you will never triumph against good if you are evil. — Brian Jacques

Brian Jacques Redwall Quotes By Will Harvey

I've never seen a monument erected to a pessimist. — Will Harvey

Brian Jacques Redwall Quotes By Brian Jacques

I will not stand here to be insulted by you, hedgepig," Mangiz fumed.
"Then stand somewhere else and I'll insult you there, featherbag!! — Brian Jacques

Brian Jacques Redwall Quotes By Brian Jacques

Each of us is born to follow a star, be it bright and shining or dark and fated. Sometimes the path of these stars will cross, bringing love or hatred. However, if you look up at the skies on a clear night, out of all the countless lights that twinkle and shine, there will come one. That star will be seen in a blaze, burning a path of light across the roof of the earth, a great comet. — Brian Jacques

Brian Jacques Redwall Quotes By Brian Jacques

Scoffin' a load of our grub an' not tellin' a story? I say, what a bally swizz! — Brian Jacques

Brian Jacques Redwall Quotes By Brian Jacques

Friar Hugo, old friend, brace yourself. I am the bearer of tragic news!"
Alarm spread across Hugo's pudgy features. "Tell me, Jess. What dreadful thing has happened?"
Jess spoke haltingly in a broken voice. "I fear that Cluny has tore up one of your oldest and most venerable dishrags. Alas, Redwall will never see it wipe another plate. — Brian Jacques

Brian Jacques Redwall Quotes By Brian Jacques

Who says that I am dead
knows nought at all.
I am that is,
Two mice within Redwall.
The Warrior sleaps
Twixt Hall and Cavern Hole
I am that is,
Take on my mighty role ...
Look for the sword
In moonlight streaming forth
At night, when days first hour
Reflects the north
From o'er the threshold
Seek and you will see;
I am that is,
My sword shall wield for me. — Brian Jacques

Brian Jacques Redwall Quotes By Lynn Austin

Hashem may not answer our prayers the way we want him to," he said, clearing his throat. "He did not deliver Joseph from prison right away. But Hashem was there with Joseph, even in hype silence — Lynn Austin

Brian Jacques Redwall Quotes By Sarah Josepha Hale

What in the rising man was industry and economy, becomes in the rich man parsimony and avarice. — Sarah Josepha Hale

Brian Jacques Redwall Quotes By Kenny Chesney

I'm proud of the fact that I'm at a point in my career that if I want to take a little bit of a left turn and make an album that is more hushed, more acoustic and more personal, that I can do it, — Kenny Chesney

Brian Jacques Redwall Quotes By Brian Jacques

Absoballylutely top hole, wot. A and B the C of D I'd say ... Above and Beyond the Call of Duty. — Brian Jacques

Brian Jacques Redwall Quotes By Brian Jacques

Rakkety Rakkety Rakkety Tam, the drums are beatin' braw. Rakkety Rakkety Rakkety Tam, are ye marchin' off tae war? — Brian Jacques

Brian Jacques Redwall Quotes By Brian Jacques

I wanted to write something visual that I could read to the children. This was when I created the idea of Redwall Abbey in my imagination. As I wrote, the idea grew, and the manuscript along with it. — Brian Jacques