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Bravery From Women Quotes & Sayings

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Top Bravery From Women Quotes

Bravery From Women Quotes By Andrea Dworkin

Feminism requires precisely what patriarchy destroys in women: unimpeachable bravery in confronting male power — Andrea Dworkin

Bravery From Women Quotes By Francois De La Rochefoucauld

The courage of a great many men, and the virtue of a great many women, are the effect of vanity, shame, and especially a suitabletemperament. — Francois De La Rochefoucauld

Bravery From Women Quotes By Dom Pedro V

Willing to fight for freedom alongside her warriors, Nzinga demonstrated bravery, intelligence, and a relentless drive to bring peace to her people. A true anti-terrorism strategist and an original freedom fighter. Queen Nzinga reflects the dignity of the Ndongos and Angola in particular, but of Africa and all women in general. — Dom Pedro V

Bravery From Women Quotes By Amit Ray

Only the brave men and women can bring peace to the world, not by practicing war but by practicing nonviolence. — Amit Ray

Bravery From Women Quotes By Charlotte Gordon

But the paradox of their success is that most modern readers are unaware of the overwhelming obstacles both women had to overcome. Without knowing the history of the era, the difficulties Wollstonecraft and Shelley faced are largely invisible, their bravery incomprehensible. Both women were what Wollstonecraft termed "outlaws." Not only did they write world-changing books, they broke from the strictures that governed women's conduct, not once but time and again, profoundly challenging the moral code of the day. Their refusal to bow down, to subside and surrender, to be quiet and subservient, to apologize and hide, makes their lives as memorable as the words they left behind. They asserted their right to determine their own destinies, starting a revolution that has yet to end. — Charlotte Gordon

Bravery From Women Quotes By Carol P. Christ

Throughout the years, many Christian women have told me of their great respect for the bravery and courage evident in my work, perhaps even gesturing to their own Isis earrings or a Nile River Goddess pendants. — Carol P. Christ

Bravery From Women Quotes By Dick Cheney

It's not just Bin Laden or just those that are involved in the counterterrorism effort. We've gotta cast the net broader than that. But I think it's a - very special tribute that we all owe to the bravery and courage of the men and women in the intelligence and military business who performed so well to finally get it done. — Dick Cheney

Bravery From Women Quotes By Elizabeth Barrett Browning

The world's male chivalry has perished out, but women are knights-errant to the last; and, if Cervantes had been greater still, he had made his Don a Donna. — Elizabeth Barrett Browning

Bravery From Women Quotes By Caroline A. Shearer

Step out of your comfort zone, and then applaud yourself for your bravery. — Caroline A. Shearer

Bravery From Women Quotes By David Gemmell

Heroes are people who face down their fears. It is that simple. A child afraid of the dark who one day blows out the candle; a women terrified of the pain of childbirth who says, 'It is time to become a mother'. Heroism does not always live on the battlefield. — David Gemmell

Bravery From Women Quotes By Elizabeth I

I have the heart of a man, not a woman, and I am not afraid of anything. — Elizabeth I

Bravery From Women Quotes By Jennifer Ryan

A sense of responsibility - or was it guilt? - hung over me, that I was in some way at fault because of cowering to all these pompous men all these years, when I should have had the bravery to reclaim my own mind. That if we women had done this years ago, before the last war, before this one, we'd be in a very different world. — Jennifer Ryan

Bravery From Women Quotes By Geraldine Brooks

What's wrong with leading the way? We've played that role before, after all. We gave the world the secret ballot ... that did so much to raise living standards and improve conditions for workers worldwide. We were a leader in extending to women the right to vote. We were barely a nation when we set the bar for bravery and sacrifice by common soldiers in foreign wars. We grew up out of racism and misogyny and homophobia to become a mostly tolerant, successful multicultural society. We did these great things because we know we are in it together. It is our core value as Australians. — Geraldine Brooks

Bravery From Women Quotes By Richard Llewellyn

Women have their own braveries, their own mighty courageousness that is of woman, and not to be compared with the courage shown by man. — Richard Llewellyn

Bravery From Women Quotes By Victor Hugo

Curiosity is one of the forms of feminine bravery. — Victor Hugo

Bravery From Women Quotes By Solange Nicole

It takes more than balls to be a woman. It takes ovaries. — Solange Nicole

Bravery From Women Quotes By Howard Bloom

Women encourage killers. They do it by falling in love with warriors and heroes. Men know it and respond with enthusiasm. The Crusaders marched off to war with ladies favors in their helmets. The heroes sliced up adults and baked infants on spits, all the while thinking of how the damsels back home would admire their bravery. — Howard Bloom

Bravery From Women Quotes By Leslie Jamison

I think dismissing female pain as overly familiar or somehow out-of-date
twice-told, thrice-told, 1,001-nights-told
masks deeper accusations: that suffering women are playing victim, going weak, or choosing self-indulgence over bravery. I think dismissing wounds offers a convenient excuse: no need to struggle with the listening or telling anymore. Plug it up. Like somehow our task is to inhabit the jaded aftermath of terminal self-awareness once the story of all pain has already been told. — Leslie Jamison

Bravery From Women Quotes By Francois De La Rochefoucauld

We are much mistaken if we think that men are always brave from a principle of valor, or women chaste from a principle of modesty. — Francois De La Rochefoucauld

Bravery From Women Quotes By Mindy Kaling

...you need the tiniest bit of bravery. People get scared when you try to do something, especially when it looks like you're succeeding. People do not get scared when you are failing. It calms them. That's why the show Intervention is a hit and everyone loves "worrying about" Amanda Bynes. — Mindy Kaling

Bravery From Women Quotes By Dave Matthes

To all the boys, for when you become men: you'll leave women all throughout your life because they're holding you back, and even after she's gone she'll still weigh you down. To all the women: stay away from us men. We don't know anything about you, despite what we try to convince you of. — Dave Matthes

Bravery From Women Quotes By Shannon L. Alder

I will never be someone's last choice, second option, narcissistic supply, doormat, ego booster, sidekick, secret, last time or after thought. I am a Daughter of God that stands for truth. I know my beauty, my talents, my accomplishments, what I have to offer and who leads my life purpose: my Heavenly Father. But, most of all I know my value and I will never let any man define my worth. — Shannon L. Alder

Bravery From Women Quotes By Joseph Smith Jr.

8 And the husbands and fathers of those women and children they have slain; and they feed the women upon the aflesh of their husbands, and the children upon the flesh of their fathers; and no water, save a little, do they give unto them.
10 And after they had done this thing, they did murder them in a most acruel manner, torturing their bodies even unto death; and after they have done this, they devour their flesh like unto wild beasts, because of the hardness of their hearts; and they do it for a token of bravery. — Joseph Smith Jr.

Bravery From Women Quotes By James Comey

What makes the bravery of the men and women of the FBI so special is that they know exactly what they're in for. They spend weeks and weeks in an academy learning just how hard and dangerous this work is. Then they raise their right hands and take an oath and do that work anyway. — James Comey

Bravery From Women Quotes By Shannon L. Alder

Empowered Women 101: Forgive yourself for having chosen to expose yourself to people who don't care about your feelings and help others to do the same. Enjoy life! It is as simple as changing your focus or perspective when you start thinking about people from the past who hurt your feelings. Eventually, you will forget about those types of people because your time and attention will be taken up by more positive things/people/events/activities etc. When you understand how much time is wasted trying to make people see you, understand you, respect you, value you, like you or agree with you ... life becomes a pointless negative fight for validation that will drain your happiness. You are worth more than the indifference, inattention or crumbs people throw you. You are a queen that demands respect and God will bring the right person into your life to make you forget why you ever wasted your time on nothing important. — Shannon L. Alder

Bravery From Women Quotes By Michelle Markel

[I]n America,
wrongs can be righted,
warriors can wear skirts and blouses,
and the bravest hearts
may beat in girls
only five feet tall. — Michelle Markel

Bravery From Women Quotes By Sam Kutesa

While the Second World War brought about untold misery and suffering, it was also a time when the world witnessed extraordinary bravery. Through the collective, heroic efforts of countless men and women, victory was claimed over tyranny and evil. — Sam Kutesa

Bravery From Women Quotes By Patrick Kavanagh

Women, never have got full credit for thei bravery, they sacrifice everything to life — Patrick Kavanagh

Bravery From Women Quotes By Suzanne Elizabeth Phillips

Growing up seems easier for men, maybe because their rites of passage are clearer. They perform acts of bravery on the battlefield or show they're men through physical labor or by making money. For women, it's more confusing. We have no rites of passage. Do we become women when a man first makes love to us? If so, why do we refer to it as a loss of virginity? Doesn't the word 'loss' imply that we are better off before? I abhor the idea that we become women only through the physical act of a man. No, I think we become women when we learn what is important in our lives, when we learn to give and to take with a loving heart. — Suzanne Elizabeth Phillips

Bravery From Women Quotes By C. JoyBell C.

I cannot have a man who is afraid of everything, I don't have the time to soothe insecurities and fears, I cannot have a man who is standing on a stone by a creek, watching for the fish to swim by and every time he sees a fish he says "Oh look, this fish scares me, I wonder what this fish means, this fish might mean- this, or this fish might mean- that" for God's sake, they are just fish, and they don't mean anything! Such a sad thing, so many fine, strong men standing on top of little stones, pointing at fish all the time! Such a waste! Such a waste of time! I can only have a man who will leap into the water, not minding the damn fish and whatever other little things that scare him. I need to have someone who is braver than me; if I am a pirate, he has to be the pirate Captain, if I am a pirate Captain he has to be the flying dragon. — C. JoyBell C.

Bravery From Women Quotes By Charles R. Swindoll

We are fortified by exemplary lives, especially those who have earned the right to be respected by their character, sacrifice, patience, and ability to press on in spite of hardship, injustice, pain, and failure. Our heroes do not have to be perfect. They must, however be courageous, authentic, clear-minded, and determined to endure no matter the sacrifice or cost. We need heroes of integrity and consistency, admirable men and women we can admire, not because they exemplify a quick burst of bravery, but because they represent the stuff of greatness and stay at it to the end. — Charles R. Swindoll

Bravery From Women Quotes By Tim Pawlenty

History has taught us over and over again that freedom is not free. When push comes to shove, the ultimate protectors of freedom and liberty are the brave men and women in our armed forces. Throughout our history, they've answered the call in bravery and sacrifice. — Tim Pawlenty

Bravery From Women Quotes By Nawal El Saadawi

How is it possible to live? Life is so hard?'
'You must be harder than life, Firdaus. Life is very hard. The only people who really live are those who are harder than life itself.'
'But you are not hard, Sharifa, so how do you manage to live?'
'I am hard, terribly hard, Firdaus.'
'No, you are gentle and soft.'
'My skin is soft, but my heart is cruel, and my bite deadly.'
'Like snake?'
'Yes, exactly like a snake. Life is a snake. They are the same, Firdaus. If the snake realises you are not a snake, it will bite you. And if life knows you have no sting, it will devour you. — Nawal El Saadawi

Bravery From Women Quotes By Plato

And I think that our braver and better youth, besides their other honours and rewards, might have greater facilities of intercourse with women given them; their bravery will be a reason, and such fathers ought to have as many sons as possible. True. And the proper officers, whether male or female or both, for offices are to be held by women as well as by men - Yes - The proper officers will take the offspring of the good parents to the pen or fold, and there they will deposit them with certain nurses who dwell in a separate quarter; but the offspring of the inferior, or of the better when they chance to be deformed, will be put away in some mysterious, unknown place, as they should be. Yes, he said, that must be done if the breed of the guardians is to be kept pure. They — Plato

Bravery From Women Quotes By Sarah Cross

Everyone loves a kick-ass girl. (Well- maybe not her enemies, but you know what I mean.) — Sarah Cross

Bravery From Women Quotes By Jennifer Ryan

Perhaps there is something good that had come from this war: everything has been turned around, all the unfairness made grimly plain. It has given us everyday women a voice - dared us to stand up for ourselves, and to stand up for others. We have less to lose in this world of chaos and death, after all. — Jennifer Ryan

Bravery From Women Quotes By Paul Waters

I remember Cannae," she said, raising her head, "when we thought all was lost. Carthage had defeated us, and there were those who gave up hope. Yet we survived, by our fortitude, and by believing that we should endure. There are times, Marcus, when courage is all you have."
I looked down at the stone floor, chastened into silence by her cold, stern words. This was her way, as it had always been. It was the Roman way. Grief was an indulgence; and though she surely suffered, her suffering was for her alone. It seemed hard, but she had come from a hard family, brave men and brave women who through the generations had survived by facing down hardship and loss. Of all her long line of ancestors, she was not going to be the one to break.
And nor, I decided, was I. — Paul Waters

Bravery From Women Quotes By Abha Maryada Banerjee

Bravery cannot be taught..
It needs to be tried, practised and tested..
In Self! — Abha Maryada Banerjee

Bravery From Women Quotes By Jacob Hashimoto

You can tell when women have a sensibility about, or a sense of bravery or a sense of understanding about their personal style that's outside of what you see from a magazine. — Jacob Hashimoto

Bravery From Women Quotes By C. JoyBell C.

Elegance is a glowing inner peace. Grace is an ability to give as well as to receive and be thankful. Mystery is a hidden laugh always ready to surface! Glamour only radiates if there is a sublime courage & bravery within: glamour is like the moon; it only shines because the sun is there. — C. JoyBell C.