Famous Quotes & Sayings

Bored Weekend Quotes & Sayings

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Top Bored Weekend Quotes

Bored Weekend Quotes By Rick Yancey

When a tardy bell rings again, normal is back. Kids rushing to class, sitting around bored, waiting for the final bell, and thinking about what they'll do that night, that weekend, that next fifty years. They'll be learning like we did about natural disasters and disease and world wars. You know: 'When the aliens came, seven billion people died,' and then the bell will ring and everybody will go to lunch and complain about the soggy Tater Tots. Like, 'Whoa, seven billion people, that's a lot. That's sad. Are you going to eat all those Tots? — Rick Yancey

Bored Weekend Quotes By Josh Hartnett

I get bored with the same old film coming out every weekend. It feels like it's the same story all the time, and the same visuals, and the characters' dilemmas are remarkably similar. — Josh Hartnett

Bored Weekend Quotes By Dorothy Parker

[Completely bored by a country weekend, wiring to a friend:] For heaven's sake, rush me a loaf of bread, enclosing saw and file. — Dorothy Parker

Bored Weekend Quotes By Asif Kapadia

As a kid, I thought movies were boring. My parents would hire VHS recorders for the weekend and watch Bollywood movies. I'd get bored and go out to Stoke Newington common to play football. — Asif Kapadia

Bored Weekend Quotes By Edmund Morris

A remarkable consensus of Democratic and Republican editorial writers held that Roosevelt would be as "conservative" as McKinley. The very unanimity of this opinion seemed contrived, as if to soothe a nervous stock market. The financial pages reported that "Severe Shocks," "Feverish Trading," and "Heavy Declines" had hit Wall Street on Friday, when the Gold Dollar President began to die. Roosevelt knew little about money - it was one of the few subjects that bored him - but even he could see that one false move this weekend might bring about a real panic on Monday. — Edmund Morris