Famous Quotes & Sayings

Best Shack Quotes & Sayings

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Top Best Shack Quotes

Best Shack Quotes By Langston Hughes

My old man's a white old man
And my old mother's black.
If ever I cursed my white old man
I take my curses back.
If ever I cursed my black old mother
And wished she were in hell,
I'm sorry for that evil wish
And now i wish her well
My old man died in a fine big house
My Ma died in a shack.
I wonder were i'm going to die,
Being neither white nor black? — Langston Hughes

Best Shack Quotes By Alice Munro

He described to her the house he had built for himself, in outside appearance a shack, but delightful inside, at least to him. A sleeping loft with a little round window. Everything he needed right where he could put his hand to it, out in the open, nothing in cupboards. A short walk from the house he had a bathtub sunk in the earth, in the middle of a bed of sweet herbs. He would carry hot water to it by the pailful and lounge there under the stars, even in the winter. He grew vegetables, and shared them with the deer.
(From the story "Powers") — Alice Munro

Best Shack Quotes By Guillermo Del Toro

Can you zoom in?" The foreman rolled his eyes. "This here ain't CSI - it's Radio-fucking-Shack. — Guillermo Del Toro

Best Shack Quotes By Aziz Ansari

I'm always down to try a new burger, but Shake Shack is still my top. What makes them so special is for the bread they use Martin's potato rolls which is just the best hamburger buns ever. — Aziz Ansari

Best Shack Quotes By Alireza Salehi Nejad

Liberation for who does not have a shack and freedom for who does not know how to live is fatal. — Alireza Salehi Nejad

Best Shack Quotes By Wm. Paul Young

[ ... ] love is much stronger than your fault could ever be. — Wm. Paul Young

Best Shack Quotes By Annalee Newitz

In the 1920s and 30s, when Radio Shack was young, a much earlier generation of nerds swarmed into these tiny shops to talk excitedly about building radios and other transmission devices. You might say that Radio Shack helped define gadget culture for four generations, from radio whizzes up to smartphone dorks. — Annalee Newitz

Best Shack Quotes By Emil Cioran

Someday the old shack we call the world will fall apart. How, we don't know, and we don't really care either. Since nothing has real substance, and life is a twirl in the void, its beginning and its end are meaningless. — Emil Cioran

Best Shack Quotes By Arrigo Sacchi

The accent today is on results, not on how well you work. You can't build a skyscraper in a day, but you can build a shack. — Arrigo Sacchi

Best Shack Quotes By James M. Cain

With this money I can get away from you. From you and your chickens and your pies and your kitchens and everything that smells of grease. I can get away from this shack with its cheap furniture, and this town and its dollar days, and its women that wear uniforms and its men that wear overalls. You think just because you've made a little money you can get a new hairdo and some expensive clothes and turn yourself into a lady. But you can't, because you'll never be anything but a common frump, whose father lived over a grocery store and whose mother took in washing. With this money, I can get away from every rotten, stinking thing that makes me think of this place or you! — James M. Cain

Best Shack Quotes By J.K. Rowling

They make a fuss about Hogsmeade, but I assure you, Harry, it's not all it's cracked up to be. All right, the sweetshop's rather good, and Zonko's Joke Shop's frankly dangerous, and yes, the Shrieking Shack is always worth a visit, but really, Harry, apart from that, you're not missing anything. — J.K. Rowling

Best Shack Quotes By Hunter Shea

Teta was wary, but anxious to leave city life behind. He was born in a shack on a farm and raised more by the animals and elements than his parents. His stint in New York was against his nature. But no matter how many times I told him to skedaddle, he stayed by my side like a tick or a bedbug. Blood brothers, he called us. I was never sure if he meant it in the traditional sense or if he was referring to the prodigious amount of blood we'd shed together. — Hunter Shea

Best Shack Quotes By Paul Auster

For example, when I was writing Leviathan, which was written both in New York and in Vermont - I think there were two summers in Vermont, in that house I wrote about in Winter Journal, that broken-down house ... I was working in an out-building, a kind of shack, a tumble-down, broken-down mess of a place, and I had a green table. I just thought, "Well, is there a way to bring my life into the fiction I'm writing, will it make a difference?" And the fact is, it doesn't make any difference. It was a kind of experiment which couldn't fail. — Paul Auster

Best Shack Quotes By Nick Lane

Storing genes, vulnerable informational systems, in the immediate vicinity of the mitochondrial respiratory chains, which leak destructive free radicals, is equivalent to storing a valuable library in the wooden shack of a registered pyromaniac. — Nick Lane

Best Shack Quotes By William Paul Young

Love is just the skin of knowing. — William Paul Young

Best Shack Quotes By Augusten Burroughs

No matter your spiritual beliefs, if you hold any, the answer is the same: sometimes, why is not knowable. If you open the refrigerator door and a tub of Kozy Shack tapioca pudding tumbles out and splats open onto the floor, you clean it. You don't stand there and question why it happened, how it was possible. Why doesn't matter now. — Augusten Burroughs

Best Shack Quotes By Kevin Kwan

As a child, I could bike down the hill from my house and grab an ice-cold bottle of soda from the neighborhood grocer, which was nothing more than a corrugated metal shack run by two Indian men clad in sarongs. — Kevin Kwan

Best Shack Quotes By C.G. Faulkner

It looks like you'll be dying in Hellfire after all, Captain!" Slaughter shouted. "Just like your family in that Georgia shack did. Ha! Oh yes, I heard their screams inside! It was music to my ears!"
Tom shouted back across the flames. "Whether you die by my hands today or not, you'll be the one in Hell, with your twin Lucifer, you MURDERING BASTARD! — C.G. Faulkner

Best Shack Quotes By Donal Logue

The desert feels Irish in a way - lonely and barren. If someone said, 'Think of a happy place for you,' I'd say a glacial plane near the South Pole, the wind howling, nobody in sight, a shack with a pot-belly stove and some tea. — Donal Logue

Best Shack Quotes By J.K. Rowling

Voldemort's sitting in the Shrieking Shack?" said Hermione, outraged. "He's not--he's not even fighting?"
"He doesn't think he needs to fight," said Harry. "He thinks I'm going to go to him."
"But why?"
"He knows I'm after Horcuxes--he's keeping Nagini close beside him--obviously I'm going to have to go to him to get near the thing--"
"Right," said Ron, squaring his shoulders. "So you can't go, that's what he wants, what he's expecting. You stay here and look after Hermione, and I'll go and get it--"
Harry cut across Ron.
"You two stay here, I'll go under the Cloak and I'll be back as soon as I--"
"No," said Hermione, "it makes much more sense if I take the Cloak and--"
"Don't even think about it," Ron snarled at her.
Before Hermione could get farther than "Ron, I'm just as capable--" the tapestry at the top of the staircase on which they stood was ripped open. — J.K. Rowling

Best Shack Quotes By Rodney Atkins

There's a book called 'The Shack' - it had a lot to do with me coming full circle, meeting my birth mother. Awhile back, my birth mom and my adopted mom came to my show together, and it was pretty surreal. — Rodney Atkins

Best Shack Quotes By Nicholas Sparks

For a moment, I wondered how different my life would have been had they been my parents, but I shook the thought away. I knew my father had done the best he could, and I had no regrets about the way I'd turned out. Regrets about the journey, maybe, but not the destination. Because however it had happened, I'd somehow ended up eating shrimp in a dingy downtown shack with a girl that I already knew I'd never forget. — Nicholas Sparks

Best Shack Quotes By Lindsey Davis

We marched him to the turfy shack where he lived with his parents and while the youth sulked Petronius Longus put the whole moral issue in succinct terms to them: Ollia's father was a legionary veteran who had served in Egypt and Syria for over twenty years until he left with double pay, three medals, and a diploma that made Ollia legitimate; he now ran a boxers' training school where he was famous for his high-minded attitude and his fighters were notorious for their loyalty to him ... The old fisherman was a toothless, hapless, faithless cove you would not trust too near you with a filleting knife, but whether from fear or simple cunning he co-operated eagerly. The lad agreed to marry the girl and since Silvia would never abandon Ollia here, we decided that the fisherboy had to come back with us to Rome. His relations looked impressed by this result. We accepted it as the best we could achieve. — Lindsey Davis

Best Shack Quotes By Jonathan Latimer

Pug said: "I'm trying to think of the best way of knocking you off."
"The Chinese do it with rats," I said. "They let 'em eat the victim."
"Where am I going to get the rats?"
"Well," I said, "there're three in the car now."
I don't know which one hit me; Pug or the guy with the garlic breath. It was the barrel of a pistol and it cooled me for a couple of minutes. When I came to we had stopped by a small shack. I was alone with the guy on my left. — Jonathan Latimer

Best Shack Quotes By Holly Bourne

Everything is always my fault. I touch things and they crumple into shit, like the opposite of King Midas and his gold finger. If I was in a fairy tale, I would be called "PooFinger", and everyone would shun me and make me go live in some naff shack under a bridge, telling scary stories to all the children in the kingdom about the wench who turns everything to shit, just by touching it. — Holly Bourne

Best Shack Quotes By Roberto Bolano

Permanence has been swept aside by the rapidity of empty images. The pantheon, we discover to our astonishment, is the doghouse of the burning asylum ... We think our brain is a marble mausoleum, when in fact it's a house made of cardboard boxes, a shack stranded between an empty field and an endless dusk. — Roberto Bolano

Best Shack Quotes By Aziz Ansari

One of the big things I miss about New York is not my friends so much; it's Shake Shack, the burger place. I miss Shake Shack. — Aziz Ansari

Best Shack Quotes By James Dashner

Let's all go over there. She could have an army of psycho girl ninjas hiding in that shack of hers. — James Dashner

Best Shack Quotes By Molly Ringle

"There's really no way I can explain it to her without *still* sounding like scum," I complained to Sinter.
"The 'sympathy shack-up' doesn't score many points," he agreed.
* — Molly Ringle

Best Shack Quotes By Stephenie Meyer

Instead of being the A/V dweeb about to ask the head cheerleader to the prom, I was the finished-second-place werewolf about to ask the vampire's wife to shack up and procreate. Nice. — Stephenie Meyer

Best Shack Quotes By Leon Forte

A person can be miserable in a mansion and happy in a shack."

"Money will not buy happiness. It's merly the lack of it that can cause much of our misery. — Leon Forte

Best Shack Quotes By Austin Grossman

The voice came from the other side of the divider, an older man, bald, who wore a leather vest over a dark blue button-down shirt, like a Radio Shack manager who moonlighted as a forest brigand. — Austin Grossman

Best Shack Quotes By Danny Meyer

I trust that McDonald's can find a way to sell all-natural chicken without raising their prices; we did that at Shake Shack. It is more expensive, and we took a slight margin hit, but we did it. And if we can do it, I know that much bigger companies can. — Danny Meyer

Best Shack Quotes By Eoin Colfer

Orion sniffed. "Good. Then, worthy centaur, perhaps you could give me a ride to the village on your way back. Then I can make a few pennies wth my verses while you build us a shack and perform circus tricks for passersby."
This was such a surprising statement that Foaly briefly considered jumping into the hole to get away. — Eoin Colfer

Best Shack Quotes By Jancee Dunn

What most people find festive - a weekend at a beach shack with friends, a boat trip down a river, a crackling bonfire on a summer night - I see as a bleak nightmare to be grimly endured. I would sooner put lit cigarettes in my eyes than share a vacation house with a crowd. — Jancee Dunn

Best Shack Quotes By Stephen King

He struck his temples with his fists and screamed: 'Haven't you ever seen a goddam DC converter? You can get them at Radio Shack for three bucks! Are you seriously trying to tell me you couldn't have made a simple DC converter when you can make your tractor fly and your typewriter run on telepathy? Are you?
'Nobody thought of it!' she screamed suddenly. — Stephen King

Best Shack Quotes By James Dashner

After several minutes, Trina finally stopped in front of a small shack that had been boarded up with three wooden slats nailed across the door. From the outside. Someone had been imprisoned. And that someone was screaming. — James Dashner

Best Shack Quotes By Michael Keaton

My brothers were tremendous shack builders. My shacks were horrible. My brothers once built a two-story shack from the ground up that was awesome! — Michael Keaton