Famous Quotes & Sayings

Benjamin Sisko Quotes & Sayings

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Top Benjamin Sisko Quotes

Benjamin Sisko Quotes By Jeff Lindsay

Arabelle," Debs was saying. "Arabelle, please listen to me." Arabelle was not listening, and I didn't think my sister's vocal tone of combined anger and authority was well calculated to win over anyone - especially not someone who looked like she had been sent over from a casting office to play the part of a cleaning woman with no green card. — Jeff Lindsay

Benjamin Sisko Quotes By A.W. Tozer

Let a man question the inspiration of the Scriptures and a curious, even monstrous, inversion takes place: thereafter he judges the Word instead of letting the Word judge him; he determines what the Word should teach instead of permitting it to determine what he should believe; he edits, amends, strikes out, adds at his pleasure; but always he sits above the Word and makes it amenable to him instead of kneeling before God and becoming amenable to the Word. — A.W. Tozer

Benjamin Sisko Quotes By Margaret Mead

There is no greater insight into the future than recognizing ... when we save our children, we save ourselves — Margaret Mead

Benjamin Sisko Quotes By Neil Postman

Writing is defined as a conversation with no one and yet with everyone. — Neil Postman

Benjamin Sisko Quotes By Russell L. Ackoff

Nothing is harder to topple than a fact that supports a deeply held prejudice denied by its holder. — Russell L. Ackoff

Benjamin Sisko Quotes By Watchman Nee

If Christ lives in us, we will rejoice in everything, and we will thank and praise the Lord. We will say, 'Hallelujah! Praise the Lord' forever. — Watchman Nee

Benjamin Sisko Quotes By Elizabeth Cady Stanton

Not only dowomen sufferindignities in daily life, but the literature of the world proclaims their inferiority and divinely decreed subjection in all history, sacred and profane, in science, philosophy, poetry, and song. — Elizabeth Cady Stanton

Benjamin Sisko Quotes By Alexander Pope

Who sees pale Mammom pine amidst his store, Sees but a backward steward for the poor. — Alexander Pope

Benjamin Sisko Quotes By D.H. Lawrence

They were so intimate and utterly out of touch. — D.H. Lawrence

Benjamin Sisko Quotes By Andrew Kreisberg

My wife could give a rip about comic books, but she loves 'Arrow,' and she loves 'The Flash,' and she likes them because of the characters. — Andrew Kreisberg

Benjamin Sisko Quotes By Rick Riordan

That's what happens when it snows in Texas lady. It. Freaking. Melts. — Rick Riordan

Benjamin Sisko Quotes By Niklaus Wirth

A good designer must rely on experience, on precise, logic thinking; and on pedantic exactness. No magic will do. — Niklaus Wirth

Benjamin Sisko Quotes By Marco Palmieri

I think one of the reasons I liked him so much was that he had more faults than the usual, socially acceptable Trill." - Benjamin Sisko "Dax — Marco Palmieri