Famous Quotes & Sayings

Bassington Quotes & Sayings

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Top Bassington Quotes

Bassington Quotes By Bruce Eckel

Life is short
(You need Python) — Bruce Eckel

Bassington Quotes By Harold Evans

I love craftsmanship of any kind, a job well done either by my chiropractor or carpenter, and I am addicted to print, the type, the ink. But my basic passion is journalism and I can't live without being online. — Harold Evans

Bassington Quotes By Wendell Berry

A nuclear reactor is a proposed "solution" to "the energy problem." But like all big-technological "solutions," this one "solves" a single problem by causing many ...
A garden, on the other hand, is a solution that leads to other solutions. It is a part of the limitless pattern of good health and good sense. — Wendell Berry

Bassington Quotes By Joan Bassington-French

There is nothing so capital as a cup of tea for settling the Disheveled Nerves of Fair Ladies. — Joan Bassington-French

Bassington Quotes By Elden Henson

I've always wanted to meet Robert Downey, Jr. because I think he's awesome. — Elden Henson

Bassington Quotes By Michael LaRocca

He's not my god."

"Mine either. Who are you to judge me?"

"Gods should always be judged. — Michael LaRocca

Bassington Quotes By Michel Faber

I think that if you are a serious writer, you are almost obligated to provide the intelligent average reader with something that they can relate to and care about. If you are writing only for a tiny elite, then that surely should sound alarm bells. — Michel Faber

Bassington Quotes By Georges Bernanos

For those who have the habit of prayer, thought is too often a mere alibi, a sly way of deciding to do what one wants to do. Reason will always obscure what we wish to keep in the shadows. A worldling can think out the pros and cons and sum up his chances. No doubt. But what are our chances worth? We who have admitted once and for all into each moment of our puny lives the terrifying presence of God? ... What is the use of working out chances? There are no chances against God. — Georges Bernanos

Bassington Quotes By P.G. Wodehouse

My name's Bassington-Bassington, and the jolly old Bassington-Bassingtons - I mean the Bassington-Bassingtons aren't accustomed - "
Old Blumenfeld told him in a few brief words pretty much what he thought of the Bassington-Bassingtons and what they weren't accustomed to ...
"You got to work good for my pop!" said the stout child, waggling his head reprovingly at Cyril.
"I don't want any bally cheek from you!" said Cyril, gurgling a bit.
"What's that?" barked old Blumenfeld. "Do you understand that this boy is my son?"
"Yes, I do," said Cyril. "And you both have my sympathy!"
"You're fired!" bellowed old Blumenfeld, swelling a good bit more. "Get out of my theatre! — P.G. Wodehouse

Bassington Quotes By Harlan Coben

If I'm not writing well, I'm not happy. If I'm not spending enough time with my family, I'm not happy. If I'm not connecting to friends or if I don't work out enough ... You get the point. Everything has to be balanced. Nothing should be an extreme. — Harlan Coben

Bassington Quotes By Laura Burroughs

Use the talents you've developed to create goodwill, to ease the burdens of those who are not as fortunate and to seek truth humbly, without insisting that you hold the only keys to it. — Laura Burroughs

Bassington Quotes By P.G. Wodehouse

How does he look, Jeeves?"
"What does Mr Bassington-Bassington look like?"
"It is hardly my place, sir, to criticize the facial peculiarities of your friends. — P.G. Wodehouse

Bassington Quotes By Kevin Hart

I want to be funny, but it has to be a believable funny. — Kevin Hart

Bassington Quotes By Gillian Flynn

To refuse has so many more consequences than submitting. — Gillian Flynn

Bassington Quotes By P.G. Wodehouse

I am familiar with the name Bassington-Bassington, sir. There are three branches of the Bassington-Bassington family - the Shropshire Bassington-Bassingtons, the Hampshire Bassington-Bassingtons, and the Kent Bassington-Bassingtons."
"England seems pretty well stocked up with Bassington-Bassingtons."
"Tolerably so, sir."
"No chance of a sudden shortage, I mean, what?"
"Presumably not, sir."
"And what sort of a specimen is this one?"
"I could not say, sir, on such short acquaintance."
"Will you give me a sporting two to one, Jeeves, judging from what you have seen of him, that this chappie is not a blighter or an excrescence?"
"No, sir. I should not care to venture such liberal odds. — P.G. Wodehouse

Bassington Quotes By F. Paul Wilson

War, hate, jealousy, racism - what are they but manifestations of fear? — F. Paul Wilson

Bassington Quotes By C.S. Lewis

Nothing is yet in its true form. — C.S. Lewis