Famous Quotes & Sayings

Quotes & Sayings About Baby Dolls

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Top Baby Dolls Quotes

Baby Dolls Quotes By Douglas Wilson

Once young girls used to play with baby dolls, seeing themselves in the role of the nurturing mother; now they can be seen playing with Barbie dolls, seeing themselves in the place of the doll. And of course, the doll is both pretty and stacked. The pressure is on and stays on. — Douglas Wilson

Baby Dolls Quotes By Sherrilyn Kenyon

Her new powers surging, she went to have a long overdue Come-to-Jesus talk with the goddess. (Tory) — Sherrilyn Kenyon

Baby Dolls Quotes By Rick Riordan

Aphrodite took my snowboarding jacket," she muttered. "Mugged by my own mom." In the first row of the amphitheater, Jason found a blanket and wrapped it around her — Rick Riordan

Baby Dolls Quotes By Holly Black

They think you can't feel anything, because they've forgotten how. You're very, very dangerous, I get that, and you're prone to some very theatrical brooding, but don't let yourself mistake that for some kind of inner corruption. They see themselves in you and are blinded. — Holly Black

Baby Dolls Quotes By Elle Fanning

When I go home, I play with my baby dolls and strollers and stuffed animals, pretend like they're real dogs. — Elle Fanning

Baby Dolls Quotes By Russell Kirk

Some months later, the Van Tassel children invited classmates home to play with their new doll. This was in the dead of winter. When the guests arrived, they did indeed find the Van Tassel children sliding down hill with a new doll. But that new doll was a human baby, the youngest Van Tassel, dead and frozen stiff. The baby had died the previous week, and had been stored in the woodshed for burial when the frost was out of the ground; the other children had asked if diey might have Susan for a doll, and Mrs. Van Tassel had not demurred. — Russell Kirk

Baby Dolls Quotes By Edna Ferber

All the difference in the world between the movies and the thrill I get out of a play at the theater. Ay, yes! Like fooling around with paper dolls when you could be playing with a real live baby. — Edna Ferber

Baby Dolls Quotes By Alice Cooper

Just because I cut the heads off dolls doesn't mean I hate babies, I just hate dolls. — Alice Cooper

Baby Dolls Quotes By Michel Faber

I'm still tremendously proud of 'Crimson Petal.' I'm still very emotionally involved with these characters. I still care about them. — Michel Faber

Baby Dolls Quotes By Elle Kennedy

She studies the endless rows of titles on the bookshelf, then whirls toward me. "Okay. Admit it."

"Admit what?"

She points an accusing finger at me. "You're smart."

I snort loudly. "Of course I'm smart."

"You sure as hell don't act like it." Allie crosses her arms over the front of her loose striped sweater. "In fact, I feel like you go out of your way to make everyone believe you're a dummy. With your 'baby dolls' and foul language and the way you throw 'ain't' into a sentence every so often."

I flash her a grin. "Nope, that's just how I fucking talk, baby doll. Ain't nothing wrong with that. — Elle Kennedy

Baby Dolls Quotes By Carew Papritz

Money. It fits around your neck like some permanent noose. always waiting for your next misstep. — Carew Papritz

Baby Dolls Quotes By Amanda McCabe

And no one ever told her anything at all. Tears and shouted questions got her nothing but pitying looks and new dolls. While the dolls were nice, she still wanted to know where her mother had really gone and when her real papa was coming back to her.
That was when she learned to be quiet and watch. When she tucked herself away in corners, people forgot she was there and talked about things in quiet, calm ways with no baby-speak. Bea hated baby-speak. — Amanda McCabe

Baby Dolls Quotes By Jessica Alba

I loved my baby dolls when I was a kid. I used to pray with them and say good night to each and every one of them because I didn't want their feelings to get hurt. I remember having that connection with my baby dolls. — Jessica Alba

Baby Dolls Quotes By Wallace D. Wattles

Genius is Omniscience flowing into man. — Wallace D. Wattles

Baby Dolls Quotes By E. A. Davis

Mostly you love them and you cherish their milestones but occasionally you do want to tape them to a chair. That would be child abuse, DO NOT TAPE YOUR CHILDREN TO CHAIRS. If you want to tape your baby dolls to chairs, be my guest. I am fairly certain that there isn't like a Cabbage Patch CPS. — E. A. Davis