Famous Quotes & Sayings

Available For Rent Quotes & Sayings

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Top Available For Rent Quotes

Available For Rent Quotes By Sinclair Lewis

Don't be a writer. Writing is an escape from something. You be a scientist. — Sinclair Lewis

Available For Rent Quotes By Paul Samuelson

Our ideal society finds it essential to put a rent on land as a way of maximizing the total consumption available to the society ... Pure land rent is in the nature of a 'surplus' which can be taxed heavily without distorting production incentives or efficiency. A land value tax can be called 'the useful tax on measured land surplus'. — Paul Samuelson

Available For Rent Quotes By Lissa Price

Take your pick. Be Somebody ... else. — Lissa Price

Available For Rent Quotes By Sherwood Smith

The more one has, the less one desires. — Sherwood Smith

Available For Rent Quotes By Martin Adams

Since people can only be paid for their goods and services or extract rent from society, less income is available to service the payment of goods and services when proportionally more income is used to pay monopolized rent for land. Essentially, whenever property owners collect rent from rising land values, fewer financial resources are left over for wages and capital investments, and this dynamic can effectively put society on the fast track toward social decline and wealth inequality. — Martin Adams

Available For Rent Quotes By Trevor Baylis

The notion that inventors are anorak-wearing crackpots with glasses held together with Sellotape is beguiling but wrong. — Trevor Baylis

Available For Rent Quotes By Thomas Sowell

Sellers in general maintain the quality of their products and services for fear of losing customers otherwise. But, when price controls create a situation where the amount demanded is greater than the amount supplied - a shortage - fear of losing customers is no longer as strong an incentive. For example, landlords typically reduce painting and repairs when there is rent control, because there is no need to fear vacancies when there are more tenants looking for apartments than there are apartments available. — Thomas Sowell

Available For Rent Quotes By AraabMuzik

I don't just strictly sample. I build. I'm a musician: I play piano and drums, I read notes, I write music. — AraabMuzik

Available For Rent Quotes By Ben Foster

Every job is a blessing. Everyone has to take into account what is available. Are you paying rent, who do you get to work with? There are a lot of variables in the job. What I'm drawn to is things that I don't completely understand maybe, and want to get a better feel for it. — Ben Foster

Available For Rent Quotes By Dave Barry

I did all this stuff that was illegal when I was a kid. I drank beer when I was 15. I smoked cigarettes when I was 13. I drove to New York City when I was 14 - don't tell my son. Those things were against the law, but I did them anyway. I didn't become a heroin addict, although I probably could have gotten heroin somehow. I don't think my son would buy heroin at any price. He knows what it is, and he knows how stupid it is. — Dave Barry

Available For Rent Quotes By Shannon A. Thompson

Love crosses the sky on a peculiar disturbing night. — Shannon A. Thompson

Available For Rent Quotes By Benjamin Disraeli

I am prepared for the worst, but hope for the best. — Benjamin Disraeli

Available For Rent Quotes By Bob Wooler

We didn't have a strong drug scene by any means. Originally, it was just purple hearts, amphetamines, speed or whatever you want to call it. When The Beatles went down south, they sometimes brought back cannabis and gradually the drug scene developed in Liverpool. — Bob Wooler

Available For Rent Quotes By Pierce Brown

So what? We're supposed to whip Titus? Kill him? That would be Law." "Would it? Or would it just be vengeance?" "You're the poet. You figure it out." I kick a stone off the ramparts. — Pierce Brown

Available For Rent Quotes By Joe Hill

All those tattoos. A woman could get any tattoo she liked, but they all said the same thing. They were a sign reading AVAILABLE FOR RENT. — Joe Hill

Available For Rent Quotes By Zakk Wylde

Live, it's just the free flow and the energy and the excitement. It's a one-off and you have that adrenaline for an hour and a half. — Zakk Wylde

Available For Rent Quotes By Anonymous

ye who deals with death, should be smiling, — Anonymous

Available For Rent Quotes By Bruce Sterling

Cyberspace is the funhouse mirror of our own society. — Bruce Sterling

Available For Rent Quotes By Frank E. Peretti

In Washington, D.C., far from the Capitol dome, was an old redbrick office building with office space and apartments available for rent. On the fifth floor, at the end of a narrow hall with a noisy steam radiator, was a plain little office with its title painted in small black letters on the door: The Veritas Project. Just inside that door, Consuela, the secretary, sorted through conventional mail at her desk. Seated at a computer nearby, Carrie, the assistant, scanned through e-mails from all around the country. Between their two workstations was another door, and beyond that door was the cluttered office of Mr. Morgan, the boss. Mr. — Frank E. Peretti

Available For Rent Quotes By Bela Lugosi

It took me years to live down Dracula and convince the film producers that I would play almost any other type of role. — Bela Lugosi