Famous Quotes & Sayings

Armisen Saturday Quotes & Sayings

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Top Armisen Saturday Quotes

Armisen Saturday Quotes By Fred Armisen

I came away from 'Saturday Night Live' feeling very well represented. I felt, and I still feel like, they let me do so much stuff that I wanted to do. Stuff that I almost didn't even know what it was. — Fred Armisen

Armisen Saturday Quotes By Max Lerner

To create what it does, Hollywood has to draw young people, often of unstable temperment, from all over the world. It plunges them into exacting work
surrounds them with a sensuous life
and cuts them off from the normal sources of living. — Max Lerner

Armisen Saturday Quotes By Randy Alcorn

When you pretend you don't feel hurt or angry or devastated, you're not fooling God. Be honest! Don't misunderstand; I am not encouraging you to be angry at God or to blame him. He deserves no blame. Rather, I am encouraging you to honestly confess to God your feelings of hurt, resentment, and anger. Often we look at suffering from our perspective and forget that God sees from another vantage point. — Randy Alcorn

Armisen Saturday Quotes By Dianne Sylvan

It's okay. I'm just in a weird mood. Have you ever had a feeling like something was about to happen?"
"Of course," Kat replied. "It's called PMS. — Dianne Sylvan

Armisen Saturday Quotes By Rob Bell

If there's any place where you would express your deepest doubts, it would be church. — Rob Bell

Armisen Saturday Quotes By Gordon Willis

The thing about film is that your eye is selective. Film isn't. You have to make film do what you want. Simply photographing something doesn't do it. You have to know how to apply light and know what it does on film. — Gordon Willis

Armisen Saturday Quotes By Frederick Lenz

Meditation is a refocusing on symbols. It's not emptiness. We are using symbols, doorways to step from one world to another, from darkness into light, from death to immortality. — Frederick Lenz

Armisen Saturday Quotes By Anita Brookner

That instant proved to me that it was not the first, almost unemotional, sighting of a potential lover that was significant, but the second, the moment not of recognition but of confirmation, so that every other consideration is irrelevant, as if it might have mattered at some point in the past but no longer had any currency in the charged wordless exchange that seals the matter for ever, regardless of the dangers thus incurred and whatever the cost. — Anita Brookner

Armisen Saturday Quotes By Thelonious Monk

At this time the fashion is to bring something to jazz that I reject. They speak of freedom. But one has no right, under pretext of freeing yourself, to be illogical and incoherent by getting rid of structure and simply piling a lot of notes one on top of the other. There's no beat anymore. You can't keep time with your foot. I believe that what is happening to jazz with people like Ornette Coleman, for instance, is bad. There's a new idea that consists in destroying everything and find what's shocking and unexpected; whereas jazz must first of all tell a story that anyone can understand. — Thelonious Monk

Armisen Saturday Quotes By Chelsea Clinton

My most important identity now is as a mother. — Chelsea Clinton

Armisen Saturday Quotes By Azim Premji

You cannot have a society where you spend more than you earn. I mean, it's just fundamentally not viable in the long run. — Azim Premji

Armisen Saturday Quotes By Billy Bob Thornton

Basically there are no stars anymore. The audience is the star. — Billy Bob Thornton

Armisen Saturday Quotes By Fred Armisen

I love 'Saturday Night Live,' and I really feel like people who have left before me have always stayed with the show. They never really quite left, which is nice. Everyone kind of stays close. — Fred Armisen

Armisen Saturday Quotes By Kenneth Oppel

Why do you need to fly so much?" she asked.
"If I don't, it'll catch up with me." The words just came out.
"What will?"
I took my hands from my face, panting. I stared out at the storm.
"Unhappiness. — Kenneth Oppel

Armisen Saturday Quotes By Jim Brickman

You are the love of my life, and I'm so glad you found me ... — Jim Brickman

Armisen Saturday Quotes By Cat Stevens

Positive thoughts and prayer have been the best means available, since the beginning of time, to transform darkness to light. — Cat Stevens

Armisen Saturday Quotes By Poppet

She shakes her head, fisting hands into my t-shirt and sobbing into my neck. And all I can think about is how good this feels — Poppet

Armisen Saturday Quotes By Fred Armisen

I tend to think that there is a sophistication to everything at 'Saturday Night Live,' including the sketches. — Fred Armisen

Armisen Saturday Quotes By Fred Armisen

I enjoy getting to work on 'Saturday Night Live', where I get to do people like David Paterson. And then, its like a different muscle to do someone like a bicycle guy on' Portlandia'. — Fred Armisen