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Aristotle Political Philosophy Quotes & Sayings

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Top Aristotle Political Philosophy Quotes

Aristotle Political Philosophy Quotes By Aristotle.

The Ethics of Aristotle is one half of a single treatise of which his Politics is the other half. Both deal with one and the same subject. This subject is what Aristotle calls in one place the "philosophy of human affairs;" but more frequently Political or Social Science. — Aristotle.

Aristotle Political Philosophy Quotes By Aristotle.

Hence a young man is not a proper hearer of lectures on political science; for he is inexperienced in the actions that occur in life, but its discussions start from these and are about these; and, further, since he tends to follow his passions, his study will be vain and unprofitable, because the end aimed at is not knowledge but action. And it makes no difference whether he is young in years or youthful in character; the defect does not depend on time, but on his living, and pursuing each successive object, as passion directs. For to such persons, as to the incontinent, knowledge brings no profit; but to those who desire and act in accordance with a rational principle knowledge about such matters will be of great benefit. — Aristotle.

Aristotle Political Philosophy Quotes By Aristotle.

The only stable state is the one in which all men are equal before the law. — Aristotle.

Aristotle Political Philosophy Quotes By Aristotle.

One should not study what is best, but also what is possible, and similarly what is easier and more attainable by all. — Aristotle.

Aristotle Political Philosophy Quotes By Jules Evans

For Aristotle, friendship in its highest form has a political or civic dimension. We love our friends not just because we like each other or are useful to each other, but because we share the same values and ideals for our society, and come together to advance those ideals. — Jules Evans