Famous Quotes & Sayings

Arabic Love Quotes & Sayings

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Top Arabic Love Quotes

Arabic Love Quotes By Ahmed Deedat

Language is the key to the heart of people. — Ahmed Deedat

Arabic Love Quotes By Rumi

Speak any language, Turkish, Greek, Persian, Arabic, but always speak with love — Rumi

Arabic Love Quotes By Najwan Darwish

Armenian Cognac

A bottle of cognac from Yerevan
is on my kitchen table
as closed as that history
and as silent
If I broke it down I'd lose a hundred years
of love
and if I opened it the ancestors
hanging here in black and white
would come down from the walls
to have a glass with me
I know a history that's been forgotten
and I know why that bottle of cognac
stands with such singular pride....

If I broke it now I'd lose a hundred years
of my people's history — Najwan Darwish

Arabic Love Quotes By Michael Muhammad Knight

I'm a spiritual person, she said. I believe in Allah, you know, though I don't always call It 'Allah' and I pray the way I want to pray. Sometimes I just look out at the stars and this love-fear thing comes over me, you know? And sometimes I might sit in a Christian church listening to them talk about Isa with a book of Hafiz in my hands instead of the hymnal. And you know what, Yusef? Sometimes, every once in a while, I get out my old rug and I pray like Muhammad prayed. I never learned the shit in Arabic and my knees are uncovered, but if Allah has a problem with that then what kind of Allah do we believe in? — Michael Muhammad Knight

Arabic Love Quotes By V.S. Carnes

Southern gentleman," he said aside to him in Arabic. "Do you wish for me to continue this for you?"
Caine's temper shifted to a low simmer in his chest. "Your way takes too long."
"Ma'aleyk, and your way hurts my ears," he argued. — V.S. Carnes

Arabic Love Quotes By Wadah Khanfar

The international media concentrates on the famous, the big names. Al Jazeera goes to the margins, investigates stories that are still developing and in the future become very big. Why did the Arabic world love Al Jazeera? Everybody felt he was represented in the newsroom and on the screen. That kind of belonging is ours. — Wadah Khanfar

Arabic Love Quotes By J.C. Ryan

screen filled with symbols, only this time it was Arabic letters that meant nothing to him. He assumed they meant nothing to Raj as well, and was therefore surprised when Raj pointed out a short sequence. "This is the word for 'person' or 'human being'." Daniel stared at Raj. "You know Arabic?" "No, not really. I have read Nizar Qabbani in translation, and this word is a particularly beautiful shape, is it not?" "Still waters run deep, Raj. So you read Arabic love poetry. I wouldn't have ever guessed." Raj blushed. "Sushma is more woman than I can handle without help," he admitted. "Qabbani writes more than just love poetry. It is quite erotic. — J.C. Ryan

Arabic Love Quotes By Lorrie Moore

And though he continued never to express a single word of love for me, not in any way of his several languages, I could not take a hint. Let the hint be written across the heavens in skywriting done by several planes - I was dense. Even skywriting, well, it wasn't always certain: it might not cover the whole entire sky, or some breeze might smudge it, so who could really say for sure what it said? Even skywriting wouldn't have worked! Several years later, I would wonder why I had thought my feelings for this man were anything but a raw, thrilling, vigilant infatuation. But I still had called them love. I was in love. I had learned the Portuguese and the Arabic for love, but all for naught. — Lorrie Moore

Arabic Love Quotes By Alain De Botton

There is an Arabic saying that the soul travels at the pace of a camel. While most of us are led by the strict demands of timetables and diaries, our soul, the seat of the heart, trails nostalgically behind, burdened by the weight of memory. If every love affair adds a certain weight to the camel's load, then we can expect the soul to slow according to the significance of love's burden. — Alain De Botton

Arabic Love Quotes By Ghada Samman

I spend my night writing you love letters;The eraser
Then spend my day
Erasing each, word by word.
Your eyes are my golden compasses;
They point me toward the sea of separation!

(translated from the Arabic by Sivar Qazaz) — Ghada Samman

Arabic Love Quotes By Kai Bird

I love the Middle East. My earliest childhood memories are of Jerusalem. I love the colors and smells and cadence of Arabic spoken in the streets of Cairo or Beirut. I also love the modernity and verve of Tel Aviv. — Kai Bird

Arabic Love Quotes By Hunter S. Thompson

Walk tall, kick ass, learn to speak Arabic, love music and never forget you come from a long line of truth seekers, lovers and warriors. — Hunter S. Thompson

Arabic Love Quotes By Rumi

There is a rational soul leading
your donkey through the mountain wilderness. When the donkey pulls away and takes off
on its own, that clear one chases, calling, "This place is full of wolves
who would love to gnaw your bones and suck the sweet marrow." This sovereign
self in you is not a donkey, but more like a stallion, and Muhammad is the stable keeper
speaking quietly, Ta'alaw, in Arabic, Come, come. I am your trainer. — Rumi

Arabic Love Quotes By Shereen El Feki

Growing up, I came to love Egypt and respect Islam, but I never thought to go beyond the surface. Back in Canada, many of my father's Egyptian friends questioned his decision not to raise his only child more strictly in the faith. I was not taught salat, the Muslim ritual of prayer, nor did I study Arabic. — Shereen El Feki