Famous Quotes & Sayings

Am An Independent Woman Quotes & Sayings

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Top Am An Independent Woman Quotes

Am An Independent Woman Quotes By Lexi Blake

There was a snort, and then his brother's sarcasm came spilling out. It can be your eHarmony ad, bro. Wanted: smart, independent woman to play at D/s. Must like handcuffs, spankings, and anal sex. — Lexi Blake

Am An Independent Woman Quotes By Diane Von Furstenberg

The more independent you want to be, the more generous you must be with yourself as a woman. — Diane Von Furstenberg

Am An Independent Woman Quotes By Gerry Spence

The new and most powerful union of all will be a union of one one man, one woman, one worker with special skills, an inquiring mind, and an independent attitude, his creativity intact, his love of life blooming. The union of one will be peopled by one man or one woman who is alive . Such a person is always sought by the intelligent manager. — Gerry Spence

Am An Independent Woman Quotes By Eva Mendes

I'm a modern woman in the sense of I take care of myself, I'm fiercely independent, and I'm really ambitious. Yet I have these old-school thoughts in my mind. — Eva Mendes

Am An Independent Woman Quotes By Nikki Rowe

The world is a big place for a little heart like mine, I have kept it locked away until I meet warrior that tames my wild. — Nikki Rowe

Am An Independent Woman Quotes By Mary Pipher

Adolescent girls discover that it is impossible to be both feminine and adult. Psychologist I. K. Broverman's now classic study documents this impossibility. Male and female participants in the study checked off adjectives describing the characteristics of healthy men, healthy women and healthy adults. The results showed that while people describe healthy men and healthy adults as having the same qualities, they describe healthy women as having quite different qualities than healthy adults. For example, healthy women were described as passive, dependent and illogical, while healthy adults were active, independent and logical. In fact, it was impossible to score as both a healthy adult and a healthy woman. — Mary Pipher

Am An Independent Woman Quotes By Geena Davis

As an Independent, she has no party backing ... Her being the first Independent president trumps the fact that she's a woman. It causes even more upheaval in Washington than her being female. — Geena Davis

Am An Independent Woman Quotes By Kat Graham

I have more of a desire to write songs about being an independent woman than being in love, songs about getting up and moving on even if I have a broken heart. — Kat Graham

Am An Independent Woman Quotes By Candace Bushnell

We're comfortable with movie stars having money. We're comfortable with a woman marrying a rich guy and having money. We're not so comfortable with a woman independently working in business and making a lot of money. — Candace Bushnell

Am An Independent Woman Quotes By Joseph P. Bradley

The civil law, as well as nature herself, has always recognized a wide difference in the respective spheres and destinies of man and woman. Man is, or should be, woman's protector and defender ... The constitution of the family organization, which is founded in the divine ordinance, as well as in the nature of things, indicates the domestic sphere as that which properly belongs to the domain and functions of womanhood. The harmony, not to say identity, of interests and views which belong, or should belong, to the family institution is repugnant to the idea of a woman adopting a distinct and independent career from that of her husband ... The paramount destiny and mission of women are to fulfil the noble and benign offices of wife and mother. This is the law of the Creator. 1872 — Joseph P. Bradley

Am An Independent Woman Quotes By Amanda Fuller

As I have gotten older, I am more of an independent woman, and my mom and I have our own lives, but we are still best friends and can be there for each other. — Amanda Fuller

Am An Independent Woman Quotes By Diane Von Furstenberg

I was a very young girl and I got into fashion very much by accident, wanting to be independent. What was wonderful was that while I was learning and discovering - learning about the work, discovering myself as a woman - I was allowing other women to feel the same way. — Diane Von Furstenberg

Am An Independent Woman Quotes By Benazir Bhutto

Bhutto represents everything the fundamentalists hate - a powerful, highly-educated woman operating in a man's world, seemingly unafraid to voice her independent views and, indeed, seemingly unafraid of anything, including the very real possibility that one day someone might succeed in killing her because of who she is. — Benazir Bhutto

Am An Independent Woman Quotes By Doris Meyer

And thus woman has been definitely established as the Other. Western mythology itself was a patriarchal construct; through its portrayal of woman as the ambivalent projection of man's fears and desires, not as her own independent self, mythology translates the message that woman must respect a 'natural order of things' or risk responsibility for human chaos and destruction. — Doris Meyer

Am An Independent Woman Quotes By Allan Dare Pearce

I am an educated black woman in a time when educated black people will be called upon to risk everything for the rights of black people everywhere. — Allan Dare Pearce

Am An Independent Woman Quotes By Betty Ford

I have an independent streak. You know, it's kind of hard to tell a independent woman what to do. — Betty Ford