Famous Quotes & Sayings

All The Stars Denied Quotes & Sayings

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Top All The Stars Denied Quotes

All The Stars Denied Quotes By Garth Nix

For everyone and everything, there is a time to die. Some do not know it, or would delay it, but its truth cannot be denied. Not when you look into the stars of the ninth gate. — Garth Nix

All The Stars Denied Quotes By Elizabeth Gilbert

Silence and solitude are universally recognized spiritual practices, and there are good reasons for this. Learning how to discipline your speech is a way of preventing your energies from spilling out of you through the rupture of your mouth, exhausting you and filling the world with words, words, words instead of serenity, peace and bliss. — Elizabeth Gilbert

All The Stars Denied Quotes By Richard Dahlstrom

But what we did yesterday isn't ever really the point or the question.The question is, are you open, by virtue of your relationship with this new Lover of yours, to being challenged in new ways, invited in new ways, to participate in what God is doing? The overwhelming testimony of the Bible is that too many finish growing long before they have finished living, and so they complete their days sitting on their assets. That's hardly the abundant life that Jesus came to give. — Richard Dahlstrom

All The Stars Denied Quotes By Albert Einstein

[I] must seek in the stars that which was denied [to me] on earth. — Albert Einstein

All The Stars Denied Quotes By Ovid

Although the gods were in the distant skies,
Pythagoras drew near them with his mind;
what nature had denied to human sight,
he saw with his intellect, his mental eye.
When he, with reason and tenacious care,
had probed all things, he taught-- to those who gathered
in silence and amazement-- what he'd learned
of the beginnings of the universe,
of what caused things to happen, and what is
their nature: what god is, whence come the snows,
what is the origin of lightning bolts--
whether it is the thundering winds or Jove
that cleave the cloudbanks-- and what is the cause
of earthquakes, and what laws control the course
of stars: in sum, whatever had been hid,
Pythagoras revealed. — Ovid

All The Stars Denied Quotes By Mahatma Gandhi

But the fact that I had learnt to be tolerant to other religions did not mean that I had any living faith in God. — Mahatma Gandhi

All The Stars Denied Quotes By Francis De Sales

If, when stung by slander or ill-nature, we wax proud and swell with anger, it is a proof that our gentleness and humility are unreal, and mere artificial show. — Francis De Sales

All The Stars Denied Quotes By Stasia Ward Kehoe

The tips of my overgrown bangs
dip into the wet of my tears.
My fingers, forehead, moisten with sweat.
I fight the slipperiness, press the valves firmly,
play the love, the hate,
the misery, the hope,
the freedom that I wanted, never wanted, can't have;
that doesn't exist. — Stasia Ward Kehoe

All The Stars Denied Quotes By Anthony Lawlor

We are all pilgrims on an elusive and endless road ... Despite our attempts to build lives on stone foundations, our spirits continuously flow. Endless streams of consciousness ripple through our minds. — Anthony Lawlor

All The Stars Denied Quotes By John Adams

Let them revere nothing but religion, morality and liberty. — John Adams

All The Stars Denied Quotes By Jason E. Hodges

Humans have the ability to rewrite history. Within a few decades it is not even questioned. Stories of the past become as real as the world you walk through today. Wars are waged over false history. Sins are denied. All for mankind to move forward and feel comfortable about its past. Your true history is written in the stars. Look up, breathe in, and be humbled by the ones who came before you. The ones who have suffered, who have endured, who have overcome. Their blood is alive in you. Their spirits roam freely in the heavens above. — Jason E. Hodges

All The Stars Denied Quotes By Ingrid Schaffner

... suffice to say, joy is where you find it- usually on the shelf right next to sadness. — Ingrid Schaffner

All The Stars Denied Quotes By Matshona Dhliwayo

One day in light is better than a thousand days in darkness. — Matshona Dhliwayo

All The Stars Denied Quotes By Ryan Tedder

Oh, got no reason, got not shame
Got no family I can blame
Just don't let me disappear
I'mma tell you everything — Ryan Tedder

All The Stars Denied Quotes By Adam Rayner

If somebody knew every time they did something it was going to be a hit there would never be any failures. Sadly, that's not how it works. You take nothing for granted. — Adam Rayner

All The Stars Denied Quotes By Mehmet Murat Ildan

The footprints of a free-minded man are always towards the forward direction. — Mehmet Murat Ildan

All The Stars Denied Quotes By George F. Will

There are no final words in science. But there you have the deeply anti-scientific temper of the global warming advocacy groups: Final words. — George F. Will

All The Stars Denied Quotes By Gwen Ifill

I'm not really good at being predictive, so I guess I'm willing to be surprised. — Gwen Ifill

All The Stars Denied Quotes By Susan Dexter

All this blackness was within him, but that was where it really mattered. It was night without moon or stars, it was a doorless pit in the earth's bowels, it was forever. He felt black ice growing, blooming in his veins. One last sharp feeling was left to him
the bitter taste of failure. Then that went too. All was nothing.
Cold and everlasting night, and an everlasting laughter that was older and colder than the stars he would never see again. His heart squirmed wildly in his chest, seeking an escape that was denied it. Laughter like a glacier came again, rolling and crushing all else before it.
A bird sang. — Susan Dexter