Famous Quotes & Sayings

William Sanderson Quotes & Sayings

Enjoy the top 25 famous quotes, sayings and quotations by William Sanderson.

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Famous Quotes By William Sanderson

William Sanderson Quotes 1753969

I've been kinda fascinated by misfits, outcasts, and downtrodden people. I've identified with them. 'Blade Runner' probably got me more work than any. It convinced some producers that I could play something other than a rural crazy, I guess. — William Sanderson

William Sanderson Quotes 2271520

When I was in the Army, I read a book by Adlai Stevenson. He said law was as noble as saving a person's life. So at one point, I felt that way too. — William Sanderson

William Sanderson Quotes 985807

I consider it probably one of the biggest honors to be in the Academy. There are only like 1300 actors in it, and as far as I know, you're a member for life. To this day, I'm wondering how lucky I was. — William Sanderson

William Sanderson Quotes 688337

It's hard to watch something you've done many years ago. — William Sanderson

William Sanderson Quotes 1236423

As a youngster, I had friends who became lawyers and doctors, and I was as idealistic as anybody. When I was in the Army, I read a book by Adlai Stevenson. He said law was as noble as saving a person's life. So at one point, I felt that way, too. But after a while, I said, 'Let me just finish the degree. I'm getting the G.I. Bill.' — William Sanderson

William Sanderson Quotes 2159466

I'm probably the most pessimistic actor I know. I'm always sure I'll never work again. — William Sanderson

William Sanderson Quotes 2080094

I'm not known for my intellectual range and tricks have been played on me. — William Sanderson

William Sanderson Quotes 1836793

In Montana, when we did 'Return to Lonesome Dove', we rode on the side of a hill at night in the dark; I was afraid my horse would step on one of the actors playing dead. The director said to leave it to the stunt doubles since they got paid for that. — William Sanderson

William Sanderson Quotes 1789306

I've said maybe too many times that I'd rather be typecast than not cast at all. — William Sanderson

William Sanderson Quotes 1782451

I love the word 'resonance.' — William Sanderson

William Sanderson Quotes 1772845

You can't go over every beat, every second, and worry about how you can do it better - it'll eat you alive. — William Sanderson

William Sanderson Quotes 1763380

I kinda like where I am. If I'm recognized all the time, I have to leave better tips in restaurants. — William Sanderson

William Sanderson Quotes 1740960

I hope to outlive my enemies. — William Sanderson

William Sanderson Quotes 1701002

When you play so many outcasts and derelicts, or even a murderer, you need to play someone healthy. — William Sanderson

William Sanderson Quotes 1458821

One night I saw Jerry Lee, Johnny Cash, Carl Perkins, and Elvis for a dollar, if you believe that, in an open-air concert. Presley, I got to meet and go into his house and so forth. My wife says I should quit tellin' that story, 'cause they'll know how old I am. — William Sanderson

William Sanderson Quotes 80448

The only consistent hobby I've had is studying Spanish and French because of some delusion of grandeur to work around the world. I love sports but usually I'm looking for the next job. — William Sanderson

William Sanderson Quotes 1105797

One of the joys about acting is researching. — William Sanderson

William Sanderson Quotes 983612

The best came from my martial arts teacher, who also taught Elvis. He said, 'Your ego will get you killed.' — William Sanderson

William Sanderson Quotes 914639

'Newhart' ran the longest, and it was great to have a regular role, but I run into a lot of film fans, and they ask me about 'Blade Runner.' I was grateful to be a part of that. — William Sanderson

William Sanderson Quotes 842549

I like Edward G. Robinson - he started as a character actor and became a lead, which is probably why I like him. — William Sanderson

William Sanderson Quotes 776628

My first western was 'Death Hunt' with Charles Bronson and Lee Marvin; that was where I learned to ride. The movie was based on a true story about a guy that eluded the Mounties in Canada. We were in Canada for six weeks riding horses. — William Sanderson

William Sanderson Quotes 524834

It's easier to play quirky characters and hide behind wardrobe and make-up, especially. — William Sanderson

William Sanderson Quotes 369566

I'm a journeyman actor, and I don't ever want to forget that. With romantic-lead dreams. — William Sanderson

William Sanderson Quotes 185811

Once I was in my last year of law school, I started doing plays, as I said, without taking the bar. And I got hooked. I did a play called 'Marat/Sade', and I never had so much fun in my life. — William Sanderson

William Sanderson Quotes 130978

Someone once said that Sci Fi was the modern Western. What's my favorite? Well, anything that needs a misfit. I don't have a real favorite. My dream is to play something different. — William Sanderson