Tatyana K. Varenko Quotes & Sayings
Enjoy the top 14 famous quotes, sayings and quotations by Tatyana K. Varenko.
Famous Quotes By Tatyana K. Varenko

You are my life, my very essence,
You are the air that I breathe,
You are the key to my repentance
Which I confess is not a breeze! — Tatyana K. Varenko

Life's just a sacrifice, a ransom
We pay to Death for Love to save,
Which turns to be as great as handsome
To get a blessing from the grave. — Tatyana K. Varenko

To be a joke, it was too cruel;
But to be true, it was absurd ...
My mind seemed to have got the fuel
It needed to become alert. — Tatyana K. Varenko

Your destiny, forever kindred,
United you in life and death
Despite the origins that hindered
You from your loving in good faith. — Tatyana K. Varenko

I didn't say a word but stared
At Derek, still a little hazed.
He stared back, uncertain, scared,
Still unbelieving and amazed. — Tatyana K. Varenko

We cannot live to be together
Forever doomed to love and death,
The latter bringing us together
Claiming from life the final breath!
So we shall love in death forever,
Evicted as we are from life,
As long as living shall be never
Successful in the love-long strife! — Tatyana K. Varenko

I mostly lived in my dimension
Built up of fantasies and dreams,
Hardly a seeker of attention,
Yet, I preferred to act on whims. — Tatyana K. Varenko

Disarmed, defeated but elated,
I knew at once you were the one.
That meeting was, no doubt fated.
You are my own midnight sun. — Tatyana K. Varenko

I raised my eyes to meet his gazing
And whispered to him, "I LOVE YOU!"
He looked so utterly amazing,
Divinely handsome, to be true. — Tatyana K. Varenko

This monotonous world around
Seems boring, colorless, and dull.
I just existed till I found
You in my life which was banal. — Tatyana K. Varenko

No matter what abyss was gaping
Between the worlds that we belonged,
Love was a realm of an escaping
Deprived of any right or wrong. — Tatyana K. Varenko

... You proved to value love and care
Over the riches of your world
Despite your haughtiness, so rare,
And cruelty and blood, so cold. ...
... And you have shown
Your love for him deserves to be
And we return you to your throne,
Vampire Queen you used to be. ... — Tatyana K. Varenko

Now we are creatures of the darkness
Blessed with eternal love to last!
The knowing dawned on me with sharpness
Enhanced by glimpses of the past. — Tatyana K. Varenko